All Board Meeting Minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.
July 9 2024 library minutes
Attendance- Donna, Joan, Ed, Trish, Ben A, Gail, Bob, Cabot
Elijah and Marge were unable to attend via zoom because of technical difficulties.
Minutes- reviewed. Move to accept by Ed; seconded by Ben. All in favor
Treasurer report- reviewed. no questions- Joan moved to accept report; Bob seconded. All in favor
Stats- reviewed- children’s books up! Yeah! Audio books - remove from collection? Discussion was held. Various points brought forward. We Will discuss again next month.
Calendar - Joan.
IT - Roku stats; # 1 was taken out 4 times; #2 taken out 3. Discussion about whether they’re being used enough to warrant expense. General consensus is that they’re not going out enough. Joan move to end ROKU trial. Seconded by Bob. All in favor.
Communication- committee is establishing a new date for tech open house day.
Fundraising - street dance/dinner. August 3, 2024! List of Ingredients needed is out on desk. Marge is getting gift certificates. S’mores? Yes. Ice cream bars from pierces.? If possible. Watermelon? Yes. Mac n cheese for children? Yes. Rice? Yes. Crock pots needed. Workers needed for prep at 3 on day of event. Book sale date set - September 21 - will run for 2weeks.
Children’s- Trish talked with Licia Gambino. She would like to do a children’s music class on Saturday mornings in August and/or September. Located at the library with no charge to participants. Joan moved accept this proposed program; Bob seconded. All in favor. Trish asked if it was OK with board if she put paper and crayons on red table for children visiting library to use as they wish. Board approved.
YA committee- Cabot - still no response from Lt Governor.
Program committee- Becky Bates has approached Trish and Joan about doing program on Israel and Palestine activists that she met with during her recent trip to Israel. This talk will not be politicized. Just opinions. September 20 or 27 offered to her. Jon Clinch gathering was not very large. Those who attended thought the program was ok. Movie- George Woodward’s - The Summer of Walter Hacks was well attended. Regular programs are continuing as usual. Program pitch - a cranky show! Given by Gennarose Nethercott. The program committee look into doing it next year.
Building- Front door doesn’t latch. After discussion - Trish will reach out to Michelle regarding her husband taking a look at front door latch since he apparently helped with the back door.
Librarians report- we have noticed again about books not checked out. Please pay attention when you are staffing and doing a checkout- computer makes the appropriate beeps but books are not being recorded on computer screen. Can the library buy or find a walker with wheels/seat for use in library. Absolutely! Discussion occurred. No plan of action finalized. What to do with the Field books? On eBay someone was asking $800. Joan moved to put in collection. Cabot seconded. All in favor.
Co President- Stephen Krueger (librarian in Louisville Kentucky and son of Trish) sent info about tough topics for teens to research in the library. Could we make posters and possibly put this info on the back of some bookmarks? Joan moved to put posters up and make bookmarks as suggested. Gail seconded. All in favor. Stephen also wanted to know if someone would write a paragraph about our small library is doing to be inclusive to LGBTQIA+ community? Joan will do this. To make some room, can we take the boxes of magazines in biographical section to the dump for recycling or put in book sale? Yes. Follow up- Eclipse glasses did get mailed out.
It was mentioned that the State of Vermont just passed a law making book banning a much harder process!
Adjournment - at 8:06 motion to adjourn was made by Bob; seconded by Ben. All in favor.
June 11, 2024
Attendance- Donna,Trish, Gail, Dirk, Elijah, Ben, Michelle, Bob, Marge
On zoom - Joan, Cynthia
Minutes- reviewed. Moved to accept by Joan; seconded by Dirk. All in favor.
Treasurer report- reviewed. Elijah moved to accept report. seconded by Dirk. All in favor
Stats- Michelle question- adult/ children program or meetings line. Elijah was able to answer her question. Michelle will reach out to Lisa if she has any further questions.
Calendar - Dirk
IT committee- did not meet.
Communication- June event postponed. Rescheduled to September? Trying to confirm future date with committee members. More to come.
Also, they may have to refocus program towards who will be around in Sept.
Fundraising- street dance Aug 3rd. Going back to harvest dinner = Taco salad. Donna will ask usual suspects for their goods. She will put a List of needs on desk for everyone to sign up with what they can donate/do. Music is lined up. 5:30 dinner- 6:30 dance to start. Donna or Lisa will do add for The Shrewsbury Times and posters to hang around town.
Children- Nobody came to story hours. We may have to rethink this offering.
YA- next version of banned books will go up next month.
Program committee- on 6/22 Jon Clinch - Author of The General and Julia. Dirk talked with the Book Nook owners. They will bring copies of all of Jon Clinch’s books. Changes to programs- science book club now meeting at 7. Newest book - Most Delicious Poison. Report on Scott Garren eclipse program - people that came talked about where they were during the eclipse and what they experienced. Scott is planning to do AI program in October.
Building- lightbulb changer has arrived. Bob did the replacement of bulbs.
Librarians report- have ordered the Red Clover, Golden Dome and Green Mountain books for the 2024-2025 year. After being processed, They will be displayed on the red table for now. Adult 2023 books can now go onto the appropriate shelves. Working on reorganizing the Ben Perry room.
President- Trish cleaned out closet upstairs and found books. Do we want to put them in our collection? Or sell separately? Discussion occurred. Donna will check value and let us know next month.
Marge moved to adjourned. Elijah seconded. All in favor. Adjournment At 7:42.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
In person: Ed Sawyer, Donna Swartz, Bob Knudsen, Lisa Sharrow, Trish Krueger Norton
Via Zoom: Dirk Thomas, Joan Aleshire, Michelle Greene, Marge Benini
- Treasurer’s report discussed, reviewed.
- Discussion about postage fees from previous month held. Lisa informed us that postage is already covered via other budget items, so the previous month’s decision to pull funds from ILL reversed
- $500 donation to Ben Perry fund
- Furnace expense covered by Capital Fund
- Staffing Calendar: Lisa
- Nominating Committee reconstituted: Lisa and Trish to be replaced by Dirk and Ed
- Nominees to be presented at annual meeting
- IT Committee reports that Roku has been checked out 7 times, more formal stat keeping pending.
- Discussion about how long to continue the trial period
- Communications committee to meet April 16
- Children’s committee discussed story hours, Lisa to advertise as needed
- YA committee not present, no discussion held
- Program Committee discussion
- Jon Clinch reading on June 22 for “The General and Julia”
- Tim Stout to write a promo for the science club presentation on May 10
- Building committee discussion
- Furnace expected to be completed April 15
- Elevator battery has been fixed
- Bob to order light bulb changing extension device for Great Room and LED bulbs
- Annual Meeting scheduled for May 14, 2024
Attendance- in person - Ed, Bob, Elijah, Trish, Dirk, Gail ( Joan, Donna, Cynthia, Marge, Michelle on zoom)
Minutes - February- correct to Jon Clinch; Joan moved to approve with correction; Elijah seconded; all in favor.
Treasurer report- looked at email sent from Lisa. After review of report Motion made by Bob to move 50$ from ILL postage to regular postage seconded by Elijah with stipulation that we can move more later if needed. All in favor. Elijah moved to accept treasurer report. Dirk seconded. All in favor
Stats- reviewed. Patron count looks like it needs to be corrected. Gail Will talk with Lisa.
Calendar - Ed. Joan needs to be out for the next month. So please put a note with emails that Friday shifts will be open for a time.
IT- committee- Zoom is working! ROKU trial - One more month til trial period ends. Ed will bring number of checkouts for ROKU to next months meeting.
Communication- during their meeting it was concluded that the survey was useless. What else can they do? A Program showing the community what the library has to offer - ie. Technology options available thru library. open house? Ice cream was mentioned at their meeting. June 23 was proposed as a date? At 2? Date accepted by board. In the June times let’s put a list of technologies available.
Children’s- story hour - no one attended the first one in March. Set to try again in 2 weeks. Joan will ask Lisa to send a reminder to email list. Trish will but on sign. Trish is going to ask Sarah to reach out to school again.
YA- Cabot still working his contacts with LT Gov. for a possible visit. The Banned books display seems to be drawing attention. YA committee is loving the shelf they were given in the front to display some of the books.
Program - list received from Joan. Attached below. Cynthia or Michelle will share with conservation committee for conflicts.
Building committee- no issues known
Librarians report - Donna nothing new- keep reading shelves
Co- President- nothing
Adjournment - Elijah moved to adjourn; Bob seconded. Adjournment at 7:29
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Attendance- Lisa, Ed, Joan, Bob, Elijah, Gail, Sarah, Trish, Donna & Dirk via zoom, Cabot,
Minutes- moved to accept by Trish; Bob seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer report- any questions? None raised; motion to accept made by Elijah; Trish seconded. All in favor.
Stats- lots of people using listening up! Roku - 3 times so far. Snowshoes also doing great. Overdues not to bad.
Calendar - Trish
IT committee- Ed moved to have library get own zoom account for meetings. Elijah seconded. all in farvor. Lisa will move current zoom account from free to paid account. Roku - trial continues.
Communication committee - will meet later this month and bring findings to next trustee meeting.
Children- story hour (10:30-11:30) - March 9 & 23 Pam Grace will try these dates. Trish will put on sign outside. Sarah will contact school.
YA - any response from Lt. governor assistant? Per Cabot, not yet. Will try calling. Next banned book display will be …Historically most banned books. We have all of them.
Program- committee emailed around with ideas. Some of them are…Randell Barclay’s program about his travel (which was left over from last year.) Will reach out to him to see if he is still interested. Tim Stout - carbon credits/storage. Elijah - efforts to preserve bowman mansion. Ed is on this committee he will ask if they are interested in presenting a program at the library. Gardening round table? Scott Courcelle is doing 3 at SAGE so maybe we should take it off the list? Ryan & Kara ? Flood Mitigation- let’s wait to ask them about doing a program. Writers group - could do a reading if needed. Lindsay book publishing process? Sandy Bragg - island of Madeira- hiking trip? George Woodward? Earlier movie - Summer of Walter Hacks? Sandglass at school house was wonderful event last year. Could do again? John Finch- writer from Ludlow.
Program review-Sally’s program(s) were well attended. Famous & Science book groups are meeting as usual. Should we have Scott Garren do a follow up program after the eclipse? discussion occurred. Most agreed but not all.
Building- toilet issue - Lisa and her brother Pulled toilet and snaked it. It seems to be working OK now.
Co- President- nothing at this time from Lisa’; Joan, Do we want as a library to make a donation to a community theater play at Wallingford Library? Motion made by Ed to make a $50.00 donation to this play (with confirmation that we will be listed as a donor in program)6 in favor; 1 no and 1 abstained.
New business- Sarah would like to hold a coffee and donuts gather for the library volunteers. Donna - likes the idea of volunteer gathering but would add on educating/procedural review. After Donna returns, the details will be worked out. Also, Sarah would like a volunteer list put together and send to trustees. We already have this list- Lisa will send it out.
Adjournment- at 8:25 Ed moved to adjourn; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Jan 9, 2024
Attendance- Joan, Elijah, Cynthia, Lisa, Ed, Sarah, Dirk, Cabot, Bob, Michelle, Marge, Gail all on zoom.
I had trouble getting on Zoom….so I don’t know if minutes from November were approved ? Moved by and seconded?
When I got in…
Treasurer report - Discussion about proposed budget. After discussion, Elijah moved to accept budget; Dirk seconded. All in favor. Motion made by Elijah to ask town for level funding ($7500). Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Elijah has calendar.
IT committee- credit card entered on Roku and tested. No problems.
Per Sarah’s email of 1/9/24, Sarah has donated 2 additional ROKUS. We will have 2 with Disney and Netflix; and 1 with just Disney. Additionally Sarah found out that Some DVD’s can be added to Roku with code provided at purchase. As we purchase DVDS we’ll look into this. Sarah to meet with Lisa and Ed To finalize the ROKU and get it out for 3 month trial period.
Communication- survey beautifully done. Low response. Communication group wants to meet and go over findings then bring items to board at next meeting.
Fundraising committee- silent auction amount $4100.
Children’s story hour - Pam Grace would like to do story hour. Maybe Lindsay Courcelle as another reader. Will mention in Times to see if anyone else.
Banned books exhibit- went well first stage. Cabot is reaching out to Lt. Governor about his banned books tour.
Programs - Sally Deinzer program on films her father took about Antarctic exploration this Saturday afternoon 4-6 and the following week. Since our last meeting we have had…Joan reading from her new book; Scott Garren presentation on the upcoming solar eclipse. Also, Sally asked if Green Mountain Neighbors could use library to meet in Feb.? No issues with them using library. Program committee needs to meet for future ideas- Joan will send out email and they will try to meet by zoom before February trustee meeting.
Building- Tabita is now cleaning. She’ll determine how many times a month she needs
Donna left for Arizona today. Will be back on May 13.
Elijah moved to adjourn at 8:28; seconded by Lisa. all in favor.
Next meeting- Tuesday Feb. 13, 2024
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
No November , December 2023 meetings
Library minutes October 10, 2023
Attendance- Joan, Ed, Cynthia, Lisa, Gail, Dirk, Elijah, Bob, Donna, Marge, Sarah
Minutes - reviewed. Thanks to Trish for taking September minutes. Any questions? Motion to Approve made by Elijah; seconded by Bob. All in favor.
Treasurer report - reviewed. Lisa proposed to transfer $800 from fuel budget line to the children’s book line to cover purchase of tree book. Elijah moved to accept proposal; Ed seconded. All in favor. Bake sale made $721.
Stats see attached. Discussion about various items.
Calendar- Gail
IT- Roku sticks - Issue arose. Ed tried to test guest mode and is having issues. Delayed release because of new questions. Sarah will contact other libraries to ask how they are handling them.
Survey- reviewed. Hoping to get into November times. QR code and website to be looked into to see if they can be added.
Fundraising- Book sale going until 10/14. Discover Books Arriving 10/16 @ 9am. Discussion about which day will be packing day. Saturday 10/14 @1 was chosen. Silent auction? How are we feeling about doing it? After discussion, Elijah moved to have auction; Bob seconded. All in favor. Discussion of what’s been done in past. Everyone please bring a bottle of wine and crackers.
Shrewsbury day- thanks to everyone there! Lisa, the jeep looked great!
Children’s- Story hour - better attendance since switching to Saturday. Regrouping happening now - more info later when it can re-start.
Halloween party on 10/27 @ 5:30 to 7. Decorating starts at noon. Anyone available to help decorate- please come.
Banned books display is going up to tonight. Stage 1 = Washington Post article books. Stage 2 in a few months different books that have been banned in past. Later still hoping to get lieutenant governor to stop by.
Program- Sally Deinzer program on 11/18 about her father who was a radio operator and his adventure in going to the Arctic. Scott Garen program on 12/8 about ??? Joan on 10/21 Reading from her recently published book.
Writing group continues to meet. The Iliad is the current book for the new famous book club. Science book club to meet 10/22 - Krakatoa is that book. Lindsay Courcelle has a new book being published in Rutland. Would like to do a Book signing at the library. Date/time TBD.
Building committee- cleaner? Lisa has a lead. Will reach out when she can.
Librarian - continuing to work on labeling spines of books.
Co President- welcome back to Dirk. He will join program committee.
New business - none
Next meeting - November 14, 2023
Adjournment- moved to adjourn at 8:14 by Lisa; seconded by Dirk. All in favor
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Minutes September 12, 2023
Attending: Joan, Lisa, Cynthia, Elijah,, Bob, Donna, Ed, Michelle, Marge, Trish in person, and Sarah by ZOOM.
Minutes: Trish moved to accept, Bob seconded, all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish moved to accept, Elijah seconded, all in favor.
Statistics: For evening shifts, let’s try recording # of patron visits during the 7-8 and 8-9 PM time periods separately. Goal is to see if we should change hours.
Staffing Calendar: Michelle for October
Nominating Comm: Joan talked to Dirk. He would love to rejoin the Board. Lisa moved to accept, Marge seconded, all in favor.
IT Comm: Ed discussed issues of making Roku available to patrons. He volunteered to do the reset required every time a patron returns it, taking about 5 minutes to do remotely. He will also write up instructions for patrons borrowing it. Patrons are on their own for any other problems they have with it. Library will make it available for a trial period starting in November.
Communications Comm: Decision was made to send out the survey, and to make it optional to fill in your name.
Fund Raising Comm: Book and Bake Sale on 9/23. Will do set up of tables, etc., on Wed 9/20 at 2:30 PM. List of possible donors of bake goods will be on desk; staffers should call them when on duty. Lisa will advertise it through usual online avenues. Marge will staff the bake sale table.
Tree quilt raffle brought in $1835. Discussion to spend about half the proceeds for forestry education in honor of Gary Salmon. Trish proposed buying copies of a children’s tree guide to give one to every Shrewsbury Mountain School family, and has contacted the school for their input. Elijah moved to accept proposal, Bob seconded, all in favor.
Shrewsbury Day parade: Donna not available after all. Lisa will put signs on her jeep which will be in parade. Cabot will dress as Bilbo Baggins.
Children’s Comm: Story Hour has had poor attendance. Vicky Arthur would like them moved to Saturdays and has offered to do some readings. Marge will continue to do them on Fridays through end of September at least.
Donna and an interested group will work on plans for Halloween party.
Young Adult Comm: Elijah and Cabot have redecorated Young Adult area and weeded books. Plans for display of banned books include ordering more of books from Wash.Post list, and inviting David Zuckerman to include us on his banned books tour. Ed and Bob have suggestions for more titles to add in a few months.
Program Comm: Program on Vietnam Village had 25 attendees and great discussion. Several possible future programs include Sally Deinzer talking about her father’s trip to Antarctica with Admiral Byrd, and Scott Garren talking about the upcoming (4/4/24) total eclipse of the sun. Lisa has ordered special glasses for viewing it.
Building Comm: Cynthia pointed out we need to do more regular cleaning. Lisa will try to find someone to hire. Until then we should all do some when on duty.
Librarian’s Report: Donna reported that Susan and Fred are continuing to help put new labels on book bindings. She reminded staff to read shelves to correct mis-shelving of books.
Meeting adjourned at 8 PM
Submitted by Trish Norton, subbing for Gail
Library minutes August 8, 2023
Attendance- Joan, Trish, Cabot, Gail, Lisa, Bob, Elijah, Cynthia, Donna, Marge
Minutes- reviewed. Trish moved to accept as is. Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer report - reviewed. Elijah moved to accept as presented. Cabot seconded. All in favor
Stats- reviewed. Nice patron count! Discussion occurred about Audio books? What should we do with them? What about accessibility? No decision. Tabled for now.
Calendar- Marge
Nominating committee- Carrie Clancy is not going to come back. Joan will reach out to Dirk.
IT committee- roku test seems to be working. Cabot could not get in when Ed turned off guest option. When Ed gets back Lisa will talk with him about credit card. Bob now has Roku.
Communication committee- Michelle sent survey draft to Joan. Joan returned to Michelle with comments. They will review and present to board.
Fundraising - review of street dance and discussion regarding purpose of event. Consensus is to keep it as an event. It’s thought of as more of a community event than fundraiser. Book & bake sale Sept. 23. We will start accepting books Sept. 1. Put up sides of tent for donations to go directly to tent area.
Shrewsbury day - 9/17- Donna and car!
Children’s committee- Halloween helpers? Doris, Carol, Linda will help. Possibly Ann Marie. Elijah also. anyone done good citizens challenge? Only one person signed up. Marge has offered to read for story hours when she’s in town.
YA - still on going. Elijah reaching out to invite Lt. Governor David Zuckerman to library because of his banned book tour and the planned display at our library. Ed &Bob have provided additional book titles for this list.
Program- continuing as usual. Science had to skip July will meet in august. Stephen Abatiell- Vietnam Village presentation on Sept. 8. Trish to do sign
Building- storage shed had water on floor. Cynthia took items off of floor. Ann Marie also helped to clean shed.
Librarian report- Doris asked if enough money in Ben Perry fund to buy a small table & chair to replace set we use to have. Elijah moved for a table and 2 chairs to be purchased. Trish seconded. All in favor.
Bridge group asked to use upstairs meeting room. Starting maybe Monday 14. Monday from 10-12 and Tuesday evenings - except when meeting. Any charge? Not during library hours. Board approved.
Co President report- nothing to report tonight.
Adjournment- Elijah moved to adjourn. Cabot seconded. All in favor at 8:24.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Minutes July 18, 2023
Attendance- Joan, Ed, Marge, Cabot, Sarah, Gail, Cynthia, Michelle, Bob, Donna, Trish
Minutes - approved with typo correction of ideal to idea. Motion to approve by Sarah; seconded by Cabot. All in favor.
Treasurer report - reviewed. No questions. Motion to approved by Cabot; Ed seconded. All in favor
Stats - reviewed. June - not as busy with patrons but more books went out! Let’s ponder what to do about audio books. Currently there is not a lot of usage. Is it something we need to keep or remove? Let’s keep an eye on them.
Calendar- Joan
Nominating committee- nothing to report this month.
IT committee- streaming trial process is ongoing. Cabot has been challenged to break in to Ed’s account. He hasn’t been able to yet!! Question for Lisa - do you now have library credit card? Next meeting we will have final information on credit card & Roku adventure. Phone & internet currently down because of pole down from the storm. It’s being worked on.
Communication committee- met before this meeting to come up with second draft of survey. Update & edits will be done and sent to Joan for input then forwarded to everyone else.
Program- Street dance needs - List passed around. This list Will be kept on desk. Trish’s son-in-law will grill hot dogs for us again. Prep starts at 3:30. Anyone that can help, please come to meeting house at this time.
Children’s committee - Ice cream social was a great hit. 42 people in total. Mild interest in good citizens award. Paperwork for this is on table in library. First call for help with the Halloween event. No date set yet. Story hour… let’s put something in Times asking for helpers to read.
YA committee- next steps - waiting for decorations (poster & chair) to arrive for area. Much Interest in the banned books concept. Others have ideas on this and will bring them to Elijah.
Programs - writing group growing. Famous book club skipped this month but will meet next month. Science book - Owls of the Eastern Ice.
Tom Giffin Cemetery program postponed till this friday with Saturday being the scheduled cleaning day of tombstones at Laurel Glen.
Historical society- upcoming events- do we have space for their posters? We believe we do.
This Sunday afternoon 2-5 Farm Boy movie. Stephen Abatiell- involved in organization that deals with victims of Agent orange on 8.11.23@7.
Building- any issues. We survived the storm. Only shed had water in it. Will we need to organize a gathering to go through what needs to be tossed? TBD.
Puzzles- SLR wasn’t able to take many so we’ll leave them for the book sale. Book sale is Sept 23.
Donna review - how to check in and out since no internet. Check in keep on green cart. Check out instructions on clipboard on desk.
Co President- none
New business - small table in children’s area has gone back to its owner. Anyone have one to donate? Shrewsbury day - any interest in the library doing something? Discussion about dressing up in characters from various books. No determination made. It was brought to our attention that very few people are using the library during the night shift especially Tuesdays. Discussion occurred about re-arranging evening hours. 6-8 instead of 7-9? Winter time hours? More discussion needs to be done in future before anything will be changed.
Next meeting- August 8, 2023.
Adjournment- at 8:23 moved to adjourn by Sarah; seconded by Cynthia. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
June 13, 2023 minutes
Attendance - Joan, Michelle, Ed, Bob, Cynthia, Elijah, Gail, Trish, Marge, Cabot, Sarah
Minutes- reviewed. Elijah moved to accept with correction cookie to calendar under calendar person. Trish seconded. All in favor
Treasurer report - see attached. No oral report given. Elijah moved to accept written report. Cabot seconded. All in favor
Stats - steady. Children’s books seem to be going down. Could be seasonal. Listen up high in Feb and March. Cabot’s presentation had 20 people.
Calendar- Sarah
IT- Roku, Ed will give it to Cabot to test the security aspects. Staff computer wireless decided not work last week. A new device has been purchased to make it work with the computer. So it is now working wirelessly again.
Communication meeting - held off in meeting so all members can be in attendance. It will be happening shortly.
Raffle update - everything is looking fine. Street dance - haystack dinner is difficult to pull off. Would the board consider serving hot dogs again? Everyone in favor with dinner change.
Sandglass theatre July 1 at Russellville school house at 3. Indoors for performance outside for refreshments. Lemonade and brownies to be served. Brownies ordered from Button Hill Bakery. Kim from SLR will help with setup on July 1.
YA- completed reclassification of all books. A plan is in place for Redecorating the loft. A chair for the loft has been found on-line to be purchased. Future Display idea - most challenged books. 10 most challenged books from Washington Post. 9 out of the 10 are YA. We have 3 of them and will use budget to get remaining.
Writing group - small but mighty group continues to meet.
Children’s- need $ 50 for ice cream social Thursday. Outside 6-7. Marge did go to supermarkets to see if they could donate anything. Martha Sirjane brought the Good Citizens challenge to the committee for consideration. Doris Perry has ideal about story times. Reading to Faith will be scheduled to hope increased attendance as it becomes a regular service.
Program - book clubs moving along. Tom Giffin talking about Vt cemeteries on July 14, historical society will be here at presentation. Farm Boy movie made by George Woodward on July 15, @6:30. 3 hour long movie to be shown at library.
Building - nothing to mention. Clean up day idea. Maybe in the fall. Puzzles - SLR could only take 2. So what to do with rest? Book sale probably best decision.
Librarians report - Kim from SLR is doing a great job while helping Joan on Fridays.
Adjournment - motion made by Trish; seconded by Elijah at 7:51.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
May 9, 2023 library minutes
Attendance- Joan, Cynthia, Ed, Lisa, Gail, Elijah, Donna, Trish, Sarah, Marge, Michelle via zoom
Minutes - reviewed- no questions. Trish moved to accept. Elijah seconded. All in favor
Treasurer report - insurance went up more than anticipated. Aaron has been paid for lights. Lisa has been reimbursed for purchase of new computer. Elijah moved to accept treasurer report as is; second by Cynthia. All In favor
Stats- see attached. Children’s video down. Total circulation about same.
Overdues are up again. Discussion about Roku to potentially increase child/teen usage of library services.
Calendar - Cynthia. When you are the cake person, you are now in charge of finding staff for the entire upcoming month (ie: Cynthia works to find staffing for all of June) next calendar person will handle all of July.
Nominating- presented slate of trustees & officers for the upcoming term. All Executive Committee members - Joan, Co-President; Trish, Vice President; Lisa, Co- President & Treasurer, Gail, Secretary have said yes to continuing in their position; trustees up for new term - Joan, Cynthia & Ed have agreed to continue as trustees. Trustee Dianne has decided not to reup. Elijah moved to accept slate as presented above; Sarah second; all in favor. We have 1 opening on the board. 2 candidates are interested. Trish will call one candidate. Will update at next meeting. FYI, Joan wants to step back as Co- President after this year but will continue to be on the board, ordering books and helping with programs.
IT committee - new computer is in use. When do we want to try Roku? So Ed can transfer to library credit card. More discussion about Roku! Elijah made a motion to have Roku ready for a trial period of August, September, Oct. Ed seconded. Voting 6 for trial: 4 not in favor. Motion past. (NOTE: actual numbers maybe be off but motion still passed)
Communication meeting- one more meeting needed to help go forward with survey. Date not set yet as of this time.
Fundraising committee- raffle tickets for quilt have been selling! August 5 is street dance. More to go over next month.
Children’s committee- no plans at the moment. Sarah is dropping off this committee due to her schedule. Sandglass theater is scheduled for July 1 at the Russellville School House.
YA committee- since Cabot is in Montpelier, They have talked about what to do but not been able to start anything.
Program committee- writing group met last Sunday. Famous book club is off till June because of concert at Grace in memory of Gary Salmon.
Lily French gave talk about plastics. 21 in attendance. Poetry reading on May 19. Cabot program on May 26. Elijah will bake. Martha Molnar will talk about her book on June 9. Conservation committee will co-host. A program with the historical society by Tom Giffin on old cemeteries in July.
Building committee- lights have been installed; electrical outlet behind printer is in. Tent to go on…May 22 Monday@ 10.
Librarians report - please read shelves when you have time.
New business - Kim from Spring Lake Ranch is a great help. She has been helping Joan on Friday mornings and during programs. Ranch could use puzzles. Are we interested in donating our puzzles to them? Yes. Elijah motion to donate puzzles to SLR; Ed second; all in favor.
Co President report - 3rd phase of palace project. Free. Palace app is where people can get books from both palace and consortium inventory for Listen Up VT.
New business - Emergency Ladder is now at upstairs window.
Motion to Adjourned by Elijah; second by Cynthia at 8:07. All in favor
Next meeting - June 13, 2023.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
April 18, 2023 library minutes
Attendance- Joan, Trish, Lisa, Donna, Bob, Ed, Gail, Cynthia, Elijah
Minutes- reviewed- Trish moved. Elijah seconded all in favor.
Treasurer report- there is a new company for fire inspection-Cintas fire. Replaced emergency exit lights, fire extinguisher and inspected. Garaventa came to inspect lift. As well as Vermont inspection company. Move to accept Elijah: second by Trish. All in favor.
Stats- Everything looks good. FYI, State of VT looking for more detailed info on programs.
Calendar- Lisa
IT committee- surveys are now closed. Bottom line 40% of 35 people who handed in surveys. Discussion occurred. We will discuss again next month when Cabot is here. LED Lights will be purchased. Aaron will do the work. Library computer for zoom meeting 400-600$. 100-160 additional for a wide angle camera. Additional $80 for a speaker. Motion made by Elijah to allocate $700 for purchase of above items so Ed & Lisa can make the purchase. Trish seconded. All in favor.
Communication- last Thursday meeting was workshopping the survey. It will contain 7-8 questions. Michelle will have a Final copy ready next month. They hope to have it out to the public for June/July/August. Further discussion about the current avenues of communication. Can we get access of Facebook account? website? Michelle should/will be added as additional administrator. Question about getting public’s Permission before posting pictures on above website. Their next meeting is May 16
Fundraising- letter went out about raffle quilt. Drawing August 5 at street dance. Street dance food? Discussion occurred- Haystack(taco salad) it is!
Children’s- Martha Sirjane would like to join this committee. No meeting has happened recently. When a meeting is set, they will let everyone know.
YA - no real report to give. Just follow up that entire section is curated. Will work on redecorating area next.
Program - Yellowstone program great. Horrible weather. 21 attendees.
No programs set for June. 3 in July. 1 in august. September? Book sale?
Building- anything. See above for lights. Saw the tree limb that fell. Fire ladders should be ordered. It is believed that the Downstairs Ceiling Stain came from upstairs window not being shut & locked.
Librarian report- start pulling books that haven’t gone out. Working on the 6, 8, 900’s. New Labels are now being put on 900’s. Back door should always be locked. Please check when you’re here.
Co-presidents- Joan met with ranch resident - Kim. She is fabulous! She has worked in a Library in another state.
New business- Please don’t put tape on paint.
Next Meeting - 5/9/23 - it is the annual meeting!
Adjournment motion made at 8:18 by Elijah; seconded by Bob. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
March 21, 2023 Library MinutesNEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 18
Attendance- Joan, Trish, Donna, Cynthia, Gail, Sarah, Ed, Cabot,
On Zoom - Bob, Michelle, Marge
Minutes - Thank you to Trish for taking the minutes during the past few months. Questions = None. Cynthia moved to accept; Gail 2nd. All in favor
Treasurer report - Questions- None raised. Trish moved to accept report; Sarah 2nd. all in Favor.
Stats - good to see that snowshoes have gone out! Discussion about recording computer use. Listen up is also up. Overdues are up slightly.
Calendar- Ed.
IT - Timeline for survey discussed. So far we have 17 responses from town. 7 yes; 8 no; 2 maybes; just about even. Online survey will be shut down tonight. Shrewsbury Times goes out tomorrow. Survey will be shut down at end of month. Since we aren’t getting ARPA funds Ed will look into cost of basic computer and items and bring it to next meeting.
Communication committee met on Jan 31. Their next meeting will be on Monday 27 March. Purpose and scope of committee was discussed. Facilitate inter library communication added to mission. Patron survey discussion. They are Drafting and finalizing a survey before bringing it to board.
Fundraising- quilt raffle letter is ready to go. It will be sent to mainly local addresses. Discussion about adding return envelopes. Drawing for quilt suggested for street dance on August 5. Date ok’d.
Children’s committee- Sandglass Theatre on Saturday July 1 @ 330 to do a show with puppet’s. They would like to do it at Russellville school house. Presentation will be inside. Refreshments outside. 1/2 of cost paid from sage; other 1/2 from library. Total cost is $800.00. Motion to spend $400. for program made by Cabot; seconded by Trish. All in favor
YA - moving of books about 2/3 of the way through current collection. Will get list for new books to be purchased to Donna.
Program - writers group met last week. Famous book last Sunday; Science book - Inner fish -meeting this Sunday. March 31 program by Roberta about Yellowstone. Program at 7.
April 21 - Lily French talking about plastics. Cabot Spatz to give program in May about his time at the state house.
Building committee- talked about spot on ceiling.
Donna - what did we do in 2021? Donna needs info for forms she is completing. Gail will review old minutes to remember what was happening back at that time.
New business - Spring Lake Rancher is interested in helping at the library doing projects. Joan is meeting with them on Friday.
Town vote was really great! THANKS TO TOWN.
Next meeting- Joan away. April 18, 2023.
Adjournment @ 815. Trish moved to adjourn; Gail seconded. All in favor.
Minutes for 1/10/23 Shrewsbury Library Trustee Meeting
Attendance: Joan, Bob, Ed, Diane, Michelle, Trish, Lisa, Donna, Gail (zoom), Cynthia (zoom), Marge (zoom), Cabot (zoom)
Also Logan as guest.
EMT Training proposal: As part of her EMT training Logan needs to take vital signs for 72 persons. She requested the board’s approval to offer this as a service to library patrons on Wed afternoons and Tues evenings during the month of February, during open library hours. She would write a notice to put in the Shrewsbury Times and run it by Joan for approval. Elijah moved that the board accept Logan’s proposal. Ed seconded. All in favor.
Minutes from November meeting: Elijah moved to accept. Ed seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Report for December 2022 was reviewed. Elijah moved to accept. Ed seconded All in favor.
Annual funding request from the Town for $7500 was discussed. Elijah moved to maintain it at this level for 2023. Ed seconded. All in favor.
Lisa presented budget proposal for 2023. Elijah moved to accept, with thanks to Lisa. Cabot seconded. All in favor.
Statistics: Corrected # of adult programs in November from 4 to 2. The book clubs did not meet.
IT Comm: No word from Select Board yet on proposal for equipment funds. Suggestion to put public survey out in March Shrewsbury Times and at Town Meeting polling place.
Staffing calendar: Michelle
Fund-Raising Comm: Trish presented idea of raffling off a tree themed quilt in honor of Gary Salmon, with partial proceeds going to books on forestry for the library and for a donation somewhere reflecting Gary’s interests. Trish will contact Marjorie Salmon to present idea and get recommendation of where to donate.
Elijah moved to accept the proposal. Bob seconded. All in favor.
Children’s Comm: Sarah reported Halloween party was successful, but turnout for several recent programs was disappointing. Perhaps too many events happening simultaneously in town? Future suggestions include ice cream social, story trail, kids activities at Shrewsbury Day. Suggestion of adding more members to committee as some are away parts of the year.
YA Comm: Elijah reported that books have been ordered, and that he and Cabot have gone through 1/4 of the YA collection. They will continue this and will also be looking at how to improve the loft space. Donna has processed some of the new books.
Program Comm: Joan presented the committee’s suggestions for programs for the next year. These include Lily French & Conservation Commission on Plastics for Earth Day April 21, Joan on her new novel on May 12, Sarah Audsley on her poetry in June, VT Cemetery Assn Gravestone Project with Tom Giffin on July 14, History of CCC Road on August 4 or 11, Stephen Krueger on Supporting Trans People in Libraries (with outreach to other libraries) in September, Randell Barclay on Water Project in Honduras in October or November. Suggestion of Sandglass Theater to replace Mettowee.
Also proposed August 18 or 25 for the Street Dance, September 22 for the Book Sale, and December 2 for the Cookie Share & Silent Auction.
Famous Book Club meets in person on 1/15/23 at 4 PM for FATHERS & CHILDREN.
Science Book Club meets via Zoom 1/22/23 at 4 PM for BEST SCIENCE AND NATURE 2022.
Writing group meets 2/12/23 at 3:30 PM.
Communications Comm: Meeting 1/31/23 at 7 PM at library.
Building Comm: Septic line heater seems to be working well.
Librarian’s Report: Fred and Michelle have been relabelling 600’s. Donna reports that this section has a lot of books out of order.
Co-Presidents’ Report: Nothing yet on ARPA funds.
New Business: Sally has offered to post copies of obituaries of Shrewsbury residents, following an inquiry from a library patron. All agreed to posting hard copies at the library. Some discussion about legality of putting Rutland Herald articles on library's website. Will investigate possibility.
Cabot would like to present a program on the role of Pages at the VT State House in late May, after he has worked there.
Next meeting will be 2/14/23. Meeting adjourned about 8:30 PM.
Minutes of Shrewsbury Library Board of Trustees, 1/14/2022, 7 PM by Zoom
Attendance: Joan, Lisa, Trish, Dianne, Luisa, Bob, Elijah, Cynthia
Minutes from 12/14/21 reviewed. Corrected spelling of “Rachelle.” Under Calendar strike “vote never occurred.”
Luisa moved to accept corrected minutes. Bob seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report. 2022 proposed budget was presented by Lisa. Increase in Young Adult budget appreciated by Elijah. Some has been added to maintenance for possible painting next summer. We may need to replace patron computer this year. A lot of donations from the 2021 fundraising letter are still coming in in 2022. Elijah moved to accept . Diane seconded. All in favor. Budget adopted.
Statistics. COVID still keeps patron visits down, but we circulated more books in December than in previous month.
Discussion about possibility of changing open hours. Daphne had suggested we consider cutting back due to low patron count. Possibly have different winter and summer hours. We could look at long range stats to find leanest times. Decided to not change
hours during COVID as library is a good place for people to come out to. Don’t want to cut back food shelf hours. Elijah moved to maintain current hours. Luisa seconded. All in favor. Reminder to mark yourself down in patron count when on duty.
Calendar. Luisa will do. Send sign-ups and changes to her.
Fund Raising. Nothing new. This year will do fundraising letter and quilt raffle again.
Children’s Comm. Sarah will be added as a member. Not a good idea to pursue coordinating with school during current COVID surge.
Young Adult Comm. Will shelve new large order of books. Would like to feature some on front shelves. Elijah will put list of new books in Times of Shrewsbury. No plans for programs due to COVID.
Program Comm. Book clubs are meeting via Zoom. Next Famous Books selection will be I Contain Multitudes. Can’t plan programs yet due to COVID.
Building Comm. Heat tape in sewer line is working so far. Dianne will try to contact Mike Shepard about painting.
Librarian’s Report. We have 2 new volunteers: Logan Faulkingham and Katie Stickney.
Co-President’s Report. Joan suggested we ask for same amount of funding from Town this year ($7500). All in favor.
New Business. Luisa would like to have a conversation about making the food shelf accessible for more hours. No decision.
Elijah moved to adjourn. All in favor. Adjourned at 8:07 PM.
Submitted by Trish
February 8 2022 Minutes
Attendance via zoom - Gail, Bob, Luisa, Joan, Cynthia, Trish, Elijah, Donna, Lisa, Dianne, Sarah, Daphne
Minutes from Trish - thank you for doing them! Reviewed. Lisa moved to accept; seconded Elijah. All in favor.
Treasurer report - first change 2021 to 2022. Some funds arrived after the first of the year. We are eligible to receive funds through ARPA. Lisa has spoken with Aaron (select board member) about this program. Motion to accept treasurer report made by Elijah; seconded by Trish. All in favor.
Stats - FYI, YA is considered adults books for stats. Over-dues are ticking down again. Some Snowshoes went out! Lisa to setup a system for patrons to check out magnifiers.
Staffing - Luisa - going well. Please call next person staffing. Discussion on Wednesday hours regarding exact shifts. Daphne moved to make Wednesday hours 10-12; 12-2:30; 2:30-5; 7-9. Motion seconded by Elijah. All in favor. New vol Ed Sawyer has been trained by Lisa. Currently he is comfortable staffing with someone else but this could change.
Fundraising committee- Amounts from fundraising letter discussed. Joan will look to see how to spend the Claire Hooper funds.
Children committee- haven’t been able to meet yet. Hopefully in the spring they can start to meet.
YA - new books set up. Some downstairs with notations. Keep ears open for feedback on this section. YA Programs? Same as everyone else - waiting till life opens up more.
Program - meetings via zoom. Book club - new book- We Contain Multitudes. Science book club- How I killed Pluto and Why It had it Coming.
Building - septic line is doing well with the heat strip. Painting Mike Shepherd was there yesterday to go over what we are looking to have done. We are on his roster for summer/fall. Will get Dianne and/or Daphne the quote. ?Bleach spraying for prep before painting. ?Painting the front door. Color of door? No one remembers color name but maybe there is leftover paint upstairs in closet.
Librarians report - SLR has been coming on their own. Joan will check in with leader to touch base. Should we do anything in particular? Reading shelves anytime and always. Put new mystery books on top of mystery. Not in new fiction.
Banned books discussion - what is Department of Libraries saying about them? Joan wants to add 1619 project to the library. How does the board feel? Discussion. If someone says anything we can voice that we have something for everyone. If they are still upset, ask if they can provide alternative books that we can look into purchasing? All Ideas need to be available to circulate. The Black notebook on circulation counter has form if someone has a complaint. WCAX announce that Vt Dept. of Libraries has a new initiative on ebooks. The information is on the website.
New business - nothing. Discussion on replacing “red table” area with more shelves? Trish has measured this area. New shelving would be the same height of mystery shelves to allow light. Where to go with the table? Wait till spring because of pricing? Why don’t we look at koha info. to see about circulation history to see if we can get more off the shelves. Tabled the “table” discussion. What about getting rid of portions of an authors series. This is another idea for making room (but not Archer Mayer ;)). More discussion to come.
Dianne moved to adjourn; Daphne seconded. All in favor.
Adjournment at 8:02.
Next meeting- 3/8/22
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
March 8 2022 minutes
Attendance via zoom - Ed Sawyer; Bob; Elijah; Luisa; Joan; Sarah; Donna; Trish; Marge; Lisa, Gail
Minutes - reviewed- Trish moved to accept; Elijah seconded; vote - all in favor.
Treasurer- report reviewed. Errors corrected from last moths minutes. Septic has been pumped; fuel bill= 800$. Electricity was up a little this month. Questions/discussion about heat pump usage during winter. Main reason Heat pumps installed was for dehumidifying in summer. They can be used in winter as backup heat. Has there been any discussion about moving library to alternative energy? Ie: solar panels. Fuel bills are most likely to stay on the higher side. Contacting Vt efficiency is Best place to start. Other questions- Can we do this on historical building? We know the Preservation trust wanted footprint to stay the same. Trish will contact someone from Vt Eff.
Select board wanted a letter with amounts lost in fundraising over the last 2 years. Joan sent this letter to town offices for select board discussion
Amount in letter was $ 8852. Elijah moved to accept treasurer report; Luisa second. Vote- all in favor.
Stats- plugging along. Childrens number back up! Borrrowing a lot books through ILL. Patron count up! Overdue up this month.
Staffing - Luisa- good for March. Going well. Thanks to Ed for his volunteering. Donna home on May 7.
Fundraising committee- nothing this month
Childrens- nothing this month
YA - trying to expand readers. Adults can read YA also! Continuing a roll out new items.
Program committee- Nora Jacobson - doc. filmmaker asked to come and show movie about Ruth Stone on 7/15. Program committee will meet to get summer programs organized. Early April meeting? How about on Wednesday night - 4/20. Elijah, Bob and others available this night.
Famous Book Club meeting via zoom - Dante’s Paradiso. 2 sessions (at least) Science book group - She Has Her Mothers Smile - being held on 3/27
Building committee- estimate from painter is $2000. Estimate includes mildew wash; scrape and prime and 1 coat. Decide color of door. Same blue is fine. Check upstairs to see if any leftover from last painting.
Librarians- Donna is looking at Koha to find books that haven’t gone out to weed shelves. Sending lists to Joan for review. Discussion about biographies/non-fiction.
Other items discussed - talked about moving to in-person meetings with mask optional; Ed was asked if he had anything as a volunteer? He has looked in the black binder and found that to be helpful. Book drop pad lock? Any trouble for anyone or better because of weather changing? Weather is helping. We will do weeding than decide if we need to remove red table for more shelving or not. Toy space? Can we bring back toys now that COVID is dwindling and transmission is not through touch as previously thought. We need to be selective of what we bring back. Lean towards more educational toys. Childrens committee can work on this.
Any people check on Vt Dept. of Library site about ebooks? Lisa looked at the site during meeting. Site says Palace app to be downloaded for access. Lisa will look at it more to see what we can tell community. Oresman update- no real update. Our contact hasn’t heard. 1 family member wants 1 particular painting. Insurance- for fine art as usual. Pull /move pictures that get to much sun. Luisa will work to move the pictures to interior spaces to mimmize damage from sunlight.
New business- Daphne has resigned. Opening on board. Advertise in Times. And see who comes forward. She will continue to staff 1 Friday a month. Drop mask mandate? Are we ready to make change. Discussion occurred. Let’s revisit in April. Hopefully Rutland county will be lower emissions by then.
Next meeting - April 12, 2022
Adjournment - Trish moved; Elijah seconded @ 802. Vote- all in favor.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
April 12, 2022
Joan, Ed, Gail, Dianne, Elijah, Trish, Cynthia, Donna, Marge & Sarah via zoom,
Minutes- review of minutes. Moved to accept by Elijah; seconded by Trish; all in favor.
Treasurer report - via email. Questions? None. Moved to accept report by Elijah; seconded by Marge. All in favor.
Stats - anything of notice? Listen-up was up! Patron count up also.
Letter to select board - re: ARPA funds? Haven’t heard anything yet.
Staffing- Joan has calendar this month. FYI, when no one staffs the 2:30-5 shift on Wednesdays, Elijah has noticed an uptick in patrons for the 7-9 shift(particularly right at 7). Review of Luisa’s report. Discussion about how to do calendar. New way vs. old. Proposal of returning to old system. Elijah moved. Trish seconded. All in favor.
Nominating - Ed Sawyer through his name in to be trustee. Trish moved to accept; Cynthia seconded. All in favor! Congrats and Welcome Ed.
Fundraising/childrens s nothing right now
FYI, next month’s meeting is the Annual meeting.
Program committee- webinars? Think about what/can/should we do? Instead of in-person programming. Outside possible? During the day would work not necessarily night programs. Committee- Dianne to step away for summer because of her schedule. Moved program committee meeting from 4.20.22 to 4.27.22.
Building committee- solar panels - Efficiency Vt- not right organization for panels. Davis Terrill walked around with Trish and Bob. Cannot place on library proper. Bob owns woods behind library and is willing to talk about doing a combination plan. Much more discussion is needed on this. Historic review might be needed. Elijah to ask wife Megan if interested in helping. This is in her field of expertise. Where does historical district begin/end Is one question. Bigger project than Trish is able to commit to.
Book club- both groups meeting via zoom.
Librarians report - no more info about app. for ebooks. Donna& Joan working on weeding using KOHA. Tim Stout gave us a poster about how forest carbon works. Gail will send a thank you. Need to decide Mask for library? After much discussion we will leave masking as same. Tent up after May.
New business- none.
Next meeting- May 11, 2023. If needed, Elijah will contact people with zoom information.
Adjournment- @ 8:00; motion by Dianne; Elijah seconded; all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Hartigan
Sent from my iPad
May 10, 2022 minutesAttendance- Joan, Elijah, Gail, Lisa, Ed, Cynthia, Trish, Diane, Bob. Donna, Marge & Sarah via zoom
Minutes - reviewed with no comments. Motion to accept by Trish; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer report - paid insurance for year. Had another fuel bill. Nothing else different. Questions about how the fundraising letter is listed on report. Lisa explained. Building use? are the Friends using the space yet? Not sure - No one has seen them. Elijah moved to accept the report; Diane seconded. All in favor.
Stats- one kid patron found to have taken out 20 books and never returned = we ended marking them as lost. Some categories are up. Passes we have are VINS, ECHO, state passes should be arriving soon. Question about getting a pass to Wonderfeet. Discussion then it was decided to go ahead and get one as long as it’s below $100.
Staffing - Lisa has the calendar this month.
Nominating- Elijah was reappointed by Select Board. Slate of officers/ trustees presented as follows; Joan as Co President; Lisa as Co President and Treasurer; Trish as Vice President; Gail as Secretary; trustees up for renewal; Gail, Lisa, Sarah have agreed to continue; additional trustee (teen) not filled as Miguel has decided to step down. Bob moved to accept slate of officers & trustees as presented; Seconded by Cynthia. All in favor. Revamping of Teen position discussed. Open up to 7th grade & higher? Tabled until next meeting. We will advertise in Times to see if there is any interest.
Fundraising- quilt will be back in a few weeks from long arm quilter. Then we’ll take a picture and send out the letter.
ARPA funds- Joan knows nothing. She called Megan who went through the select board minutes the find where the select board received our request. However no decision is in the minutes.
Childrens- nothing definite yet. Will get together in June to finalize.
Maybe Grace Brigham will do something in place of Charlie Paquin
YA committee- lost teen. Will re-staff when new teen trustee is found.
Program - Programs are up in the air. What to do so people feel comfortable attending. Committee to make a list of programs that can be outdoors vs. Indoors. July film here or at SLR gym? Committee will meet to come up with a plan.
Famous Book club- Crime & Punishment on 5.15; Science book club - Entangled Life on 5.22.
Building- Bob is working on some logistics regarding solar; Ie: any grants available? He is Emailing with Davis on these. More to report later.
Any problems- look in black notebook for help. Call Lisa with questions then Joan.
Librarians report - Donna sending Joan list of books that have not been taken out since 2009. Joan looks at this list and has found 184 to discard. Palace app - is a problem. Various issues have come up. To continue using Listen - up we will need to do something. Lisa & Ed have been working on this. To be continued….
Cynthia moved to give Lisa permission to investigate what other libraries are doing and to buy the ….(?) if needed. Bob seconded. All in favor.
Masking - Don’t change policy at this time.
New business- none
Next meeting- June 14, 2022.
Elijah moved to adjourn; Marge seconded. All in favor. At 8:15.
June 14, 2022 Minutes Attendance - Joan, Elijah, Bob, Luisa, Ed, Gail, Sarah, Trish, Marge - Public = Harry & Fred
Via zoom - no one.
Minutes- reviewed; moved to accept by Trish; seconded by Bob. All in favor.
Treasurer report - advertising = where did we spend $ 225? Times annual contribution? Will check with Lisa for clarification. Just be aware, Fuel budget might be in trouble. We can Highlight in annual letter if we are close to budgeted amount when annual letter goes out. Do we modify budget if over spend on fuel? We can take overage out of general. Elijah moved to accept with noted questions; seconded by Trish. All in favor.
ARPA funds- confusing to say the least. Steve Nicholson sent ARPA documents to Joan. We Can’t replenish funds we spent. One idea is to buy filters as a result of COVID. Joan will send ARPA documents to Everyone to see if anyone else can see what we could use the funds for. Other Possible Options - cameras and stuff for webinars/ broadcasting.
Stats- see attached- missing adult patron count.
Calendar - Ed
Nominating- teen. Open up to 7th graders. Meetings? Should they attend? Discussion. 1st motion - Elijah moved to open up the teen position to any Shrewsbury student in grades 7-12. Seconded by Bob. All in favor. 2nd motion - Elijah moved that we encouraged & invite teen to attend meetings and join the YA committee. Also, if age appropriate, to staff the library. Marge seconded. All in favor. Trish will reach out to Cabot Spatz with these details to see if he is interested.
Fundraising- quilt back from long arm quilters. Trish is currently binding the edge. When complete, it will be picture/letter time! Street Dance August 20 or 27? Joan will check her notes.
Childrens committee- ideas given from public attendees - blueberry basket weaving. ( to tie in with the blueberry social) Tie dyeing. Book club with treats. Hike with plant identification. Suggestion box. Sarah will try to get a meeting together for more planning. She & her sons will get suggestion box together. YA Elijah would like to work with Henry During the summer to keep the YA books up to date and get suggestions on what should be added to collection.
Program - meeting tomorrow(6.15). FYI, Bob went to Shrewsbury Day planning meeting. It is happening 9/17. Location to be determined. Joan always thought it would be neat for Library trustees to dress as book characters. We have a program scheduled for August 5. - Nora Jacobsen movie about poet Ruth Stone. SLR gym has been offered. Location to be determined closer to event. We could Give out tickets/do reservations to assure not over capacity for upstairs meeting room.
Famous Book Club this Sunday via zoom. Science book Club the Following week via zoom.
Solar Panels - nothing has changed. Sarah mentioned researching community solar. She& Son will start looking into this possibility. Maybe we can get other local organizations interested.
IT committee - webinars. Looking into.
Librarians report - no report to say. Weeding is continuing. Making room.
Palace app - cost a lot. Joan & Lisa decided to do go ahead and pay for the app. Since notifying them we were signing on, Lisa hasn’t heard back from company.
New business- none
Adjournment - at 8:10 moved to adjourn by Trish; Seconded by Luisa. All in Favor
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
July 12, 2022 Minutes Attendance - Joan, Donna, Ed, Bob, Trish, Elijah, Marge, Lisa, Gail, Sarah, Cynthia,
Via zoom - Luisa, Diane
Minutes - reviewed - moved to accept as is by Trish; seconded by Bob; all in favor.
Treasurer report - reviewed- basically paid regular bills. Gas prices discussed/questioned. We do a contract every fall with Irving Gas Company. Joan to give Lisa receipt for books she has been purchasing from January through June. We Will have fundraising expense when letter goes out now that the quilt is completed. Elijah moved to accept report; Trish seconded; all in favor.
Anyone read ARPA fund info? So far no one has been able to figure out how they are accessible. Discussion about how to be prepared to access these funds. Webinar/Broadcasting equipment needs; air purifiers.
Stats - see attached. Looking Really good! Sarah& Ed will look into Roku for possible offering of streaming. Luisa will send her list from previous research on streaming options.
Calendar- Cynthia
Nominating- Trish will reach back out to Cabot to see if he is still interested in the teen position.
Fundraising committee- letter will go out about quilt. August 27 street dance. Do we want to do a dinner? After discussion- Hot dogs are a go. Committee will meet to discuss. PayPal/Venmo discussion held as a possible way for collecting donations in addition to letter. What to do with silent auction? Still on hold. Sept 24 is book sale.
Childrens committee- meeting set for this Thursday. At 1030.
YA - not yet ready to report. More to come Suggestion box is cute.
Program committee- list of programs see agenda. Using library for Nora Jacobsen film with pre-registration required.
Building committee- Painting is done.
IT committee- looking at virtual/ broadcasting and outdoor theatre. Items that will be needed could include - a dedicated pc or tablet; High definition web camera approximate 100$. Lighting - ring lights probably 100$; microphone tripod for camera. Presentation tools. Background or way to shift from talking person to slides in presentation. Projector $600-$1000. For outdoor set-up - Screen for outdoors? Speakers 4 outdoors. Ed will send the general numbers he has on this possible cost to everyone including questions about webinars. I.e. Platforms to use- YouTube live?
Librarians report - Donna and Joan working on weeding. Some staying some discarded.
Palace app - they finally sent contract. Ed is looking this over. Migration fee waived. September is when things are to occur. Lisa has questions to ask them about this. She will reach out to get answers. It took a month to get info about other questions she had. More to come
New business-
Marge gave an over-dues explanation.
Adjournment - moved by Elijah; Cynthia seconded. All in favor at 8:59.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Hartigan
NOTE: Complete Minutes for this meeting aren’t available. Following is a compilation of actions and notes of agenda items.
Attendance: Marge, Bob, Lisa, Cabot, Sarah Bolster, Joan, Cynthia, Donna, Ed, Sarah. Via Zoom: Elijah.
1)The July Minutes were approved. There were no questions or revisions.
2) The Treasurer’s Report was approved. There were no questions or revisions.
3) The Statistics Report was reviewed. Children’s Book circulation was up, Adult Book circulation was down, both ListenUp! and Patron counts were stable.
4) Calendar: Sarah is the calendar person through Saturday, September 17th.
5) Nominating Committee: CABOT SPATZ was elected and welcomed as our new Student Trustee. The committee had no new candidates to propose for the current board opening at this time.
6) Fund-Raising Committee: The Street Dance is Saturday, August 27th. Hot Dog
Dinner @ 5:30; Dance @ 6:30. Food Prep at 3 p.m. Donna asked for volunteers for food prep, cooking, etc. Pierces’ Ice Cream Pops will be sold separately.
The Raffle Drawing will be at a later date. The Book Sale will open on Saturday,
September 24th. Plans to come at the September meeting.
7) The Children’s Committee met and planned to have a Halloween Party on 10/28.
It will meet again on 8/18 (?)
8) The YA Committee: Elijah will meet with Cabot at the end of this meeting.
9) Program Committee: Film Showing Review. Poetry Reading August 19th.
Shrewsbury Day: Donna w/sign; children following (?) Book Clubs continue.
Tips on Surviving Winter: Friday, 9/9@ 7: New and older Shrewsberries share.
10) Building Committee: Water Heater Leak! Zack Bletz will check it out.
11) IT Committee: Ed presented 2 reports: Streaming Options & Webinar
Equipment. Actions: a) Ed will try out streaming, using his own Roku stick,
and a second one, which the library will buy. He will report back.
b) Ed will price the equipment we need for webinars. Joan will use those
numbers to apply to the Select Board for ARPA funds.
12) Librarians’ Report: Lisa has been in contact with Bywater re: the Palace App;
the change from KOHA will happen in the next month. Donna & Joan are
weeding; Marge discussed Over-Dues, and the importance of READING THE
13) Co-President’s Report: Masks continue; hold donated books until 9/1!
14) New Business: SAGE to use the Meeting Room for a webinar 10/2. Next Mtg
9/13. Adjourned @ 9 p.m.??
Submitted by Joan Aleshire
September 13, 2022
Attendance - Joan, Donna, Ed, Bob, Sarah, Gail, Lisa, Elijah, Cabot, Trish,
Cynthia, Marge
Public - Michelle Green, Todd Frederick
Michelle is possible new trustee. She spoke about her experience prior to coming here.
Minutes- from Joan. Thanks to everyone for help with reconstruction of minutes. Reviewed. Elijah moved to accept the reconstructed minutes: Trish seconded: all in favor.
Treasurer- bill’s reviewed. Irving fuel price is $2.27/gallon for 1,000 gal. Other companies haven’t got back to Lisa yet. Lisa is authorized to go with best price for heating. Elijah moved to accepted treasurer report. Bob seconded. All in favor.
Stats - reviewed.
IT committee- looking into loaning roku types. Fire sticks no go. ARPA funds - updating our needs for Events, meetings. Some of the equipment needed: Wi-Fi extender.- Laptop ($900.) - Smart Camera, microphone & speaker, monitor for meeting ($2735$). Watching only plus sound bar add $200. To Participate in livestream - same. Broadcast - different camera needed ($500). Software for streaming additional $$. It was discussed that we need to make sure someone is willing to be technology person for events. Stephen Abatiell was mentioned for broadcasting help. Motion by Bob; Marge seconded for Ed to get final numbers from Stephen regarding possible missing costs and then submit to select board. Motion Approved with 1 trustee abstaining.
Nominating - Lisa moved to present Michelle a candidate for trustee: Cynthia seconded. All in favor.
Street dance review - $681. raised. Lightly attended. Discussion about promotion and other things to make it better. When is raffle for quilt? First Saturday in December. Book sale starts 9.24. Bake & book sale. Ask/call townspeople to contribute to bake sale. Not manning the tent - Honor system for book sale 9-2 timeframe. We’ll leave sale running 2 weeks or so. Email will be sent to patron list. Monday tent sides will go up. Trish will call school to see if there is an interest for leftover childrens books.
Childrens committee- Halloween party/games being discussed.
YA - why is there a YA non fiction? After discussion. It will be moved to the general areas. How to re-decorate is an on going project.
Claire andrews program 10.7.22 is coming up. Her writings is designed towards YA’s
Program committee- re-starting writing group 9/25@ 3pm. Tips on Winter program - 9.30@7. Famous book club 9.18.22. The Most Costly Journey is the 2022 Vermont Humanities Council sponsored statewide one-book community reading program. We will read it in book club than meet. Maybe see about giving it to the school when finished. Presentation by Elijah of his time with the Peace Corp in Burkina Faso on 10.14
Science book - Packing for Mars via Zoom on 9.25.
Poetry Reading was enthusiastic turnout.
Building committee- new water heater is in. Solar Committee no news
Palace app changeover is schedule or Sunday. We will be live on Monday with the new system. Should be the same with a only few new items.
Marge -discussed her work on overdues.
Masking changes? Discussion occurred. Elijah moved to eliminate masking requirement letting it none the patrons personal choice.
Seconded by Sarah. Motion passed with 9 in favor; 1opposed; 2 abstained.
New business- reviewed policy about groups/individuals using libraries.
Request came from a Resident of East Wallingford; for use of meeting room for 3 weeks while he is presenting a lecture and interacting with others on his computer screen. Discussion. Board consensus was not suitable for the library.
At 8:49, Elijah moved to adjourn; seconded by Marge. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
October 11 2022 minutes
Attendance- Sarah, Ed, Donna, Joan, Trish, Cabot, Elijah, Lisa, Bob, Gail, Dianne, Marge
Minutes - reviewed; Trish moved to accept; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer report - reviewed. Questions/discussion about By Water & gas. Elijah moved to accept; Cabot seconded. All in favor
Stats - Listen-up is way up! Yeah! Children is off - school has started again. Overdues are lower!
IT - Joan submitted request to town. Roku test is working so far. Is it something we really want to do? About $7-10 per month per subscription. Roku cost is about $28. Discussion about who will be available for answering the questions about how to use it. Written directions to be given to whomever takes it out - would be good. Survey in Times about what subscriptions community would be interested in if we do this. Ed will write up instructions on how to use and with help from Bob - the questionnaire about interest. Please include Cabot so he can reach out to principal of school to send to Mill River students residing in Shrewsbury. Google form for student questions will be created.
Fundraising- Discover books coming on 18th. @ 10. Books will need to be boxed up before. Who can Pick-up 3 pallets/Gaylord’s from dump?When boxing books, we need 4-5 people to help fill Gaylord’s. Monday morning?Lisa, Trish, Dianne, Donna. @ 9. Bob/ Ed will pick up Gaylord’s and pallets tomorrow after 3.
Quilt Raffle drawing first Saturday of December.
Staffing - Joan has calendar
Childrens committee- all set for Halloween? Yes! They are all set with helpers. They’ll start at Noon on Friday. This Sunday read to Faith @ 2. Movie night in December.
YA- Claire Andrews - 5 people attended. Would have like more people to attend- maybe it was the timing. Idea for future- reach out to older SMS students. We will be selecting new YA books for purchase soon!
Program - Elijah program on Friday. Notice went out to library list. Joan will call several people who are ex-peace corp to let them know and invite them. Winter tips program did not get much of an audience. Only 3 people. Book clubs; famous book = Ethan Fromm 10.16. In person. Science = Remember- Via zoom 10/24. Idea for future- try to tie in a program with the book clubs reading selection?
Building - during the last month- the upstairs smelled of gas. Gas was shut off; Irving called and came and fixed quickly.
New Libby app. It’s up and running! Very little issues to this date. Some password issues at first but mostly running smoothly.
Overdues - down as of this moment.
President- nothing
New business- Lisa presented a proposal from Michelle- form a communications committee. Social media for library; front porch forum, etc. More discussion to occur.
Next month, 11.04. Stephen Krueger talk about the needs of transgender people. Transgender 101.
Adjournment - Elijah moved; Bob seconded @8:00pm. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Minutes for November 08, 2022
Attendance- Joan, Elijah, Lisa, Gail, Michelle, Ed, Bob, Donna, Sarah, Cynthia, Cabot
Minutes - correct Lisa to Bob for presentation of communication committee. Add s to corps in peace corps. Elijah moved to accept with corrections; Bob seconded. All in favor
Treasurer- deposit made of received donations & town money. Book sale generated $ 1200.00 Joan working on gathering her receipts- will hand them in soon. Are utilities stable compared to other years? Everything seems ok relativity to past. Elijah moved to accept; Bob seconded. All in favor.
Stats - see attached. Adults & videos down for October. Listen-up holding its own.
Survey - ready to go in Times. Thanks to Ed, Bob & Cabot. How long to have survey going? Shrewsbury Times only prints in December before break. Emailing might a good way to go. Add to google doc under/over 18? We will revisit in February.
Calendar - Dianne is calendar person. Closing Wednesday before & Thursday for Thanksgiving. ***After meeting it was determined that Dianne couldn’t do calendar this month. Gail switched to this month and Dianne will take December. ***
Fundraising committee- raffle sales will go through drawing on 12.3.22. Fundraising letter typed & corrected and approved by executive committee. Read to remaining board. Mailing will happen soon. Donna will start tonight.
Discover books pack up & pick up went amazingly well.
Children’s committee- Read to Faith will happen again. Not well attended the first time. Possible future times…schools winter break, Valentine’s Day. December 9 is set for children’s movie night. More to come.
YA committee- progress has been made - going through books- moving some books out of YA and into YA. List of books made that they wish to be purchased for YA section. Get List to Donna and she will order.
Program - writers group meeting on the 2nd Sunday of every month. 11/13@330; Elijah on Burkina Faso discussion went well. Trans discussion was great. Famous book - 11/20.22 @ 4. Fathers & Children. Science book club via zoom 11/27@ 4 - Best Science & Nature writing 2022. Programming committee will meet in December to set next programs
Building committee- Cynthia brought new flag pole holder. Thanks. Please add Cynthia to building committee. Donna will email when work party for tent is happening.
Librarians report - Donna / Joan noticed new books in older book sections. 2022’s in new section please. 500’s and up Dewey Numbers first then alphabetized by authors. Night time staffing please turn off outside light but don’t touch one with guard - that’s the motion sensor light.
Presidents - no report
New business- communication committee- Michelle talked about using social media more. And whatever we have to reach the community more.
Discussion. Elijah moved to create an ad hoc communication committee for a year that will be made permanent if proven valuable. Seconded by Sarah. All in favor. Meeting on Dec 13 for communication committee presentation. Library quilters group will meet to chat on 11/15 @ 4.
There is NO trustee meeting in December. Next trustee meeting 1/10/23.
Adjournment - moved by Elijah; second Sarah: all in favor at 8:13pm
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
January 12, 2021
Attendance via zoom - Lisa, Gail, Joan, Elijah, Debbie, Carrie, Luisa, Trish, Donna, Marge
Minutes - reviewed - any revisions ? None noted. moved to approve by Elijah; Trish seconded. All in favor
Treasurer report- annual budget. Since 2007 we have requested 7500.
Donors have been very generous. In good shape for end of year. Elijah Moved to accept; Luisa seconded; All in favor.
Staffing- doing ok for now.
Nominating committee- will place ad in times for new trustee position.
** After meeting via electronic communications and voting Judy Keene approved to join board. Welcome Judy!
Fundraising committee ideas- street dance MAYBE later in year- see how things are in the summer.
Program committee- this Sunday meeting via zoom; following Sunday is science Group. Most didn’t respond to asking about kindle. Discussion about how to handle kindle versus actual books. Lisa will check to see how the library can buy thru Amazon and loan to patrons. Chuck will take extra book club books and re-sell on Amazon.
Building committee- septic line seems to be ok. Hopefully with the new toilet .......
Children’s committee - little library exciting and gorgeous. Article for times.. one for library is ready to go. Future Activities talked about - picture book trail is one that is being researched. Grace Brigham would love to help. Can Borrow this idea from Montpelier library.
Stats- See attached.
Look again at streaming service from libraries. Luisa will look into what’s available and the cost. Kanopy was one service mentioned.
Librarians- Donna we have a student (Luke McIntosh) from Norwich. he is Shelving books; reading shelves. Putting on New labels. He needs 150 hours of community service.
We have not heard from oresman regarding artwork. Insurance is in place; Debbie took care of.
New business - send check to times for same amount as last year? yes.
Adjourned at 752 moved by Lisa; Elijah seconded . All in favor.
Feb 9 next meetingFebruary 09, 2021
Attendance via zoom - Gail, Donna, Lisa, Joan, Elijah, Miguel, Luisa, Debbie, Marge, Trish,
Minutes - correct capitalizations of Times and Oresman; change approved treasurer report to add operating budget also approved. Moved to accept with changes by Elijah, seconded by Marge.
Treasurer report - not much happen this month. Sent appropriate forms to the Secretary of State, IRS and individuals. Moved to accept by Luisa; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Staffing - additional staffing will be needed between March 6 and May 15 for Monday’s. Lisa is now available for some Monday’s. Gail will send out emails for coverage as needed.
Stats - we will add book clubs to stats. Concern about low Children numbers was discussed. Unfortunately we cannot hold any children’s Programming no go right now.
Nominating - Judy Keane was nominated for open position. Voting was All in favor.
Fundraising- talk with Marcos about possible street dance in late august. 8/21/21. Also, Trish made a quilt for the quilt group to use as a raffle! Material donated used was to her. Thank you Trish. Drawing on Mother’s Day? Letter to go out soon with timing.
Program committee - famous book club will meet 2/21. 3rd discussion of mirror. The science book club following week discussing Why We Sleep. Science book club interested in e-books. Famous not as much interest. How to handle this was discussed. Looking at Amazon book club does not look complicated to do but they are not allowing the setup of this yet. If participants buy there own, we can’t reimburse for sales tax. What to do? Discussion. Elijah will reach out to see if/how the Vt Department of Visually Impaired could help us? Based on cost of book- 50% reimbursement rate or sliding scale ideals? Table this issue for next meeting. Everyone keep thinking and brain storming ideas.
Building committee- septic line- still frozen- Art & Trish found a possible solution. A heat tape to insert in the line. Possible cost is $1058.00. We would need to find someone to insert. Probably need a plumber. Donna will ask Zach about his interest in this problem. Restroom currently closed.
Children’s committee- little library is a hit! Another donation of 20 puzzles. Picture book trail. Stakes to picked up tomorrow and lamented pages will be attached with Velcro to the stakes. We borrowed a set from Montpelier so we could see how it’s done. Maybe after school program will make a book to be put on trail. As soon as possible junior librarians program will start up. Any ideas for high schoolers? social media, posters offered as possible ways to reach this age range.
Luke still coming in? He is back in school so he isn’t around any more. Luisa -Kanopy discussion. They are In process of redefining their contracts. Will email when she has more info but doesn’t feel we are the market for them. Similar size libraries, Thetford and Hartland, Have been emailed for more “on the ground” information about this service. Netflix and Amazon will be checked out.
New business- request today about ?Previous usage was Not a lot. Luisa will look into possibilities with using
Town meeting on 2/27 can someone from library attend. If it’s being held electronically Debbie can and will do. Debbie will call Mark for information about this year’s process. Elijah will also be attending.
Other - overdues are being worked on slowly.
Meeting ended @ 8:15 due to zoom ending. I wasn’t on to hear who motioned or seconded adjournment motion. By the time I logged back on, everyone was signing off.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
March 09, 2021
Attendance via zoom - Gail, Joan, Trish, Carrie, Donna, Elijah, Dianne, Luisa, Miguel, Debbie,
From when I arrived via zoom......
Treasurer report- Debbie announced she is leaving. New trustee needed. New trustee will need to be listed as “ appointed “ by select board. Elijah offered to be this trustee if not seen as a conflict of interest (his wife was just appointed town clerk). We will ask select board their opinion.
Dianne willing to do review of reports as Debbie use to.
Nominating committee - Joan will advertise in Times that we are looking for a new trustee.
Staffing- Gail will send out an email with time slots available for staffing.
Stats- see attached. Lots of audio. Book clubs added? Will check
Fundraising- moving ahead with mailing letter for quilt raffle. Chryl will put it in the Times. Trish has sent her the information.
Program - Mrs. Calloway discussion on March 21; Ghost Map on March 28. Lisa can order Ebooks on Amazon account if needed. Have anyone in need, have them talk with her directly.
Building- septic issue is basically it is fast to freeze & fast to thaw. We Will still check out “ heat tape” when we can get under building. We’ll check with Woody and/or Greg for guidance on what has happened in the past.
Children’s committee- library story walk trail being finalized. Laminated book pages and stakes are done. We have permission from the Shrewsbury Mountain School to put one up at school in the future.
Little library- everyone seems to be loving it.
Luisa presented her movie streaming and ancestry report. Lots of work done looking into these. Kanopy survey will be sent out in the fall to determine if it is worth the cost. Ancestry remote program might be best program for us. Partnership with historical society might be a good fit. Pricing is an issue. An ancestry survey in fall would be good to know if we should pursue this service for the community. Thanks for all your work Luisa.
Elijah reported on his phone call to Vt. Assoc. for the Blind & Visually Impaired. The Rutland office head is Jack Trainor. The ABLE library is for anyone with documentation of visual impairment. There can be
Donations of cc TVs. Hand magnifyers for sale - $50 a piece. We could loan these out like the snowshoes. A Zoom meeting can be set up in the library to see how we can improve. He is also willing to meet with board to explain this info - Socially distanced of course. Elijah Would you please write this info up for a times article?
New business-
Moving to meeting in person come summer? We’ll visit this as the weather warms. Charle Paquin this year? Last year worked well. Saturday in July? What was last years participants. ?? 15 in total. Yes Joan will contact him to see his schedule.
Next meeting April 13
Adjournment at 8:11.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Hartigan
April 13, 2021
Attendance via zoom- Lisa, Joan, Judy, Elijah, Donna, Dianne, Gail, Trish, Marge, Carrie, Daphne
Minutes- correct spelling - D not C for Mrs. Dalloway book. Motion to accept with corrections moved by Elijah; Dianne seconded by Dianne.
Treasurer report- questions? None raised. Of note, Quilt raffle is going well. Elijah moved to accept report. Seconded by Marge. All in favor.
Nominating committee- one person came forward about being on board of trustees just before current opening came about. Trish moved to accept this nomination; Carrie seconded. Vote occurred.
Staffing- next meeting we’ll talk about further re-opening. Idea suggested to have everyone (IF COMFORTABLE ) to contact one person to indicate their vaccination status. After discussion, please Contact Elijah privately about vaccination status if you wish to be counted in “survey” regarding the staff vaccination status.
Statistics- see attached. Added book clubs under adult program for the past few months. Nothing earth shattering in stats.
Fundraising- quilt has raised $1500.00 approximately. Ask Pierces about having raffle tickets up at store. Trish will handle this. Lisa will print off more tickets. Saturday August 14 set for street dance.
Charlie Paquin wants to come July 10. Theme this year- Make fire starting kits from revolutionary time. Limit to 12 households. 425$. Is fee adult and children’s share this expense. Plus about 9$ for materials for each kid. All in favor of trying to have this program.
Program - pt 2 Mrs. Dalloway. Science is doing Wilding. Next up is Bringing Nature Home.
Building committee- Is septic line open? Yes, toilet works. Heat tape installation by Zach when it’s warm enough. Donna returns May 16. Little library - we think it’s going ok. Trish will look tomorrow to see if it needs anything when she is at Pierces.
Picture book trail is down for now. Log book was signed by 2 parties. So don’t know if we only had those 2 or more visitors.
VABI- report. Walk thru/Zoom Presentation happened. Minor fixes were suggested. They donated a desktop magnifier. Handheld magnifiers were demonstrated. Elijah recommends we buy 2 of each of both styles of handheld magnifiers. Approx. $200.00 cost. Then we can lend them out like snowshoes. Carrie made a motion to buy said magnifiers; Trish seconded. All in favor. Gail will reach out to Elijah for thank you info. Elijah will write a snipet regarding this new library offering for the Times.
The neighbors wooden fence was damaged in the area of our tent. Discussion occurred. As of the meeting, the deed to the library property and boundary agreements had not been found. A committee was formed to work with Judy and owners. They are....Trish, Donna, Lisa, Elijah. They will work on fence and also will work together to get something in writing for the future so we have a clear record.
New business- Jan Tofferi wants to know if we would sell Book club books? 1 book or a bunch? Lisa will call to clarify.
Annual membership to VINS? Discussion occurred. Motion made by Dianne to renew membership; seconded by Carrie. All in favor.
Next meeting May 11 should we move to May 18. Yes. It is our Annual meeting.
Elijah moved to adjourn @ 7:58; seconded by Dianne. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
May 18, 2021
Attendance- via zoom - Lisa, Judy, Gail, Donna, Joan, Carrie, Elijah, Lindsay, Trish, Daphne, Marge
Minutes- Trish moved to accept minutes; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer- not much to talk about. $2300 raised from quilt raffle so far. The bills for the books bought by Joan will be handed into the treasurer in June. Elijah moved to accept treasurer report; Trish seconded- All in favor.
Nominating- presented slate. Joan &Lisa as Co-President; Trish as Vice President; Lisa as Treasurer; Gail as Secretary; trustee term renewal included Marge, Carrie, Louisa and Trish. Carrie moved to accept slate as presented; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Should we open more hours? Keeping protocols in place. June 01 add Wednesday 2-5 hours. Marge/ Donna can take this shift but should look for others. We will drop contact tracing as of today(5/18/21); capacity limits and mask requirements following the Governors guidelines.
Stats- see attached.
Fundraising committee- Quilt needs to be put up. Piercers store now has basket with tickets. Trish will check on this when she is there.
Children’s committee- still need to meet. Lindsay would love to be on committee. We have VINS pass! Other passes were discussed. Carrie will check Montshire museum to see if they have any special programs for libraries.
Program - July 10 Charlie Paquin coming. This will be a pre-registered program. 12 families maximum.
Famous book club by zoom again. Moll Flanders. Science bookclub is this Sunday- Bringing Nature Home.
Building committee - summer work that needs to be done? No one has really thought of anything. Putting tent up is needed.
Fence - Elijah wrote up an agreement. Judy found some boards in back shed. Trish measured post - 2 1/2 x 3 1/2. Who can install- Trish can. Judy will call Trish to work out timing.
Librarians report- we’ll need to find a place for the table top reader. Lisa will look in demco for pricing of another desk. Always read shelves.
New business- Carrie put the snowshoes away. Did she put them in the right place. Lisa will check.
Next June 8. All in favor of meeting under the tent.
Trish moved to adjourn; Judy seconded; all in favor at 8:06!
June 8, 2021 minutes
Attendance- Joan, Donna, Elijah, Louisa, Lisa, Gail, Judy, Marge, Carrie,
Trish, Daphne, Miguel
Minutes - corrections or questions- none raised. Louisa moved to accept. Seconded by Marge. All in favor.
Treasurer report - oral report given. Just the usual bills this month. Elijah moved to accept; Louisa seconded. All in favor.
Wilderness friends love meeting under tent. This year they are offering $800.00 for their yearly fee.
Staffing - covered through June. What will the hours be in the future? Should we return to normal hours? Discussion occurred. Decided July 1 we will open with previous full time hours. See how staffing goes for the “old” hours to determine if we need to change them.
Discussion occurred about overdues. Also, discussion about flow of book locations.
Stats- see attached.
Fundraising- street dance - quilt will be raffled at this event. September 25 for the book sale.
Children’s committee needs to meet. Daphne to leave children’s and go to building. Should we purchase a second park pass? Yes! Rutland youth theatre- 7/30. Need to confirm which play is coming.
Do we want to provide refreshments? We will visit this in July. Charlie 10-2. 12 families only.
Program - Both book clubs moving along well. When should we open up programs? Committee will meet to discuss with September as a possible starting date.
Building- Zach working on septic line? We will wait to hear from him. Judy going to be on building committee. Fence repair is in and done except for painting. Thanks to Trish for all her work/help with this.
Lending library - do we want to paint the outside cabinet? Discussion occurred. We’ll hold off for now. Daphne & Ed are going to take care of mail drop.
Desk for overhead reader. - looking for local woodworker to execute desk with both computer and reader. Magnifiers ordered but on back order.
Librarians report- continue to read the shelves and look for books that are listed as over-due. Dorothy Canfield Fisher books/award now known as Golden Dome books.
Oresman pictures - any info none yet from family? We have heard nothing from them.
Adjournment @ 810 moved by Trish; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Next meeting July 13, 2021 @ 7:00pm at library
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
July 13, 2021
Minutes Attendance - Trish, Luisa, Lisa, Donna, Carrie, Elijah, Joan, Gail, Daphne, Marge
Minutes - any corrections - painting of lending library is to be white. Correct spelling is Luisa. Motion to accept with corrections by Lisa; seconded by Trish. All in favor.
Thanks to Daphne & Ed for painting Dropbox. Thanks to Donna and Marge for moving books. Library looks neat.
Treasurer report - all bills paid. Insurance for year. 1655$ for quilt as of this date. Move to accept treasurer report by Elijah; seconded by Luisa. All in favor.
Lindsay resigned. Advertise in Times and look for trustees.
Staffing - back to alphabetically handling calendar. However, Marge will switch with Joan because she will be away in September. Change Wednesday timing from 12-230 & 230-5 to see if it makes it more appealing for trustees to staff.
Stats- see attached.
Fundraising committee- Street Dance - dinner or not? After discussion it was determined to go ahead with a more simple dinner. AKA different styles of hot dogs. $10 price for dinner and dance. August 14. @ 6 pm.
Book sale will be September 25, 2021.
Children’s committee - summer plans still working on it. Carrie will take over scheduling committee meetings. Still striving for junior librarians in the fall. Charlie Paquin program went well. Grace Brigham did a lot of work for this program. 2 groups attended- 1st group were the younger kids with the second group being the older kids. Riley Miller was a great help to Grace.
Rutland youth theatre- goodies? Yes - several trustees will bake. At town hall @7. Lemonade & cookies with a free will donation.
Program committee- meet & plan or should we hold off with indoor events? Program committee will meet in September to decide start date for programs. Book clubs moving along with current books.
Building- Donna has been in contact with Zach. He Is coming to check on water line. More info after he sees what’s up. Judy was to paint the fence. Trish will check with her that everything is still ok.
Librarians report - list of directions and location of books from move will be in black folder to left of check out computer. Meeting of volunteers & trustees to go over procedures would be a good thing. September? Still working with woodworker on new desk.
New business- Shrewsbury day - do we want to be in parade- no exhibits this year only a children’s art exhibition. No real interest in the library trustees being in parade. We were asked if the library could be open to have children come here to make their art. Many questions about the details surrounding this question were raised. Joan(?) checking with Betsy about these questions.
Adjournment- moved to adjourn by Daphne; Seconded by Carrie. Adjournment At 8:18.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
August 10, 2021 MinutesAttendance- Joan, Elijah, Dianne, Donna, Lisa, Trish, Luisa, Gail, Judy, Daphne, Marge
Minutes - after review Elijah moved to approve; Trish seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer report- see attached. Normal bills. Nothing of note. $1780. for quilt raffle so far. Drawing will be at dance. During the intermission. Someone needs to collect any tickets from Pierces store by Saturday. Elijah moved to approve; Luisa second. All in favor.
Stats - see attached. Looking better since we are open more.
Ad in times has error with Friday openings. No wonder no one has been coming in. To be corrected in future issues. Lisa will email Joan a list of overdue/missing books that Spring Lake Ranch sent a check for replacement.
Staffing - Joan has calendar. Any changes in hours or protocols? None to hours. We will ask patrons to wear a mask.
Fundraising- street dance- if it rains not happening. Refreshments- send out notifications that no hot dog dinner. Maybe they could bring a picnic for themselves. Refreshments- individual servings. Cupcakes & bottle waters only. Maybe the creamiees that were prepared for the last concert - if still viable. Luisa will check on these. Elijah will be able to be there for set up. Bob Knudsen also offered to help. Timing 6:30 with concert at 7:00. Coolers will be brought by Luisa, Donna, Elijah. Joan will take donations for dance. Gail - Bring torches. Lisa will drop off fire pits.
Nominating committee- opening for Lindsay. And now for Carrie’s position. Sarah Titterton nominated for Lindsay. All in favor. Joan will contact. Sarah. Gail was tentatively contacted by Jean Marie. I will reach out to her again for further discussion. ( NOTE - I spoke with her in more depth and left it with her to contact me, Lisa or Donna. I haven’t heard anything to date) Marge requests to be part time. After discussion of part time trustees in past which got confusing/complicated with several trustees being part time, Elijah moved to accept Marge’s going part time with caveat that this is a one time event. Option would not be opened to other trustees. Luisa seconded. All in favor.
Children’s committee- not doing much at this time. We are keeping it simple with COVID. With Carrie leaving, she has offered to be contacted for ideas. Maybe Sarah would be interested in joining this committee. RUtland Youth Theatre - Everyone enjoyed it. They would love to come back. Really good attendance. Over 50 attendees with at least 60 participants. Elijah - would like to get Miguel involved in revamping the YA section. Someone has approached Elijah with ideas for this section. He will coordinate with Miguel for additional input.
Program committee- Joan doesn’t see us having in person programs this fall and winter. Move planning meeting to spring. Keep thinking of ideas. Silent auction? On line? Not at all? After discussion it was tabled until next month. Think about it. Book sale in September using honor system again.
Programs that are meeting are mostly by zoom. Depending on numbers some can meet in person.
Building - north side of building- Looks moldy. Needs painting. How to treat? Mike Shepherd mentioned again. Luisa will check with him about list for next year.
Librarians report- desk for reader.? Will know after tomorrow. Invoice for magnifiers handed in. Yellow acetate lining best for stand magnifiers.
Water/septic line update - No way to get under building that Donna can find. So, Zach is going to call tape company about making a special tape. One that goes in two directions.
Review of new book locations - let’s plan to do it at Septembers trustees meeting. Please arrive at 6:30 for “tour” then regular meeting will start at 7:00. If Shrewsbury Day happens, we will have Dick & Donna in their car with library signage.
Elijah moved; Dianne seconded for adjournment @ 8:26. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Hartigan
9/14/2021 Shrewsbury Library Minutes
Present: Joan, Donna, Lisa, Elijah, Judy, Trish, Miguel, Marge (by Skype)
Minutes: Trish moved to approve. Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Irving contract has been signed for 1000 gallons of propane at $2.21. Quilt raffle brought in $1825. Elijah moved
to accept report. Judy seconded. All in favor. Should the library ask for ARPA funds from the Town? Library hasn’t suffered
financially from COVID so decided to not request funds.
Discussion about front door being mistakenly left unlocked, as has happened occasionally. Should we install a notification by wifi if
door is left unlocked? Trustees would each be assigned their own code. Some discomfort with this. Tabled til next month.
Statistics: Children’s books and patron count up. Overdues down.
Staffing: Diane has calendar next. Reminder to call next person on duty.
Fund Raising: Meet 9/20 9 AM to put sides on tent and set up book sale. Will take money by honor system so no staffing necessary.
Need to truck over books from Donna’s garage.
No Christmas auction this year.
Nominating: Sarah Titterton is newest trustee. Judy is resigning because she’s moving to Rutland. Thank you to Judy for her work.
So there are now 2 openings for trustees. Elijah nominated Bob Knudsen.
Children’s: Doris has been relabeling children’s books and will give tutorial for library staff when COVID permits.
Young Adult’s: Elijah and Miguel have met to discuss improvements to Young Adult area, and would welcome a female on the
committee for another perspective. Will weed out some before the book sale.
Program: Committee not planning to meet soon. 2 months on Science book club.
Building: Donna has made contacts to install line heater to fix frozen sewer issue. Luisa has contacted Mike Sheppard about painting
north side of building next summer.
Librarian’s Report: A patron has suggested we have a puzzle out on table. We don’t think it’s worth donating the space for.
Spring Lake Ranch has asked if they could come on Sunday afternoons. We decided we don’t want to staff on Sundays.
Will consider training a SLR staff person to check out books.
New business: Alison Oresman may want pictures back soon.
Adjourned 8:25 PM.
October 12, 2021Attendance- Joan, Bob, Dianne, Luisa, Donna, Marge (via Skype), Gail,
Minutes- Dianne moved to accept; seconded by Luisa. All in favor.
Treasurer report - attached. Book sale went well! Seems to work great this way. Maybe because patrons can come when they have more time to browse. Discussion of separate account guidelines. Can we make a sign stating what each fund is about. Dianne will take a stab at this. Trish Moved to accept treasurer report. Dianne seconded; All in favor.
Stats - see attached, up in adult books! Listen-up a lot of people.
Calendar - Luisa has this month. For consideration- Thursday is not having a lot people using this time. Maybe we should change this open time? Discussion about Spring Lake Ranch using the library on Sunday’s when it’s easier for them. Donna will follow up with Ranch contact.
Fundraising- Discover Books coming Monday- 10.18.. they can take up to 9 gaylords. No silent auction this year. Trish offered to do another quilt top this winter for auctioning. We accepted her offer.
Nominating committee- with Judy resigning we have another opening. Trish reached out to Harold Niblack. No luck contacting him yet will try again. Also, Joan will put in Times.
Children’s committee- thoughts? They haven’t done anything because of COVID. Nothing for Halloween this year. YA committee just getting started. No report yet.
Programs- request for a spring program about Joan Sibley poems that were recently published. Penelope Weiss and Martha Izzi had this book of poems published. Request to do a program with Nora Jacobs a VT filmmaker about her latest film on Ruth Stone. Famous book and Science book club meet electronically.
Building- new septic line heater is here. Logistics being worked on. Leave plugged in for entire season. Zach, Lisa, Donna, Trish working on it. Mike Sheppard was contacted and given Daphnes name for coordination of spring work
Librarian report- read the shelves. Oresman collection- sounds like they want the collection back but haven’t heard anything definite yet.
New business- none
Moved to adjourn at 8:05 by Dianne; Luisa seconded; All in favor.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Sent from my iPad
November 9, 2021Attendance- Joan, Elijah, Bob, Trish, Sarah, Luisa, Marge(via Skype), Gail, Daphne, Dianne, Donna downstairs.
Welcome to Sarah!
Minutes- reviewed; moved to accept by Daphne; Luisa seconded; all in favor
Treasurer report sent by Lisa. Reviewed. Moved to accept by Elijah; seconded by Trish. All in favor.
Dianne has not yet started making the information list about the different funds available for donating. Will get to soon.
Stats- sent by Lisa. Not great but moving along. Listen-up used more than before. Maybe we should do away with Thursday hours? but what about the food shelf? Something to ponder.
Calendar- Skip Gail for calendar. Next in line is Bob. However, he needs to switch with Elijah. Then do it next month. Sarah presented a new way to do staffing/calendar with signupgenius website. Discussion occurred. Questions were raised. Sarah will email this website & Google sign-up sheet as options to be looked at.
December meeting will happen this year. Meeting is expected to be on the short side.
Fundraising letter- Daphne moved to accept fundraising letter submitted by Donna. Second by Elijah. All in favor
Nominating committee- Cynthia Thornton approached Joan and Gail about being new trustee. Trish nominated; Dianne seconded. All in favor.
Children’s committee- need to add a a trustee to this committee.
YA committee- did round 1 of removals. Lowered shelves in area to help with accessibility. Round #2 of removals. What about the older sets? Sets - Bobsey Twins & Hardy Boys can go. Nancy Drew set need to stay for historical relevance. Committee will be using the funding available for purchasing of new books. Cassidy Wells has joined the committee to give another viewpoint. Move stuff animals to storage.
Program committee- sent out email to committee to wait until January 2022 to have a meeting to determine what programs they will put on in future.
Famous Book book club - 11.21 via zoom - Purgatorio; science 12.11 via zoom - Hyperspace.
Building committee- Zach will come Friday to look at installing heat cable.
Mike Shepherd everyone has put in calls to him but no one has heard back from him. Dianne is calling him for a personal item. She also will ask about library work. This is for next summer work.
Librarians report- SLR- hasn’t been able to connect with person from there to teach staffing. Will reach out again.
Co President report - we haven’t heard anything about status of Oresman collection yet.
New business - Maybe we could try to do Program(s)outside? I.e. Fire pits; s’more night. Things to think about!
Adjournment - moved to adjourn by Dianne; seconded by Elijah @ 8:06.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Sent from my iPad
December 14, 2021Attendance- Joan, Luisa, Trish, Gail, Daphne, Cynthia, Bob, Donna, Sarah
Minutes- reviewed- moved to accept made by Trish; Daphne 2nd motion. Vote - All in favor.
Treasurer report- no report available this month. Reviewed last month’s. No questions.
Stats - no report available this month.
Calendar- discussion of using electronic scheduling. Concerns about privacy and cookies with new format(s). Maybe we could find a paid program that doesn’t use cookies. Anything in Koha that we could use instead of paying for another program? Lisa has offered to be administrator for this month to see how it goes. Daphne moved to use the signup genus for a month and see how it goes for a month. Luisa seconded. Vote never occurred. More discussion over this change. It was suggested to keep book calendar. Bob will look into setting up an email system that can be used monthly instead of sign up genius.
Fundraising letter- some reply’s have started to come in.
Childrens committee- thoughts on winter activities. Sarah will be on the childrens committee. Trish will reach out to Rochelle to see if she has something that the library can do in conjunction with the after school program.
YA committee- has a long list of YA books to be bought. Donna will look up the books for budget purposes.
Program committee- met on zoom. Famous book club Dante’s Purgatoria is January zoom.
Building committee- septic line tape is in. Let’s see what happens this winter. Mike Shepherd contact has not been made yet for spring (?) work.
Librarians report - Donna trained SLR. They did come down this past Sunday.
New volunteer needs to be trained - Katy Stickney. Tuesday &Thursday evenings would be good for her.
No news on Oresman art.
Next Meeting will be Jan 11, 2022.
Adjournment - motion made by Daphne; Luisa 2nd at 815.
Sent from my iPad
February 09, 2021
Attendance via zoom - Gail, Donna, Lisa, Joan, Elijah, Miguel, Luisa, Debbie, Marge, Trish,
Minutes - correct capitalizations of Times and Oresman; change approved treasurer report to add operating budget also approved. Moved to accept with changes by Elijah, seconded by Marge.
Treasurer report - not much happen this month. Sent appropriate forms to the Secretary of State, IRS and individuals. Moved to accept by Luisa; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Staffing - additional staffing will be needed between March 6 and May 15 for Monday’s. Lisa is now available for some Monday’s. Gail will send out emails for coverage as needed.
Stats - we will add book clubs to stats. Concern about low Children numbers was discussed. Unfortunately we cannot hold any children’s Programming no go right now.
Nominating - Judy Keane was nominated for open position. Voting was All in favor.
Fundraising- talk with Marcos about possible street dance in late august. 8/21/21. Also, Trish made a quilt for the quilt group to use as a raffle! Material donated used was to her. Thank you Trish. Drawing on Mother’s Day? Letter to go out soon with timing.
Program committee - famous book club will meet 2/21. 3rd discussion of mirror. The science book club following week discussing Why We Sleep. Science book club interested in e-books. Famous not as much interest. How to handle this was discussed. Looking at Amazon book club does not look complicated to do but they are not allowing the setup of this yet. If participants buy there own, we can’t reimburse for sales tax. What to do? Discussion. Elijah will reach out to see if/how the Vt Department of Visually Impaired could help us? Based on cost of book- 50% reimbursement rate or sliding scale ideals? Table this issue for next meeting. Everyone keep thinking and brain storming ideas.
Building committee- septic line- still frozen- Art & Trish found a possible solution. A heat tape to insert in the line. Possible cost is $1058.00. We would need to find someone to insert. Probably need a plumber. Donna will ask Zach about his interest in this problem. Restroom currently closed.
Children’s committee- little library is a hit! Another donation of 20 puzzles. Picture book trail. Stakes to picked up tomorrow and lamented pages will be attached with Velcro to the stakes. We borrowed a set from Montpelier so we could see how it’s done. Maybe after school program will make a book to be put on trail. As soon as possible junior librarians program will start up. Any ideas for high schoolers? social media, posters offered as possible ways to reach this age range.
Luke still coming in? He is back in school so he isn’t around any more. Luisa -Kanopy discussion. They are In process of redefining their contracts. Will email when she has more info but doesn’t feel we are the market for them. Similar size libraries, Thetford and Hartland, Have been emailed for more “on the ground” information about this service. Netflix and Amazon will be checked out.
New business- request today about ?Previous usage was Not a lot. Luisa will look into possibilities with using
Town meeting on 2/27 can someone from library attend. If it’s being held electronically Debbie can and will do. Debbie will call Mark for information about this year’s process. Elijah will also be attending.
Other - overdues are being worked on slowly.
Meeting ended @ 8:15 due to zoom ending. I wasn’t on to hear who motioned or seconded adjournment motion. By the time I logged back on, everyone was signing off.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
March 09, 2021
Attendance via zoom - Gail, Joan, Trish, Carrie, Donna, Elijah, Dianne, Luisa, Miguel, Debbie,
From when I arrived via zoom......
Treasurer report- Debbie announced she is leaving. New trustee needed. New trustee will need to be listed as “ appointed “ by select board. Elijah offered to be this trustee if not seen as a conflict of interest (his wife was just appointed town clerk). We will ask select board their opinion.
Dianne willing to do review of reports as Debbie use to.
Nominating committee - Joan will advertise in Times that we are looking for a new trustee.
Staffing- Gail will send out an email with time slots available for staffing.
Stats- see attached. Lots of audio. Book clubs added? Will check
Fundraising- moving ahead with mailing letter for quilt raffle. Chryl will put it in the Times. Trish has sent her the information.
Program - Mrs. Calloway discussion on March 21; Ghost Map on March 28. Lisa can order Ebooks on Amazon account if needed. Have anyone in need, have them talk with her directly.
Building- septic issue is basically it is fast to freeze & fast to thaw. We Will still check out “ heat tape” when we can get under building. We’ll check with Woody and/or Greg for guidance on what has happened in the past.
Children’s committee- library story walk trail being finalized. Laminated book pages and stakes are done. We have permission from the Shrewsbury Mountain School to put one up at school in the future.
Little library- everyone seems to be loving it.
Luisa presented her movie streaming and ancestry report. Lots of work done looking into these. Kanopy survey will be sent out in the fall to determine if it is worth the cost. Ancestry remote program might be best program for us. Partnership with historical society might be a good fit. Pricing is an issue. An ancestry survey in fall would be good to know if we should pursue this service for the community. Thanks for all your work Luisa.
Elijah reported on his phone call to Vt. Assoc. for the Blind & Visually Impaired. The Rutland office head is Jack Trainor. The ABLE library is for anyone with documentation of visual impairment. There can be
Donations of cc TVs. Hand magnifyers for sale - $50 a piece. We could loan these out like the snowshoes. A Zoom meeting can be set up in the library to see how we can improve. He is also willing to meet with board to explain this info - Socially distanced of course. Elijah Would you please write this info up for a times article?
New business-
Moving to meeting in person come summer? We’ll visit this as the weather warms. Charle Paquin this year? Last year worked well. Saturday in July? What was last years participants. ?? 15 in total. Yes Joan will contact him to see his schedule.
Next meeting April 13
Adjournment at 8:11.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Hartigan
April 13, 2021
Attendance via zoom- Lisa, Joan, Judy, Elijah, Donna, Dianne, Gail, Trish, Marge, Carrie, Daphne
Minutes- correct spelling - D not C for Mrs. Dalloway book. Motion to accept with corrections moved by Elijah; Dianne seconded by Dianne.
Treasurer report- questions? None raised. Of note, Quilt raffle is going well. Elijah moved to accept report. Seconded by Marge. All in favor.
Nominating committee- one person came forward about being on board of trustees just before current opening came about. Trish moved to accept this nomination; Carrie seconded. Vote occurred.
Staffing- next meeting we’ll talk about further re-opening. Idea suggested to have everyone (IF COMFORTABLE ) to contact one person to indicate their vaccination status. After discussion, please Contact Elijah privately about vaccination status if you wish to be counted in “survey” regarding the staff vaccination status.
Statistics- see attached. Added book clubs under adult program for the past few months. Nothing earth shattering in stats.
Fundraising- quilt has raised $1500.00 approximately. Ask Pierces about having raffle tickets up at store. Trish will handle this. Lisa will print off more tickets. Saturday August 14 set for street dance.
Charlie Paquin wants to come July 10. Theme this year- Make fire starting kits from revolutionary time. Limit to 12 households. 425$. Is fee adult and children’s share this expense. Plus about 9$ for materials for each kid. All in favor of trying to have this program.
Program - pt 2 Mrs. Dalloway. Science is doing Wilding. Next up is Bringing Nature Home.
Building committee- Is septic line open? Yes, toilet works. Heat tape installation by Zach when it’s warm enough. Donna returns May 16. Little library - we think it’s going ok. Trish will look tomorrow to see if it needs anything when she is at Pierces.
Picture book trail is down for now. Log book was signed by 2 parties. So don’t know if we only had those 2 or more visitors.
VABI- report. Walk thru/Zoom Presentation happened. Minor fixes were suggested. They donated a desktop magnifier. Handheld magnifiers were demonstrated. Elijah recommends we buy 2 of each of both styles of handheld magnifiers. Approx. $200.00 cost. Then we can lend them out like snowshoes. Carrie made a motion to buy said magnifiers; Trish seconded. All in favor. Gail will reach out to Elijah for thank you info. Elijah will write a snipet regarding this new library offering for the Times.
The neighbors wooden fence was damaged in the area of our tent. Discussion occurred. As of the meeting, the deed to the library property and boundary agreements had not been found. A committee was formed to work with Judy and owners. They are....Trish, Donna, Lisa, Elijah. They will work on fence and also will work together to get something in writing for the future so we have a clear record.
New business- Jan Tofferi wants to know if we would sell Book club books? 1 book or a bunch? Lisa will call to clarify.
Annual membership to VINS? Discussion occurred. Motion made by Dianne to renew membership; seconded by Carrie. All in favor.
Next meeting May 11 should we move to May 18. Yes. It is our Annual meeting.
Elijah moved to adjourn @ 7:58; seconded by Dianne. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
May 18, 2021
Attendance- via zoom - Lisa, Judy, Gail, Donna, Joan, Carrie, Elijah, Lindsay, Trish, Daphne, Marge
Minutes- Trish moved to accept minutes; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer- not much to talk about. $2300 raised from quilt raffle so far. The bills for the books bought by Joan will be handed into the treasurer in June. Elijah moved to accept treasurer report; Trish seconded- All in favor.
Nominating- presented slate. Joan &Lisa as Co-President; Trish as Vice President; Lisa as Treasurer; Gail as Secretary; trustee term renewal included Marge, Carrie, Louisa and Trish. Carrie moved to accept slate as presented; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Should we open more hours? Keeping protocols in place. June 01 add Wednesday 2-5 hours. Marge/ Donna can take this shift but should look for others. We will drop contact tracing as of today(5/18/21); capacity limits and mask requirements following the Governors guidelines.
Stats- see attached.
Fundraising committee- Quilt needs to be put up. Piercers store now has basket with tickets. Trish will check on this when she is there.
Children’s committee- still need to meet. Lindsay would love to be on committee. We have VINS pass! Other passes were discussed. Carrie will check Montshire museum to see if they have any special programs for libraries.
Program - July 10 Charlie Paquin coming. This will be a pre-registered program. 12 families maximum.
Famous book club by zoom again. Moll Flanders. Science bookclub is this Sunday- Bringing Nature Home.
Building committee - summer work that needs to be done? No one has really thought of anything. Putting tent up is needed.
Fence - Elijah wrote up an agreement. Judy found some boards in back shed. Trish measured post - 2 1/2 x 3 1/2. Who can install- Trish can. Judy will call Trish to work out timing.
Librarians report- we’ll need to find a place for the table top reader. Lisa will look in demco for pricing of another desk. Always read shelves.
New business- Carrie put the snowshoes away. Did she put them in the right place. Lisa will check.
Next June 8. All in favor of meeting under the tent.
Trish moved to adjourn; Judy seconded; all in favor at 8:06!
June 8, 2021 minutes
Attendance- Joan, Donna, Elijah, Louisa, Lisa, Gail, Judy, Marge, Carrie,
Trish, Daphne, Miguel
Minutes - corrections or questions- none raised. Louisa moved to accept. Seconded by Marge. All in favor.
Treasurer report - oral report given. Just the usual bills this month. Elijah moved to accept; Louisa seconded. All in favor.
Wilderness friends love meeting under tent. This year they are offering $800.00 for their yearly fee.
Staffing - covered through June. What will the hours be in the future? Should we return to normal hours? Discussion occurred. Decided July 1 we will open with previous full time hours. See how staffing goes for the “old” hours to determine if we need to change them.
Discussion occurred about overdues. Also, discussion about flow of book locations.
Stats- see attached.
Fundraising- street dance - quilt will be raffled at this event. September 25 for the book sale.
Children’s committee needs to meet. Daphne to leave children’s and go to building. Should we purchase a second park pass? Yes! Rutland youth theatre- 7/30. Need to confirm which play is coming.
Do we want to provide refreshments? We will visit this in July. Charlie 10-2. 12 families only.
Program - Both book clubs moving along well. When should we open up programs? Committee will meet to discuss with September as a possible starting date.
Building- Zach working on septic line? We will wait to hear from him. Judy going to be on building committee. Fence repair is in and done except for painting. Thanks to Trish for all her work/help with this.
Lending library - do we want to paint the outside cabinet? Discussion occurred. We’ll hold off for now. Daphne & Ed are going to take care of mail drop.
Desk for overhead reader. - looking for local woodworker to execute desk with both computer and reader. Magnifiers ordered but on back order.
Librarians report- continue to read the shelves and look for books that are listed as over-due. Dorothy Canfield Fisher books/award now known as Golden Dome books.
Oresman pictures - any info none yet from family? We have heard nothing from them.
Adjournment @ 810 moved by Trish; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Next meeting July 13, 2021 @ 7:00pm at library
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
July 13, 2021Minutes
Attendance - Trish, Luisa, Lisa, Donna, Carrie, Elijah, Joan, Gail, Daphne, Marge
Minutes - any corrections - painting of lending library is to be white. Correct spelling is Luisa. Motion to accept with corrections by Lisa; seconded by Trish. All in favor.
Thanks to Daphne & Ed for painting Dropbox. Thanks to Donna and Marge for moving books. Library looks neat.
Treasurer report - all bills paid. Insurance for year. 1655$ for quilt as of this date. Move to accept treasurer report by Elijah; seconded by Luisa. All in favor.
Lindsay resigned. Advertise in Times and look for trustees.
Staffing - back to alphabetically handling calendar. However, Marge will switch with Joan because she will be away in September. Change Wednesday timing from 12-230 & 230-5 to see if it makes it more appealing for trustees to staff.
Stats- see attached.
Fundraising committee- Street Dance - dinner or not? After discussion it was determined to go ahead with a more simple dinner. AKA different styles of hot dogs. $10 price for dinner and dance. August 14. @ 6 pm.
Book sale will be September 25, 2021.
Children’s committee - summer plans still working on it. Carrie will take over scheduling committee meetings. Still striving for junior librarians in the fall. Charlie Paquin program went well. Grace Brigham did a lot of work for this program. 2 groups attended- 1st group were the younger kids with the second group being the older kids. Riley Miller was a great help to Grace.
Rutland youth theatre- goodies? Yes - several trustees will bake. At town hall @7. Lemonade & cookies with a free will donation.
Program committee- meet & plan or should we hold off with indoor events? Program committee will meet in September to decide start date for programs. Book clubs moving along with current books.
Building- Donna has been in contact with Zach. He Is coming to check on water line. More info after he sees what’s up. Judy was to paint the fence. Trish will check with her that everything is still ok.
Librarians report - list of directions and location of books from move will be in black folder to left of check out computer. Meeting of volunteers & trustees to go over procedures would be a good thing. September? Still working with woodworker on new desk.
New business- Shrewsbury day - do we want to be in parade- no exhibits this year only a children’s art exhibition. No real interest in the library trustees being in parade. We were asked if the library could be open to have children come here to make their art. Many questions about the details surrounding this question were raised. Joan(?) checking with Betsy about these questions.
Adjournment- moved to adjourn by Daphne; Seconded by Carrie. Adjournment At 8:18.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
August 10, 2021 MinutesAttendance- Joan, Elijah, Dianne, Donna, Lisa, Trish, Luisa, Gail, Judy, Daphne, Marge
Minutes - after review Elijah moved to approve; Trish seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer report- see attached. Normal bills. Nothing of note. $1780. for quilt raffle so far. Drawing will be at dance. During the intermission. Someone needs to collect any tickets from Pierces store by Saturday. Elijah moved to approve; Luisa second. All in favor.
Stats - see attached. Looking better since we are open more.
Ad in times has error with Friday openings. No wonder no one has been coming in. To be corrected in future issues. Lisa will email Joan a list of overdue/missing books that Spring Lake Ranch sent a check for replacement.
Staffing - Joan has calendar. Any changes in hours or protocols? None to hours. We will ask patrons to wear a mask.
Fundraising- street dance- if it rains not happening. Refreshments- send out notifications that no hot dog dinner. Maybe they could bring a picnic for themselves. Refreshments- individual servings. Cupcakes & bottle waters only. Maybe the creamiees that were prepared for the last concert - if still viable. Luisa will check on these. Elijah will be able to be there for set up. Bob Knudsen also offered to help. Timing 6:30 with concert at 7:00. Coolers will be brought by Luisa, Donna, Elijah. Joan will take donations for dance. Gail - Bring torches. Lisa will drop off fire pits.
Nominating committee- opening for Lindsay. And now for Carrie’s position. Sarah Titterton nominated for Lindsay. All in favor. Joan will contact. Sarah. Gail was tentatively contacted by Jean Marie. I will reach out to her again for further discussion. ( NOTE - I spoke with her in more depth and left it with her to contact me, Lisa or Donna. I haven’t heard anything to date) Marge requests to be part time. After discussion of part time trustees in past which got confusing/complicated with several trustees being part time, Elijah moved to accept Marge’s going part time with caveat that this is a one time event. Option would not be opened to other trustees. Luisa seconded. All in favor.
Children’s committee- not doing much at this time. We are keeping it simple with COVID. With Carrie leaving, she has offered to be contacted for ideas. Maybe Sarah would be interested in joining this committee. RUtland Youth Theatre - Everyone enjoyed it. They would love to come back. Really good attendance. Over 50 attendees with at least 60 participants. Elijah - would like to get Miguel involved in revamping the YA section. Someone has approached Elijah with ideas for this section. He will coordinate with Miguel for additional input.
Program committee- Joan doesn’t see us having in person programs this fall and winter. Move planning meeting to spring. Keep thinking of ideas. Silent auction? On line? Not at all? After discussion it was tabled until next month. Think about it. Book sale in September using honor system again.
Programs that are meeting are mostly by zoom. Depending on numbers some can meet in person.
Building - north side of building- Looks moldy. Needs painting. How to treat? Mike Shepherd mentioned again. Luisa will check with him about list for next year.
Librarians report- desk for reader.? Will know after tomorrow. Invoice for magnifiers handed in. Yellow acetate lining best for stand magnifiers.
Water/septic line update - No way to get under building that Donna can find. So, Zach is going to call tape company about making a special tape. One that goes in two directions.
Review of new book locations - let’s plan to do it at Septembers trustees meeting. Please arrive at 6:30 for “tour” then regular meeting will start at 7:00. If Shrewsbury Day happens, we will have Dick & Donna in their car with library signage.
Elijah moved; Dianne seconded for adjournment @ 8:26. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Hartigan
Attendance- Debbie, Trish , Dave, Joan, Marge, Elijah, Dick, Miguel, Lisa, Gail, Donna via Skype, Daphne (downstairs to cover), Jessica
Minutes Trish moved to accept; Debbie second. All in favor!
Calendar - Marge
New volunteers - anyone know of anyone?
Treasurer report - sent to everyone for review. Positive cash activity this year. Bldg expenses were explored first. A thank needs to be sent to Paul/Karen Stewart for plowing. After discussion, Elijah moved to requests level funding; Trish seconded. all those in favor. no opposition. Remaining budget - discussion ensued. Moved to Vote on total operating budget of 21,560. Was made by Elijah; seconded trish. all in favor - yes!!! Thanks to Debbie for her work.
Fundraising committee - silent auction went well this year. Discussion of event and upcoming Phone book project happened. The basic forms from the last phone book have been updated and Will go out tomorrow to the community.
Children’s committee- 1/24/20 - family fun night- movie night- 6pm. November was thanksgiving theme - read and book share with food shelf donation! December holiday movie night with Gloria’s donated cookies.
Snow day 1/25 Elijah will staff library table. ( after meeting it was determined that there will be no need to staff a table at this event as event is purely geared towards “winter fun”)
Building - Shed mostly completed. Finishing in spring with gutter work.
Program committee - see attached. Miguel will join program committee. Nothing scheduled for Jan. Gary salmon talking about trees in France and emerald ash borer. 2/21. March - Elijah - march 20 - peace corps in Burkina Faso; April - foreign correspondent Claire Gillis on her work in the Middle East. May - rotary exchange students. June novelist Jon Clinch of Ludlow author of Finn and the recent Marlow. July Charlie Paquin’s annual program. August Mettawee?September home security systems? . October novelists Rebecca Hempl andZach Hempl will read/discuss. November Martha Molnar to discuss new book about being child of Holocaust survivors. And Self publishing vs publishing house. Motion Lisa moved to accept programs as currently slated. Marge seconded. All in favor
Quilters on hiatus for winter. Knit along meeting every Wednesday 7-9
New business- heat pump? Discussion occurred
Stats - see attached.
Librarians report - check shelves
Streaming services library uses? Lisa going to look into. Mostly documentaries and art house films on this service.
New business - anything you would like Joan to say in town report? Let her know soon
Next meeting 2/11
Adjournment — moved by Debbie; seconded by Dick at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
I was under the impression that we had approved these minutes by email back in April.
Do we still need to approve at this(June) meeting?
Attendance- Dave, Elijah, Debbie, Lisa, Gail, Joan, Dianne, Jessica, Dick,
Minutes - Reviewing January (no February meeting) - Debbie moved to accept as is. Elijah seconded all in favor.
Calendar - Gail. Any new volunteer ideas - none known.
Library open house - idea from another library what do we think about doing this....discussion
Treasurer report - filed 1099’s with IRS. All bills are up to date. Motion to accept report was amended to include phone book revenue update. Elijah moved to accept Dianne seconded. All in Favor.
Fund Raising - Phone book moving along. Other fundraising no new ideas at this time.
Children Committee- April 24 family fun night. TBD what will happen. School wants to come visit 1st week of April. Suggest to school people to wait until Donna or Doris is back for this visit.
Building committee- do we need to re-paint or just wash bottom of building?after discussion, washing bottom was decided as the way to go with first. Dick will try with his new power washer.
Heat pump research- Lisa met 3 different people. Has one quote for $7400-8000; after rebate from Green Mountain Power (GMP) = $6600. We will revisit this at next meeting to finalize with all quotes in hand.
Program committee - see attached
Stats - see attached
Additional Business -1. when checking in or out ILL books, please leave ILL “sleeve” (informational paperwork) on books. 2. Kanopy - after research it was decided that this service is too expensive. 3. Should we do anything about virus concerns? Discussion occurred. At this point, we will not change our hours or practices but executive committee will monitor daily.
New business- Dave and Meg Mellor are moving to SC to be near family. Will need new trustee to fill his spot. Well wishes to the Mellor family.
Adjournment- motion by Lisa; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Adjournment At 8:05 pm.
Next meeting - April 14, 2020
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
June 09 minutes
Attendance- Joan, Lisa, Elijah, Gail, Donna, Dick, Dianne (via phone for a portion) Trish, Miguel, Jessica, Daphne, Luisa
Minutes from March approved by email. No meetings April, May
Treasurer report sent by email. Any questions? No. Daphne motioned to accept; Elijah second. All in favor.
Do we want to have Marcos convert variety shows vhs tape to dvd? After discussion, Lisa moved to have this project worked on; Trish seconded. All in favor. Another proposed project is the need to Update the OS to Mac 10. After discussion, Elijah moved to do the update after it was researched if tech soup is the cheaper way to get this accomplished; Marge seconded. All in favor.
Nominating committee slate was proposed via email. Elijah moved to accept; Jessica seconded. All in favor.
Advertisement will go in the Times for new trustee due to Jessica leaving. Any thoughts. Trish has approached a town resident and is waiting to hear back from her. Other residents mentioned. Will see if anyone comes forward from Times announcement.
Charlie Paquin July 18 th. Socially distanced program possible according to him. Discussion occurred. Pre registering will need to mandatory and 2 sessions am and pm. Motion by Elijah to hold up to 2 programs by Charlie Paquin on 7/18 with pre-registration mandatory, limited attendance and other Covid-19 responsible parameters in place. Jessica seconded. All in favor. After further discussion, Elijah made a motion for the library to purchase a no touch thermo (if we can find one) for Library use during programs; Trish seconded. All in favor.
Summer hours? Last two weeks requests have been dropping off. Why? Don’t know. More hours? Anyone else willing to come in with new parameters? What day should we be opened? One day a week- Wednesday or Saturday? We’ll start with Saturday. Limiting number of patrons. Requirements emailed to town, listed at door and published in times. Gail will send list of requirements to trustees for further discussion at July meeting. Third Saturday (7/18) for kids program; 7/25 opened to public with new rules.
Book club by email. May choose to meet outdoors.
Request to use tent by wilderness friends. Motioned passed by all. With stipulation to clean bathrooms no taking books. Bring own chairs.
New business- Children committee would like to have a cookie meeting. Gloria will bake “mask” cookies for patrons and icing for patrons to pickup to go home and complete. Presenting movie on side of building with social distancing was discussed as a possible event for the summer.
Heat pumps - what do we want to do? Zach Beltz quote just under 5000. 3800 with rebates. Does not include electrical part. Motion by Elijah to go ahead with installation; seconded by Jessica. all in favor.
Next meeting July 14 - will see how this needs to be accomplished (outside and distanced, remotely, other options?)
Adjournment motion made at 7:55 by Dick; seconded by Elijah all in favor.
Thank you and Good Byes to Jessica! Safe travels.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
July 14, 2020
Attendance- Joan, Chuck, Lisa, Elijah, Dick, Trish, Debbie, Daphne, Donna, Miguel, Marge, Gail
Minutes- motion to approve- Elijah; second by Daphne; all in favor.
Treasurer report - report sent by email. Not a lot of expensive to report at this time. Hourly rate discussion occurred. Friends group pays $600 a year currently. After calculating yearly average usage for friends group, they should be paying between $650 - $750. Joan to meet with new person and discuss amount. Trustees will table hourly fee discussion until someone asks for it. Motion to approve report by Trish; seconded Elijah; all in favor.
Nominating committee- through the times article, Carrie Clancy came forward with interest to join. Debbie moved to accept nomination; Trish seconded; all approved.
Summer in person hours- Monday10-12Wednesday7-9 Saturday 10-12. Staffers need to monitor computer use for cleaning purposes. There is a 15 minute limit for patrons visiting the library. This can lengthen at the discretion of the staffer if no one else is in/waiting for access to library.
Charlie Paquin 8 people signed up. So, program will be 10-2. Donna, Daphne to cover staffing. Bring lunches. Bottle water will be bought. Donna to get.
Book club should be meeting on Sunday. After discussion, it was decided to move meeting to August.
Building committee- powered washed by Dick. Donna going to try bleach on black area. Baking soda solution for moss on roof. Heat pumps installed. Aaron to do electrical this week. Leaving them on dehumidify. 2 Rebates still to come.
Stats- see attached.
Librarians report- is Marcos ready to do conversions? Miguel will check. He is ok to come get Videos when he’s ready. Suggested that Miguel just take them home tonight.
Donna - nothing new.
Phone books are done and ready to be sold. Think about book sale - not sure how it could happen. We can Revisit next month if conditions change. NO silent auction this year.
Move to Adjourn made by Elijah; seconded by Marge @ 7:58
Next meeting... August 11, 2020
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
August 11, 2020
Attendance - Elijah, Lisa, Joan, Carrie, Debbie, Gail, Luisa, Dick, Miguel, Daphne,
Minutes-make correction of...expensive to expenses. moved to accept with corrections made by Elijah; Seconded by Luisa. All in favor.
Treasurer- not much happening at this time. Biggest was heat pump payout this quarter. New sign board purchased. Should we move any money from money market to capital fund? During discussion, it was noted that we usually move money at the end of year. Further Discussion occurred on various aspects. Motion made to accept treasurer report byElijah; seconded by Luisa. All in favor.
Staffing - discussion mainly about Saturday’s. It looks like there aren’t to many problems with finding staff. We should be ok.
Stats- see attached.
Children’s- How to increase children’s circulation? Discussion occurred. Maybe run an article in times featuring children’s books was one idea.
Current hours - seem to be ok for now.
Fundraising-Doris perry emailed about book sale. Are we having it? Discussion occurred. General consensus is not to have it this year.
Should we send out fundraising letter early since not having any of our usual fundraising events this year? Discussion occurred. Joan will reach out to Donna about preparation of letter earlier this year.
Charlie Paquin- kids had a great time.
Famous book club by zoom this Sunday at 4. Discussing Dante’s inferno which was suggested months ago.
Building -painting in future. Heat pump installed and working beautifully.
Children’s committee - no report.
Librarians report - none - Donna not here
New business- book drop needs some love. Daphne will take care of cleaning/ painting weather permitting.
Next meeting? TBD - in question are weather?zoom?not enough material to warrant a meeting?
Motion for Adjournment made by Luisa; seconded by Elijah at 7:38pm.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
September 8, 2020Attendance - Joan, Lisa, Trish, Debbie, Gail, Luisa, Donna, Daphne, Marge, Dick, Miguel
- Minutes- review- accepted as is: Luisa moved Trish seconded.
- Treasurer- discussion about propane. Irving vs. Suburban. Suburban offering a slightly better price. Debbie will see if Irving can give us the same price as Suburban. Will email after answer received.
- Michael Morfit from Friends group said they will continue to meet by Zoom because of current conditions. New annual rental fee accepted. This fee will be established when meeting room available again.
- Stats- see attached.
- Current Hours- after discussion...they seem to be a good quantity.
- Fundraising- letter is about to go out
- Program committee- famous book club will meet by zoom.
- Building committee- emailed Brendan Tift about painting side of building. He will put us on his list for fall or spring.
- Children’s committee- met as a group. Have purchased all Middle School Grade Award books. New Red Clover books have been purchased also. 2 projects for kids to pick up in hall way. Wild plant t-shirt and hand washing bottle. Carrie interested in re-starting Jr. librarians program when able.
- Librarians report- missing books? Various books just seem to be missing. Also, Mad Men DVD series 4 is missing. Be on the lookout.
- New business- please keep outside door closed so we can avoid flys.
- Next meeting- will be via Zoom.
- Adjournment- motion made by ???; Debbie seconded at 7:00.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
October 13, 2020Attendance via zoom - Donna, Joan, Lisa, Marge, Trish, Dick, Elijah, Carrie, Dianne, Miguel, Debbie
Minutes- typo in September minutes- make “flies” correction. Motion to Accept with correction- Elijah; seconded by Dick
Treasurer report - received a large amount already from letter. Annual letter usually take in amount? Last year around $10,000. This amount is what is collected throughout the year from letter. Haven’t calculated yet what Book sale has brought in. Motion to Accept report made by Marge; seconded by Elijah. All in favor.
Staffing- how to handle upcoming holidays? We will be open the Saturday after Thanksgiving but not Christmas.
Stats - see attached. Over dues are down! Ills are strong. More kids than last month. Use of Listen-up has increased.
Current Hours - seem to be ok. Keep it simple.
Discover book pickup went beautifully! Our 2 gaylords are gone! Tent is done for winter. Thanks to everyone that helped with this. Also, Thanks to Neal for use of forklift and to “Dump man” - Paul for his help in making this go smoothly. Joan will acknowledge in “Times” article.
Fundraising- do we need to do something else this year? No, we have enough to carry us forward to 2021.
Program Committee- Famous author book club will not have Zoom meeting until November. Science book club is having trouble with small print in some of the books. What about getting e-licenses for books? After discussion, Dianne & Lisa will look into this. Buying large print materials is quite expensive.
New Toilet is in and working. Heat pump is also working.
Children’s committee- anything for winter? Maybe coding. Not computer coding. Secret codes either made up by kids or other known. A meeting is needed to figure out how to handle winter “activities”. Possible idea...”Binge a book”.
Librarians report - nothing new.
New business- Vt. Dept. of Libraries program - “beanstalk” (?) program issue was discussed. Correct Library card number? Try adding a zero.
Next meeting- 11.10.2020 via zoom.
Adjournment- moved to adjourn by Elijah; seconded by Lisa. At 7:52.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Sent from my iPad
November 10, 2020
Attendance via zoom - Lisa, Trish, Gail, Elijah, Donna, Joan, Luisa,
Carrie, Marge, Debbie, Dianne
Remembering Dick Keane.
Minutes- approved by Elijah; seconded by Luisa
Treasurer report- doing ok with donations from fundraising letter. Great letter and different timing seems to have helped.
Money from town is here. Moved to accept treasurer report by Trish; seconded by Dianne. All in favor.
E book license discussed. OverDrive Advantage. Kindle buy multiple copies and email link to patrons. We should poll science club members as to how many would like this format? We will table this until another meeting to finalize when we have the answers from the poll. Both book clubs will be polled.
Staffing- seems to be adequate at this time.
Stats- see attached.
Fundraising- no report at this point.
Program - 11/15 zoom book discussion : science book club on 11/22
Building committee- any concerns. Discussion about Installing an outside book exchange. AKA Little local library/locker. Donna’s brother-in-law has made one for us. Donna will continue with this project.
Children’s- reading challenge- no feedback yet! Reminder about snowshoes. Carrie is reporting to Chryl about children’s committee activities. Thinking about story trail for winter.
General - TV series DVDs - put a list on bulletin board of series that we have. Also, Put s stickers on series.
Oresman art collection - we need to let them know we still have them. Some are quite valuable. 17 works. All types of media. Joan will contact Ludy to find out who to talk with.
Skip December meeting? All in favor! Will meet in January for budget.
Move to Adjourn made by Dianne; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
No December Meeting
Minutes from 1/8/19
Attendance-Joan, Lisa, Dirk, Riley, Gail, Debbie, Trish, Dick, Jessica
Minutes from October - dirk moved to approve; Trish second; All in favor.
Calendar - Joan
Name of Volunteer prospect - Alice Martin was suggested via Chryl.
Treasurer report- budget review. After discussion Trish moved to request $7500 appropriation from town; dirk second; all in favor. Dirk moves to accept expense budget of $22,650. Dick second. All in favor.
Nominating committee- Dave Mellor would like to be trustee and Dian Barclay indicated that she might be interested. Have not heard from Diane. After Discussion, Debbie moved to accept Dave: Trish seconded. All in favor. Will contact Diann again ( we believe she is out of town at this time) Welcome to Dave.
Michael Flanagan- Shakespeare movie night? Once a month. Has list of related Shakespeare movies to be presented. Need refreshments? He hasn’t thought about that. he will see what attendees are wishing. Many suggestions offered him. All in favor of this new event at the library.
Fundraising committee- silent auction- 3600. Cleared. It was thought that we should put in The Times earlier about donation needed.
Children’s committee- November stem cancelled until Doris back in town - maybe May. Christmas movie night had 21 people. Next month or two another movie night to be scheduled.
Building committee- toilet issue hopefully fixed with new flapper. Dick will bring a couple of hay bales over to replace last years. Trish will get heater from shed to put in bathroom for precaution during cold times
Program committee - 20th of Jan book club; science book club on 27. Quilters are meeting when pattern gets here. Judy this Sunday? Gail will Bake cookies for Sunday. February 10 Barry Griffith on Crown Point rd. Gary salmon in March about fire fires. Ann sarcka May 3 ?
Other possible programs- Alternative ways to wellness round table? Charlie Paquin again? Farmers round table ? See agenda for dates.
Five year plan- nothing
Stats - see attached
New business- no
Adjournment at 8:25 moved by Debbie; Dick seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Minutes 2/19/19
Attendance- Joan, Dirk, Judy, Trish, Gail, Marge, Riley
Reviewing Minutes - any changes/ additions - none noted. dirk moved to accept; Marge seconded. Minutes approved as is.
Treasurer report - No treasurer report tonight
Calendar - Marge
Nominating Committee- Diane Barclay is still interested. Put to vote. Trish moved to ask Dianne to be a trustee; Judy seconded. All in favor. Joan will contact Dianne
Fundraising- no report
Children’s committee- no report
Building committee- septic hasn’t frozen to date. Hopefully, the replacing of the flapper did the trick.
Program committee- Romeo&Juliet discussion this past Sunday. This coming Sunday Blink, by Malcom Gladwell; next science book - Moth Snowstorm. Movie night on feb 1 only 2 people attended. Rescheduled for March. Maybe these events need more publicity? March 15 is when Julius Caesar is scheduled.
Quilters- nothing to report at this time.
Judy - rescheduling to spring for genealogy program. Barry Griffith- Crown Point Rd. presentation was packed. About 42 in attendance. Gary Salmon talk about Forest fires coming up. Emergency management program happening on April 26th. Round table forum for this event. Ann Sarcka- early in May (3) to talk about the book about her mother. Book is written/printed in scrap book style. Alternative medicine program still in development. August 4 round table event at town hall talking about farm life.
5 year plan update. Nothing new yet.
Statistics- none available tonight.
Overdues- Marge and Judy are working on them.
Librarians report- nothing new; please continue to read shelves.
New business- nothing at this time.
Next meeting will be March 12
Moved to adjourn at 7:35; Marge moved; Riley seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Minutes 3/12/19
Attendance - Joan, Dave, Dirk, Lisa, Judy, Gail, Dick, Dianne, Donna (via Skype), Marge, Trish,
Minutes - 2/19/19 minutes were reviewed. Trish moved to accept as is; Dirk seconded.
Treasurer report- everyone received the report and reviewed. Dirk moved to accept. Dick seconded. All in favor.
Fundraising- nothing to report at this time.
Children’s committee-Donna had correspondence from Jessica about setting up a movie night soon. Friday nights work great for movie night so the children’s committee will work with the Shakespeare events. Doris will be back on 5 April. After her return, they will re-set a date for the stem night that had to be canceled due to weather.
Building committee - waiting to hear from Michael Shepherd about painting estimate per Trish. Dianne will also reach out to Michael as he has done work on her house in the past.
Program - Judy sometime in May would work for her genealogy presentation. Joan and Judy will talk to finalize. Gary Salmon forest fire talk on Friday was great and well attended. Next year he will probably talk about the emerald ash beetle. Emergency management program coming together for April. Lots of going back and forth with the Various agency coming. Ann Sarcka talk on May 3. Alternative Healing in June. Charlie Paquin - Joan will email again. Mettawee discussion they are only available the last 2 weeks of July. We will invite them this year. Stefan Grace would like to do a program in Morocco. Date tbd. Poetry reading sometime in October to coincide with Joan’s new book release.
New committee for new trustees? Dianne will join program committee.
5 year plan - after review it looks like we have done most of the items from the last plan. discussion occurred about if we really need another plan. With the changes with the state regulations it looks like we don’t need to have said plan.
Statistics- See attached
Librarian report- Please keep reading shelves
New business- patron form - please check when filled out that we have some way to contact patron. check- in books that are on green cart then place in small book shelf behind desk. Pipes haven’t frozen!!! New patron cards will be made as soon as possible. What to do with books that get dropped off ? leave on shelf behind staff chair.
Adjournment; moved to adjourn by Dirk; seconded by Trish At 8:00. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Shrewsbury Library Trustee Meeting Minutes 4/9/19
In Attendance: Joan Aleshire, Dave Mellor, Lisa Sharrow, Dirk Thomas, Richard Keane, Marge Benini, Donna Swartz, Trish Norton, Dianne Barclay, Jessica Giffin
Joan called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Richard moved that the minutes from the March meeting be accepted as circulated. Dirk seconded. All approved.
Fund Raising Committee- Lisa is thinking of the Street Dance – needs to get on Shrewsbury calendar. Possible dates August 10, 17 or 24th. Possible book sale on Sept 21 or 28. Donna is away, so 28 is preferred date.
Children’s Committee- May have to postpone the STEM night – Doris can’t find the materials due to the damage to her house. Possibly substitute a movie.
Volunteers – Margery Salmon is flexible, if she has a date you want, she is willing to switch with you.
Building Committee- still haven’t had a response from Mike Shepard. Dianne suggested electronic pest control in lieu of or in addition to the mouse traps. Donna thinks we need them by the food shelf.
Lisa mentioned the Elevator inspection, need to have an annual test – need to budget for it. Make sure Debbie B. Knows about it.
Program Committee- Book Clubs – Famous is skipping April, next book is Devotions. Science Book Club Oxygen on April 28.
QUILTERS’ GROUP? WRITERS’ GROUP: re-grouping in May – Donna assures they will have the raffle quilt finished.
RE-SCHEDULE GENEALOGY w/ JUDY for sometime in the fall.
ANNE SARCKA: FRI 5/3 @ 7:30 p.m.;
ALTERNATIVE HEALING: 6/14 – Dianne will speak to Grace Pratt, Joan has spoken with Lindsay and Vicki and Kelly who does Reiki
Dave will go on Building committee
Five year plan committee will meet when Donna returns.
Statistics Report – Patronage is up, Overdues are down, - all volunteers and trustees need to be sure books are checked in before shelving.
Next meeting is Annual meeting – N/C Lisa, Dirk, Gail. Dick is willing to another term if his is up.
Dirk will leave copies of Emergency Management Plan in Library for patrons to look at.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50.
Attendance- Joan, Dave, Trish, Debbie, Gail, Donna, Dianne, Judy, Marge
Minutes- thank you Dianne for taking. Any questions? None raised. Trish moved to approve minutes; Marge seconded. All in favor.
Calendar - Gail
Treasurer - not much happen. Raised about 1600. In donation. Insurance was 1700. 990-N form filed. Painting to come. Small items coming up. Transfer anything? Discussion occurred. No one thinks we have to move any funds yet. Dianne moved to accept report; Trish seconded. All in favor.
Nominating committee - slate for yearly consideration as follows: trustees up for renewal are: Lisa, Gail, Judy, Riley. Lisa and Gail are willing to continue; Riley did not reply as of meeting time and Judy has decided to step down as a trustee. Officers have all agreed to continue in their positions. Joan as Co-President; Trish as Vice President; Debbie as Co-Treasurer
; Lisa as Co-President and Co-Treasurer; Gail as Secretary. Dianne moved to accept the slate as presented; Marge seconded. All in favor. Judy still wants to volunteer.
Fundraising- date of 8/24 town hall? For street dance and dinner. September 28th is preferred for book sale.
Children’s- no report. Stem night wonderful per Donna’s talk with Doris. About 20 attendees. Family fun night- 4th Friday of every month.
Building committee- no word yet from Michael about this years painting. Do we want to hire Greg Miller to replace clapboards that are rotting in back before painting occurs. All in favor of this idea. Trish will contact him.
Program committee- this Sunday Mary Oliver discussion. Genesis of birds on 26. Shakespeare Movies to take a break for summer. Only 5 attendees last time. Quilters- no news. Stefan grace talks about trip to Morocco this Friday. Emergency round table- 35 people in town hall. Group discussion lead to identifing areas of town where things are located ie generator, gravity fed well water. Town committee working on items. Anne Sarcka talk- 20 people attending. Judy genealogy in November. Alternative healing 6/14. Charlie Paquin 7/14. Mettawee sunday 7/28
Farm stories w/ SHS, SAGE, VFFC: 8/4. Joan, Yvonne & Penelope 10/18 poetry reading.
5 year plan - does anyone want to do a new plan? Donna has googled the state to see what they have available as examples. A 5 year plan does push us to stay on top of things. It gives us a framework. New committee will be formed.
Statistics- no verbal report available. See attached.
Librarians report- make sure when you check in that it register.
New business - 1. Request for different language books. 2. Can we buy bio/compostable items for events - yes. We will use up the items we have on hand then switch to more ecologically friendly items.
Next meeting- 6/11
Adjournment at 8:05 moved by Dianne; Trish seconded. All in favor,
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Attendance - Joan, Dave, Debbie, Trish, Lisa, Donna, Dick, Dianne, Gail, Marge
Minutes- questions/revisions- none noted.Debbie moved to accept. Dianne second all in favor
Calendar- dick
Treasurer- insurance up from last year. After talking with agent and adjuster, we will be receiving a check for $120.00 for credits. Do we want to change replacement value of building? It would change our value by $30.00 in our favor. After discussion all in favor of keeping it as is. Moved to accept treasurer report by Trish; seconded by Marge.
Nominating- no one has contacted any of us. Trish will contact second person on list after Lisa contacts first person to see if there is any interest. No other suggestions for this timetable. Names mentioned during meeting will be out onto a “waitlist” and will be contacted in the future.
Fundraising- street dance on 8/24 - town hall is reserved. Book sale 9/28. Christmas event - 12/7.
Children’s committee- movie night? Not scheduled yet that w know of. Ice cream social 6/19. 6:30-7:30. No extra help needed. - Donna will check to make sure no more help is needed. Trish will donate syrup.
Building - no response from Greg by either phone or email. Joan will try to reach him also. After discussion, Trish will first contact Mike Shepherd about doing this when he comes to paint. If he can’t/doesn’t want to, then we’ll move onto contacting Greg. No new signs of mice but carpenter ants look to be showing signs at front steps. Will try the borax mixture placed under the book box.
Program committee- book club @4 on the 6/23. Science is same day at 7.
Stefan Grace was a wonderful program. Great photos and history. Healing round table will be here this Friday6/14at 7:30. Galen will provide refreshments. Charlie Paquin July 13; 10-2: making handles for tools. Mettawee - July 28. Joan, Yvonne & Penelope on 10/18. Judy in November.
5 year plan- Donna checked with other libraries and printed out what other libraries have submitted. On line details are available at DOL-librarian section- 5 year plan. After hemming and hawing about who can/wants to do this plan, Trish brought up do we really need this? After discussing pros and cons of a 5 year plan, Lisa made a motion to not do a plan at this time and table the idea for 5 years. Trish seconded motion. All in favor. Current plan would be replaced with library being an emergency shelter exploration. Dave and Lisa will work on this process.
Statistics- see attached. Discussion about overdues.
New business-Shelburne pass discussion. Patrons have asked about this recently. Do we want to change our minds and get the pass again. Dianne motioned to get the pass for one year to see if it is used enough to warrant continuing in the future. Dick seconded. All in favor.
Adjournment at 8:17 motion made by Dick; seconded by Marge. All in favor.
Next meeting 7/9
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Shrewsbury Library Trustee Meeting Minutes 7/9/19
In Attendance: Joan Aleshire, Dave Mellor, Dirk Thomas, Richard Keane, Marge Benini, Donna Swartz, Trish Norton, Dianne Barclay, Jessica Giffin, Debbie Blecich
Joan called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Dianne moved that the minutes from the June meeting be accepted as circulated. Dave seconded. All approved.
Volunteers – Dave has the calendar this month. Sign up for shifts through Sat following August Meeting.
Treasurer’s Report – Dirk made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report that Debbie circulated before the meeting. Trish seconded and all approved.
Nominating Committee- Brianna declined to be a Trustee. Elijah LaChance, a new resident of Shrewsbury, a young attorney has volunteered. Discussion as to his qualifications ensued. Brianna has served with him on a Board in Chittenden and found him to be pleasant and active. Marge moved to accept his nomination, Dirk seconded, all approved. Dirk will invite him to join.
Fund Raising Committee- the Street Dance will be August 24, Donna will get out a list of Food, etc. needed before the next meeting–. book sale on Sept 28.
Children’s Committee- Ice Cream Social was a huge success, with 54 attendees. Moving the toppings to the other room really helped with crowding. Next event is a Lego night on 7/26.
Building Committee- Mike Shepard Is painting at Dick’s house, so Dick will ask him if he can replace some clapboards prior to painting the Library building.
Program Committee- Book Clubs
QUILTERS’GROUP:TIME? Will be Wed July 10 – quilt for raffle, call Donna
CHARLIE PAQUIN 7/14 10-2 HELPERS? ICE WATER & CUPS. Donna and Grace B will be helpers
LEMONADE/ COFFEE/HELPERS? Joan will arrange for building to be open and for tables. Marge will collect money. Dirk will help and Joan’s granddaughter.
HEALING ROUNDTABLE REVIEW: DIANNE – those attending really enjoyed it, not all presenters showed. Gaylen did a beautiful job with the food.
UPCOMING: FARM STORIES: 8/4 at Russelville Schoolhouse 2-4 Smiths, Sharrows, Ridlons and others; POETRY: 10/18; GENEALOGY 11/10 @ 3p.m.
Statistics Report – No report . Discussion about mentioning overdues when people are checking out, ask if they want to renew, discussion over whether we should be printing slips for everyone.
New Business: Marjorie Salmon will store books for the Book Sale. Book Shed will be cleaned out by Trish and Lisa.
Next meeting is Tuesday, August 13 at 7pm.
Debbie moved that Meeting be adjourned, Dirk seconded- all were in favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:06
Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Barclay for Gail Hartigan
Attendance- Joan, Elijah, dick, Donna, Lisa, Gail, Debbie, Trish, Jessica, Dave, Marge
Minutes- Changes: delete new trustee comment. Correct spelling of Breanna. Dick moved Trish seconded with changes
Treasurer- not much to say outside report. We made 48$ on Mettawee. Contract for propane signed. Moved to accept report by Trish. Seconded by Marge.
Nominating- Elijah welcome! Dirk has decided to leave the board. So we are now looking for a new trustee. Also, we will need to find someone to be on the nominating committee. Trish was asked and she agreed.
Fundraising committee- haystack prep and planning. Book sale where should donated books go- wherever they can fit.
Children’s committee-LEGO night on July 26 - not as many as they hoped but everyone had a great time. During the Committees meeting they tried to plan for a year. Some of the events: family night 8/23; 9/27- stem night; 10/25 Halloween event; 11/22 thanksgiving event and 12/23 holiday family movie night; March - dr. Seuss event; April - stem Night.
Building- clapboards- any news? Michael Shepherd - no answers yet. Dick received a quote of $ 1476 For repairs of Clapboards and trim. And $1753. for painting that section from Brandon Tift of gold tree woodworking of Vermont. He requires 50% down. Motion made that Lisa will get recommendation from Michael bedesem about Brandon tift. If recommendation is favorable, we will hire Brandon. ? will Contact Michael Shepherd to let him know we don’t need him anymore. Trish moved. Seconded Lisa. All in favor. Have Brandon contact Debbie regarding tax information.
Program committee see agenda. Quilt is going to long armer on Monday. Discussion about Shrewsbury day availability. Marge and Elijah can be at the library table.
Statistics- see attached.
New business- Shrewsbury day sept 15 what do we want to display? Schedule, events, pictures same as last year. Tri fold display? Will look to see where last years display is- does Doris have it? Hopefully not.
Next meeting- 9/10/19.
Adjournment at 8:20
Moved by....Marge seconded by Trish.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Minutes September 10, 2019
Attendance- Joan, Elijah, Debbie, Lisa, Gail, David, Marge, Trish, Dianne, Dick, Donna
Minutes- review - corrections/Changes- Trish moved to accept as is; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Calendar - Lisa
New volunteers- no one new at this time.
Treasurer- 64k in bank. Brandon started work on building. We paid his deposit and will pay remainder when finished. 885$ made from haystack dinner. Last year 918$. No other upcoming bills to be aware of. Marge moved to accept report; Elijah seconded. All in favor.
Nominating committee- new trustee has come forward. Motion made; Vote held. Riley has resigned as teen trustee. Notification will be made of this trustee position in the Times.
Fundraising committee- review of dinner/dance. Overall went well. A lot of help for prep. Thanks to everyone. Food amount was right on this year. Book and bake sale phone list will be out on desk for you to call town people to solicit baked good donations during shifts. Sale is 9-2.
Children’s committee- STEM night before book sale. Children’s movie was well attended according to calendar.
Shrewsbury day- display is being worked on.
Building committee- new work looks great. Gutter above Ben Perry room was recommended. Ask Brandon about cost of gutters. If reasonable have him do it. Elijah moves to have Dick and building committee ask builder for estimate for gutters if reasonable go ahead with work. Seconded by Debbie. All in favor. Also, should we ask him about Shelves and floor in shed? Lisa, will talk with Brandon about what she is thinking. Motion made by Elijah to have Dick and/or Lisa approach Brandon about estimate for shelves and floor in the shed. Once we have estimate, contact trustees via email or if needed bring to next meeting for discussion. Debbie seconded. All in favor.
Program. Shakespeare movie about 7 people. Reg book clubs at regular times.
See agenda.
Statistics- attached.
Librarians report- nothing at this time.
New business- can we put Janet Evanovich series in numerical order verses alphabetical? Sounds reasonable. Whoever gets to it first can feel free to take care of it.
Debbie moved to adjourn at 8:15; Seconded by Trish. All in favor
Respectfully submitted
Gail Hartigan
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Minutes for 07/10/18
Attendance - Joan, Chryl, Dick, Lisa, Gail, Debbie, Trish, Donna, Marge (downstairs to staff) Judy, Riley
General public: Grace Brigham, Dick & Lee Rohe,
Welcome to Dick & Lee Rohe and Grace Brigham from Historical Society
Regarding celebration of town festivities. 1st annual Shrewsbury day - all organization come together to celebrate our town. Do we have concerns regarding having this event happening at the same time as our book/tag sale?Ideas of their event are Parade, picnic, public displays. Maybe have events on different day due to energy of library community members? After discussion, They will consider moving their date to the 15th. If not able to, we will get 2 people to work on the historical event only.
Minutes - review - Lisa moved to accept as is; Debbie second
Calendar - Pam
Treasure’s report - see attached. Plumber came. He could not really tell by looking at furnace. He will send someone out to open up and clean.
Historical society talk - see above. Judy will go to meeting and report back what happens.
Fundraising committee - Donna will get out list for trustees to sign up for street dance. We will add Mac n cheese for younger kids.
Children’s committee - ice cream social - was well attended. 64 people. Game on lawn and fun all around. No organized summer reading program. There is a raffle being held for passes to the State fair. Every time a child reads 2 books, he/she can put their name into the bucket for a chance to win the state fair passes.
Building committee - nothing yet regarding painting of outside.
Programs - science reading group on the 22nd. Yvonne Daley program: attendance about 34. Charlie this weekend. Vet arch. 9/14; oct apple tasting 10/14. Genealogy- JUDY - 11/11. Next year: Barry Griffith - Crown Point Rd. Morgan Over. Herb program
Other Business - living in place; Small meeting was held to zero in on mission and goals. Potluck luncheon on Thursday 7/26 @ noon at meeting house.
5 year plan update - no new updates.
Statistics- see attached. Things are looking good.
Librarians report- paperwork filled out to get on currier service for ILL. Cost is $7.50 for us. A week. Now we have to wait and see if we are accepted or not.
New business-Can the Video Mini Series selection borrowing time be changed? After discussion, it was decided to change from 2 to 3 week timeframe. Remember, you can always renew an item AS LONG AS no one is waiting for it.
Lisa moved to adjourn; Debbie seconded. At 8:05
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Minutes 06/12/18
Attendance - Joan, Trish, Pam, Judy, Donna, Debbie, Lisa, Gail, Mackenzie, Dick, Dirk, Marge
Minutes - any changes? None mentioned. Moved to accept by Dirk; seconded by Debbie
Treasurer report - nothing new. Have paid mostly normal bills. Discussion about where should certain books be allocated.
Furnace repair - plumber has looked at it and will call Joan back.
Nominating Committee - Youth Trustee Riley Miller reached out to Dirk. Riley Miller was presented as the new teen rep to the board to replace Mackenzie. Pam moved to accept the nomination of Riley to the board; seconded by Trish. All in favor.
Fundraising - Saturday August 25 street dance; Book/Bake/Tag Sale date set for Sept. 22.
Children’s committee - Ice Cream Social June 20 at library. For Everybody. Please come!. July - Charlie Paquin event. August - Family Fun night - movie with Brownies. September blueberry popsicle and square dancing. Marcos and Joan Judge to call. Town hall? Details to be worked out. October - Halloween. November - STEM month. December - movie night. Jr. Librarians met here at 3:30. 12 children came even with a conflict with Historical society. They did a Scavenger hunt in library. Children took out books and had fun.
Building committee - no updated quote for back work from Michael Shepherd. $1300. For front work is till a go. Can we by a ladder for the library? A Tall Step ladder. 8-10 foot probably the size. Everyone OK with this. Go ahead Lisa. Shelving unit for shed in future?
Program Committee - Tempest at Sunday. Science - June 27; Quilters - meeting ?? Nothing set yet. Yvonne Daley - Reading & Talk on June 16th. Review of Elsa’s talk - great talk. Problem connecting her lap top to projector. Maybe with power connection because of European built. 35 people supported her. Charlie Paquin. 7/14. Vt. Arch. 9/14. October - Apple tasting. Genealogy - Judy would share what she does. Julianne is interested in doing classes. Barry Griffith - maybe in the new year would talk about crown point rd. Morgan Over. - talk about carpentry. Herb talk in March.
Other business - living in place - having another luncheon on June 28 at noon - potluck. Last luncheon at town hall had 20 attendees. No request for transportation to/from event. They had sign-up sheets for various jobs. Tree removal was brought to their attention as a service needed.
5 year plan - Lisa and Debbie have done there description - ongoing.
Stats - See attached
Librarians Report - Books look nice not being on top shelves. Do we want to use the top shelf to display books? Read shelves - on going. Maybe try doing sections- Gail will do mysteries. Others to pick a section as needed.
New Business - ?? When you get passes back, make sure you check them in.
Thanking of Mackenzie and wishing her the best.
Adjourn - motion at 8:15 to adjourn.
Motion by Dirk; seconded by Marge.
05/08/18 minutes
Attendance - Joan, Dirk, Debbie, LIsa, Gail, Mackenzie, Judy, Trish, Jessica, Dick, Marge,
Minutes - review - changes/corrections - none found. Trish moved to accept minutes as is; Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Calendar — Debbie has this month
Treasurer report - any questions? Nothing unusual. Standard bills have been paid. 990-N formed filed. Documentations updated. Telephone bill issue was discussed - Library gets charged for long distance. Please be aware- so long distance calls are not made from the library unless for Library business. Money can be moved out of MM at any time. Furnace check might be getting down tomorrow. Motion to accept treasurers report made by Dirk; seconded by Marge; all in favor
Nominating committee - Jessica, Trish, Marge and Chryl are the trustees whose terms are up for renewal. All have accepted too continue their terms. Also, all officers have accepted to continue in their positions. Debbie moved to accept the Trustee slate as presented; seconded by dirk. All in favor. Marge moved to accept officers slate as presented; dirk seconded; all in favor. Nominating committee will need recommendations for teen rep. As Mackenzie will be leaving soon.
Fund raising - donations from Nancy Spencer home have arrived. Some for auction and some for tag sale. Harvard classics has been moved by Joan she has looked online for prices from $200. To a low of $40. Joan will write a check for the books she has taken. Their are others that she is interesting in purchasing for SAGE.
Children’s committee - book cart would like to be purchased. Dirk moved to purchase; trish seconded; all in favor. After school program trying to figure out with Rachelle if there is any interest? Rachelle will poll the kids. Trying to plan a field trip with them so they can come down at least once before establishing a regular program. Children’s committee meeting next week.
Building committee - no new estimate yet with cost of doing work around the back as discussed at last months meeting. Front wall will be done this summer. not sure about additional work due to painters time table. canister lights are now all LEDS
Program committee - Bread and Roses, Too - VT humanities book discussion 5/20. Science - what If - discussion 5/27; quilters - meeting occasionally
May 24 Thursday @ noon free luncheon for aging in place at town hall. If you would like to help please call Judy or Donna. Reporter will be there so lets see if we can get a lot of people there. Documentary this Friday at 7:30. Elsa (exchange student from Belgium) on 5/25.
5 year plan - job descriptions - Lisa’s in and Debbie’s are now in.
Statistics - see attached
Other business- Passes- we have decided to not renew Shelburne. We have VINS, ECHO, State Parks, Historical Parks, Wonderfeet,
Librarians report - usual.
Replacing flag - Donna bought a flag. Can we move the old one inside? (Old flag was a donation from Fiske Family) Let’s think about this.
Trish and Joan worked on a design for a welcome flag. Everyone liked the design. Carry on Trish
New business - ??
Moved to adjourn by Dick. Seconded by Trish. Adjourned At 8:05
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Sent from my iPadMinutes for 04/10/18
Attendance - Joan, Dick, Pam, Mackenzie, Lisa, Gail, Donna, Trish
Minutes- corrections - change wild to wide in name of book for book club; add Selfish Gene as name for science book club. motion to accept minutes by Dick seconded by Trish.
Calendar - Judy - BECAUSE Debbie is not available this month.
Treasurer report - no report this month. Normal bills have been paid. Furnace check is still pending. Joan will keep on top of it. Donna will call efficiency Vermont to check with what they might help/do.
Fundraising committee - Joan had a call from Dee Dee Erb. They will have auction items and tag sale items because they are cleaning out Nancy Spencer’s house. Asked them to hold items until closer to book sale time.
Children’s committee - has not met yet.
Building committee - Trish has an estimate for scraping and painting. From Michael Shepherd. Discussion occurred regarding painting vs. staining. Back wall was mentioned as needing work also. Trish will call Michael about extra work and painting vs. staining pricing. Motion was made by Pam to hire Michael Shepard for work seconded by Trish. All in favor. We will decide how much work to have him do when new information is available but want to be on his timetable for this summer.
Program commmitte - book club meets this Sunday. Science book club is still on Selfish Gene. Quilters group will meet April 23rd At the library at 6:30. Aging in place next date? Progressive caucus wants to show documentary - 13th -it is Not available by DVD only streaming. They will provide computer/ laptop for streaming. Is this ok with the board? No objections voiced. May 11 was chosen as streaming date. Tree program decided not to have due to weather. Moved to April 20. may 25 - Elsa - exchange student will give a talk. Yvonne Daley coming 6/16; Charlie Paquin 7/14. Donna will contact Vt archaeology society with info to have them talk with Joan for setting up a time for a program. Idea of Climate change talk. Looking for someone to talk about this. Does anyone know anyone? Apple tasting presented by morning star farm - Library hosting with sage at schoolhouse just because it is easier at that location. Hoping for it to be the something like the last one. Maybe scale back number of apples brought for identification. Jack Emerick - talk about railroads- Maybe in November. According to Judy, he would like to just talk with the attendees. Date/time? Still to be set.
5 year plan - Lisa made a list of what she does!! Now hopefully other lists will start to be made.
Statistics- see attached. Over item listed as overdue was found on the shelf by the patron. So a Mini KOHA lesson occurred for when you have time to check the overdue list against the shelves.
Keep reading shelves. Please write down what you have done.
Flag replacement - where do you get a flag - hardware store - staples? Same size as we have. Lisa will look into. Joan will make a drawing for an open/welcome flag.
new business? Next meeting is annual meeting on May 8th. Nominating committee will need to present a slate for voting.
Moved to adjourn motion made by dick; Seconded byPam at 8:06
All in favor
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Minutes for 3/20/18
Attendance- Joan, Dirk, Trish, Mackenzie, Lisa, Gail, Marge, Pam,
Minutes - changes? None found. Dirk moved to accept seconded by Trish.
Calendar - Marge - only a few spots left
Treasurer report - no report.
Town vote 188yes - 44no.
Furnace check is still pending. Will get to it when weather clears
Children’s committee - has not met yet.
Building committee- septic freeze seems under control. Will look at it in spring.
Painting front in spring? Do we have someone to ask? Michael Shepherd was given as a possibility. Trish will reach out for an estimate for scraping and painting the front? Anyone know who the historical society had do their work. Lisa will call Ann Ridlon or Grace to see if they can give us this persons name and info.
Program -Stranger in the kingdom=last book. New book is Under a wild and starry sky. Science group will meet this Sunday and again in April. Quilters will pick up again when Donna returns. AIP not sure when rescheduled to due to weather.
Program committee will meet tomorrow . Greg and Ludy program was great but not well attended on 3/11. They left literature on desk for the taking. Scott Courcelle on 3/4 well attended by 16 people. Great questions. April 6 - Gary Salmon with tree stories. How trees contribute to our health and symbol of climate change. Mettawee wants to bring a “project in progress” - like they did 2 years ago. Discussion occurred regarding seeing the in process program versus completed show. Most members agreed to not bring them here this year but wait till next when finished program is being showed. Other ideas -VT archeology? Jack Emerick? Any other thoughts on programs? Judith Thomas - has a friend willing to do a program on herbs. Mostly from culinary side but also some medicinal items.
5 year plan update - lists being made? nothing yet. Maybe we should re think these list. Instead of a list of jobs, just a list of everything that needs to be done for the library.
Statistics- Overdue - as of today 87.
Reading the shelves is on going. ILL courier service- Donna is looking into this.
Montshire does not have a pass program. We have received the pass from VINS. Snowshoes came from VT Dept of Health - they happened because a lady from the VT Dept of Health called and told Joan she would be here to drop them off at no cost to us.
Chryl called Joan about the flag for the building. Is it time to replace it? Joan would also like to see a Welcome flag/banner. Trish asked Joan to sketch out her ideas and she’d see what she could do about it.
New business - moving books around to create more space. Trish and Mackenzie found some books that are classified as J that
probably should be YA. Will look into correcting these. Movement of books will continue to happen.
Dirk moved to adjourn at 7:55. Seconded by Pam.
Minutes for 02/13/18
Attendance - Joan, Dirk, Pam, Debbie, Lisa, Gail, Judy, Trish, Marge, Jessica, Mackenzie,
01/2018 minutes - corrections - state $20,584. Was approved budget. Minutes accepted with corrections was moved by Trish seconded by Deb.
Treasurer report- Deb will file not for profit card to state by May. Will send insurance value amount to listers. We received a check from discovery books that is not in this months report.
Motion to accept Treasurer report by Dirk. Seconded by Pam.
calendar - Dirk
Fundraising committee - nothing to report
Children’s committee - we have talked about ideas but nothing official. LEGO club is resting for a couple of months until more attendance occurs. Last several no one has showed up.
Building committee - thanks to all water running and toilet flushing during the cold spells. It has made a difference. Elevator inspection was normal. We passed the test. CAT 1 test needs to be done once a year. He wants to come back in December. Electric heater was turned off in bathroom due to cost. Lights in great room are still CFL not LEDS. If We could change these it would make a difference. Mouse traps yielded any Results? Nothing has been found. Look at the front of building? Joan did. We will need to think about painting the front this summer. Maybe stain instead.
Program comm - book club stranger in the kingdom this week. Next week science club. AIP now has 2 volunteers in Shrewsbury working with One to One. Neighborworks still in wings to work with 5 houses to help residents with adaptions As needed. Possible residents being contacted. Next meeting in early march at meeting house for a brainstorming session.
Quilters- not meeting at this time.
Neighborworks March 11 @3. Now due to weather and sickness. Scott Courcelle talking about planning your garden Sunday march 4 @3. Gary Salmon on 6th of April about trees.
Belgium exchange student will be talking Friday may 25 Yvonne daily about her new book on June 16. Program committee needs to get together to do other planning. 28th @2 was set.
Job descriptions need to done for 5-year plan.
Statistics- how are we doing - drop in circulation. Weather related. Increased in ILL’s due to new system. Looking into courier service. VINS pass $150 A year to admit 4 for free. Should we consider this pass? Shelburne pass is not used often. Maybe we should cancel shelburne. To balance VINS. Debbie motioned to get VINSpass. seconded by Dirk. All in favor
We will re visit shelburne later. Montshire Pass available?
Trish built a lot of shelves in the great room and moved mysteries. music is now on the carousels in the great room. Donna and Doris think we should only have children’s book in great room. How can we find more room? But no children’s books were moved out of that room. No decision is being made tonight. We need someone to buy children’s books YA and DVD’s. Doesn’t have to be a board member. Should we put something in the times. Maybe we can ask for suggestions. Jessica will give it a try.
Town info meeting is at 6 on Monday the 5th of march. Any library personal who can attend would be great.
New business? None
Adjournment motion made by Lisa; seconded by Judy.
Adjourned at 8:20
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Attendance-Donna, Pam, Joan, Trish, Gail, Mackenzie, Dick, Debbie, Chryl, Jessica, Marge,
Presentation of the quilt to Nancy”Rill”Bell by Donna Swartz. Then, Rill turned around and gave it to Donna for everything she does for the Library.
Calendar - Joan will have it this month due to dirk being sick.
Treasurer report- budget review.
After discussion Chryl moved to request level funding from the town and Pam second. Marge moved to accept budget with changes Trish seconded all in favor. Do we want to put money into capital improvement fund? We have been told that the furnace might be in need of replacement sooner than later. How much to move? After discussion, Dick moved to put 20k in capital fund. Marge seconded. All in favor. Do we need to get a seconded opinion about the furnace? We should. Who? Pat Williams? (Russell Edwards sold his business to him.) Joan will call him. Town hall fee being returned because they internally decided to return it.
Approving November minutes- changes needed? Trish moved to accept as is. Marge seconded.
Fundraising - Short discussion as a wrap to the end of year events.
Children - speakers were amazing for the movies. Parents are looking for more
Movie nights. Children’s committee will come up with something to do with the kids for the next couple of months. Have not had a meeting since November due to holidays. LEGO club is run by Doris and Carol. No report available.
Building committee- septic issue again because of cold. Preventative maintenance by Dick &Judy coming in to run the water and make sure heat was getting to room. Art is calling A1 to find out about actual storage tank size. Have to wait till spring to do new maintenance on tank and pipe to try and correct this issue. Will need to dig up pipe again to see what the slope is. Also, Tank was suppose to be weighted. Once we re-dig, we can see about pipe and tank. Pumping records are needed for state permit.
Elevator inspection - was done?We think. We are now waiting for the report. Cab on upper level doesn’t hold well. Please be aware for power/motor issues.
Program committee-needs to meet to discuss plans -Tuesday 1/23? @7.
5 year plans - job descriptions need to get these done.
Statistics- see attached.
Librarians report- mouse traps are going to be set. We have found evidence of the creatures because of candy corn left after Halloween party. ;)
New business - Need to find room! Maybe move poetry to new room to come up with space. Trish will talk with Joan to see what can be moved.
Moved to adjourn by Dick; Pam seconded at 8:25.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
Attendance -Joan, Marge, Chryl, Trish, Donna, Gail, Lisa, Judy, Dick, Jessica,
Minutes -any changes or addition: just spelling - Chryl has no “e” under calendar, mike flannigan has an I under volunteers and Caitlyn is with a “y”. Marge moved second by Jessica. All in favor.
Calendar- Lisa has calendar this month.
New volunteers -Carolee Ferguson has been trained. Doesn’t want to be alone yet. Will have her come when other people are here. Lisa is emailing Brianna to work out a time for training. Also, she has tried to contact Mike but hasn’t had any luck yet.
Treasurer report. No actual report because Debbie is away. 487$ more for professional liability insurance. Would need this if we were ever sued. No real secenarios can be thought of as to needing this. Item will be tabled until Debbie is here to give us any ideas of necessity. Book sale - any money received after the actual sale? None. Town hall fee- Joan spoke with committee member and they will let her know when the next meeting is. Someone from the library should go and speak with them regarding the amount of the fee. They only meet 4times a year. More info to come when available.
Fundraising- auction forms coming in? Slowly yes but keep it up! What is next- please bring wine, crackers, cookies,. Music taking care of. Bartender is set. Trish to bring greens. Time of event 7:00. Raffle tickets for quilt are going like hot cakes! More tickets are in bottom draw on right hand side of desk. Put money there. Fundraising letter is great! Letter is going out soon. Thanks to Dick Swartz for his help.
New handles on door upstairs into storage section. This one works!
Children’s- Halloween party- wonderfully attended. Approx. 115 people.(both inside and out). Food was outside. Mackenzie did a great job with kids. Anne Lees helped when Donna became unavailable. Popcorn hands and photo “booth”were great hits. Christmas movie is next ideal. Need better speakers. Wireless speakers would be easiest solution. Price range is $50 to $150. Can we get them in time for a dec. movie? Yes. Will get them soon. No voting needed on speakers because of price. LEGO club is this weekend. 11/18/17.
Joan reads reviews in ny times about YA or children’s books. Who can she ask about buying books that are listed? Donna said go ahead and buy them because she is not watching the lists.
Building any issues to be addressed. None raised. Need to do paint next year.
Programs: Current book club is: Spy That Came In From The Cold. Next in January is The Handmaid’s Tale. Science book club is not doing a November book but is doing a December book. The book is Red Queen. Quilters - We are sporadic right now. Keep in Shrewsbury Times as is for now.
Aging in place - any follow up program? maybe between thanksgiving and Christmas. However, no date has been set for next meeting. The day of the last meeting was the wind storm day so the meeting was at Library instead of the church. About 10 attended. Ludy biddle wants to analyze houses in Shrewsbury thru Neighborworks. More discussion needed. Transportation aspect will be thru One-to-One because of insurance reasons. Another idea being worked on is a community luncheon in town for socializing. Gerry’s program on wood turning this Friday. Refreshments? Cider and cookies would be great! Ludy Biddle and Greg Over talking about Neighborworks is slated for February. Program committee will get together in January to plan actual dates for upcoming programs. January date TBD.
Five year plan any one written job description? No
Statistics-see attached.
New business? - Working with schools? Nothing together yet. Donna heard about a program called Crazy 8’s program. It has age groups of k-2 or 3-5. Need to find someone who is available to do the after school program with the kids. Both Donna and Doris leave town for part of the winter.
Next board meeting is Dec. 12, 2017
Meeting moved to adjourned at 8:15 by Dick; Marge second.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
October 10, 2017
Present: Joan Aleshire, Chryl Martin, Judy Emerick, Debbie Blecich, Lisa Sharrow, Pam Grace, Marge Benini, Dick Keane, Jessica Giffin, Trish Norton, Mackenzie Hewitt, and Caitlin (guest).
Minutes: Correction on date of Scott and Heather’s program on Cuba from 10/20 to 10/13/17. Dirk moved to accept and Marge seconded. All in favor.
Calendar: Cheryl is scheduling this month. We have 3 new people interested in volunteering: Mike Flanagan, Breanna Potter Davis, and Carolee Ferguson.
Treasurer’s Report: Deb signed a contract with Irving Energy for propane. Concerning getting Directors and Officers insurance, Deb’s research says we can’t have it cover internet abuse because we don’t have security policies in place about computer use. Lisa will check to see how our server security is set up. Pam moved to accept report and Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Fund Raising Committee: Low total from book sale: $401 from food and $283 from books. The book sale is on-going for now.
Much discussion on whether we should appeal the $50 rental fee for using the Town Hall for the Haystack Dinner. Issue tabled.
It’s time to solicit donations for Silent Auction. Lisa will email sample item request letter to trustees.
Donna is preparing fundraising letter and quilt raffle tickets. Quilt is almost done and will be displayed soon.
Children’s Committee: Haunted Library event will be Friday 10/27 from 5:30 to 7:30, with meeting 10/12 to finalize plans. Donna and Doris are organizing the Junior Librarian program.
Building Committee: See minutes for upcoming programs. Aging in Place program had good turn out, with follow-up meeting planned for 10/30, 5 PM, in church upstairs meeting room. Church is interested in cooperating and will be helpful in identifying needs and services.
Statistics: Patron count slightly down.
No new business.
Chryl moved to adjourn at 8:00 PM. Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Submitted by Trish Norton
Shrewsbury Library Board Meeting Minutes
- Attendance - Joan, Chryl, Lisa, Donna, Gail, Debbie, Pam, Dick, Trish, Judy, Mackenzie, Jessie, Marge (downstairs to cover desk)
- Minutes - Trish thank you for filling in for me! Corrections? Yes- Aging in place change date to 10/1; add Donna in attendance; minutes accepted with changes moved by Dick; second by Pam
- Calendar - Chryl is away for next month so Trish will take this month. Can anyone do this Thursday? Judy will do for Dick.
- Treasurer report: Sent via email to everyone. Large expenditures - Joan for books, Jay for driveway, septic pumped. Amazon prime account set up for library use. Talked with Hester Bateman from Hull Maynard insurance regarding trustee insurance. Debbie will fill out application which will then let us know the actual cost. Propane contract with Irving is up can board make motion for Debbie to sign contract with Irving regarding pricing for next contract for one year. Motion made by Pam; second by Trish. Vote -all in favor. DVD conversion money in budget is for children's DVD. Treasurer report moved to be accepted by Trish; second by Jessie. All in favor
- 'Fundraising committee - fewer people for haystack dinner because of time of year? maybe try to book band early? Try a different program? Maybe a different type of dinner? Not many families there. Maybe more advertising? All things that the fundraising committee will discuss for next year. Another white board sign maybe of use to us now that we have a different relationship with the homeowners on the corner. Book sale: 9/30 in mount holly they only accept donations for their books versus charging for books. What do we want to do? For this year keep same pricing? Discussion about this happened. Decision made to keep pricing and see what happens. When donated books arrive they should be put in front hall. Bake sale happening also. Pies, breads, cakes, hot dogs, anything! 2 people doing tag sale so far. $10. A table. They provide there own table. The week before is when we will start to move books out to tent. Wednesday will be a great day to separate into categories. List of towns people for staffers to call regarding bake sale items will be on desk. Please call when you are staffing.
- Children's committee - jr. librarians starting? Talking with Rachelle and getting authorization to be with kids i.e. Finger printing. Jessica working on Halloween. Oct 27 for Halloween party 5-7 several parents have mentioned the party with offers to help out. Considering not doing the outside portion. Will discuss final details as a committee. Trying to get everything done to put flyer in times. Any chance of the story hour happening again? Will be in times if it is going to happen. Could also send flyers home thru school.
- Building committee - parking lot is GREAT. COST WAS 2568.00 Hopefully plowing doesn't pick it up. Anything need to be done? Nothing mentioned. Shelves in shed?
- Program committee - Book Discussion group this Sunday. Death by black hole 9/24. Quilters - taking a moment. Quilt is at quilters today. Teaser about quilt this month picture next? Aging in place - day after book sale. Flyer going into times. Heather and Scott on 10/20 about Cuba. Feb 16/2018 Ludy & Gregg about neighborworks. Elsa, exchange student from Belgium for spring. Any ideas? Please let committee know. They will meet sometime in November.
- 5 year - year 1 done for outside. Other segments are partially or all completed.
- Statistics- see attached.
- Librarian report - please keep reading shelves. Starting to move 2016 new fiction from new area to stacks.
- New business - call from Barbara Hoffman about meeting in the library for progressive committee startup group. After review of policies this is allowed. She has to is fill out the form for room use. Silent auction forms and cover letter are available.
- Moved to Adjourn at 8:25 by Marge: second by Trish.
Present: Joan Aleshire, Marge Benini, Jessica Giffin, Pam Grace, Richard Keane, Trish Norton, Dirk Thomas, Mackenzie Hewitt
Mackenzie Hewitt was introduced as our new youth Board member.
Minutes: Dick moved to accept. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: no report in Debbie’s absence
Fund-raising Committee: Concerning Street Dance/Haystack Dinner, discussed new Town Hall use fee policy. Pam moved we post “Suggested Donation” and not pay rental fee. Marge seconded. All in favor. Sign up sheet for food donations and jobs was passed around and will be on the check out desk. The dinner time was changed to 6:00 PM, with the dance starting at 7:30. The Community Blues Band will play.
The Book Sale is scheduled for September 30.
Children’s Committee: Junior Librarians start up with the beginning of the school year. Mackenzie will join this committee.
Building Committee: Dick has obtained 3 bids for the parking lot resurfacing. His recommendation was to hire Jay Webster who could surface with asphalt millings for an estimated $2568. Discussion about the higher quality of this material over others. Dick so moved. Dirk seconded. All in favor.
We decided to leave the school bell where it is, displayed in the front desk area, rather than install it outside.
Program Committee: Aging in Place program, 9/1, would like to reach both helpers and those needing help.
Charlie Paquin program was very successful.
Quilters have completed quilt top and sent it to be finished. Will then be ready to raffle.
See agenda for other planned programs.
Shrewsbury Library Board Meeting Minutes
July 11, 2017
Present: Joan Aleshire, Debbie Blecich, Judy Emerick, Pam Grace, Chryl Martin, Trish Norton, Lisa Sharrow, Donna Swartz and Dirk Thomas
Minutes: Debbie moves to accept, Pam seconded, all in favor.
Treasures Report: John Wood was paid second installment of $7500 for the South Wall Project. $16,000 was moved into checking from the Money Market.
There was much discussion on the restricted funds. Trish made the motion to spend down the restricted funds and to make a sign to publically acknowledge the restricted funds. Chryl seconded the motion, all in favor.
Chryl will brainstorm on how best to spend the Large print fund.
Joan will put acknowledgement stickers in books when bought from any restricted fund.
Hester our insurance agent is looking into a combined policy.
Trish moved to accept report, Dirk seconded, all in favor.
Nominating Committee: Mackenzie Hewitt is a possible candidate for youth trustee. Chryl moved to nominate Mackenzie Hewitt as the youth trustee, Pam seconded, all in favor.Fundraising Committee: It was decided to have the StreetDance/Haystack dinner at the Meeting House on September 9th. Lisa called and reserved. Whether we pay the $50 and charge or ask for a free will donation is still to be determined. Book Sale is Saturday September 30th
Children’s Committee: Junior Librarians program to start in the fall
Building Committee: Dick talked to Mark Goodwin about Jamie bringing gravel down for the driveway. Mark said we would have to talk to the selectmen. After further discussion, we will ask Dick to get some prices from local contaractors. (Jay Webster, Orville Wood)
Program Committee: FB Book club: Bring up the Bodies II: Sunday, July 16 @ 4 p.m. Science book club: best Science & Nature ...2016: Sunday 7/23: @ 7 p.m.
Quilters’ group? Wednesdays
*Aging in place program: October 1: town hall @ 3 p.m.
*Charlie Paquin: Saturday, July 15 10-2; September: Ludy: 9/16?
Cuba: Scott Garren & Heather Shay sometime in the Fall
Statistics: 3 long overdue books came back, one check for replacement of lost/overdue book
New Business: Fundraising Letter idea- List the programs to come in 2018
Pam moves to adjourn at 8:34, Judy seconds, all in favor
Submitted by Lisa Sharrow
Shrewsbury Library Trustees Meeting - June 13, 2017
Attending: Joan Aleshire, Debbie Blecich, Judy Emerick, Jessica Giffin, Pam Grace, Dick Keane, Trish Norton
Minutes: Corrected “state pass” to read “state park pass.” Deb moved to accept minutes, Jess seconded. All in favor.
Calendar: Jessica
Treasurer’s Report: See attached report. Deb has researched insurance for board member’s protection from law suits, estimated to cost $750 if purchased separately from our other policies. Statistically, most law suits concern employment issues, which we don’t have since we’re all volunteer. But we could still be sued for other issues, so Deb will inquire about the cost of including this insurance as part of our complete insurance package.
Discussed whether to renew subscription to Newsbank. Use statistics are unavailable, but sense of the board was that it wasn’t used enough to warrant $450 annual fee. Decision made to not renew, but may reinstate if we hear from enough users.
Nominating Committee: Cedelle has resigned due to other time commitments. Brainstormed potential youth board members (in grades 9 to 12). Will put out a notice in Shrewsbury Times.
Fundraising Committee: Changing date of book sale to 9/30, to avoid conflicts with some trustees other activities. Date of Street Dance still undecided (8/19 or 8/26).
Children’s Committee: Not doing Summer Reading Program this year. Junior Librarian program is being planned for this fall. The Mountain School after school program has offered to send a staff member to be present. Children will be bussed here then picked up by parents after.
Building Committee: Woody is making good progress on the south wall window replacement and residing. One of the new windows had a crack so he is waiting for a replacement to arrive, but windows are functional as is. The old school bell has been retrieved and is in the lower hall under the stairs.
Ideas for how to mount it are in process. Unfortunately not likely to be operational by the Cuttingsville school reunion on 8/6/17, but we can at least display it.
Program Committee: Book club choices have been well received. Attendance at programs was as follows:17 at Eszti Toth on Hungary, 29 at VCE on birds, 11 at Advanced Directives. The Shrewsbury Church has been offered as a location for the Aging in Place program on 10/1/17, 3 PM.
Upcoming include Charlie Paquin on 7/15/17 and Ludy Biddle for Neighborworks on either 9/9 or 9/16/17.
5 Year Plan: Need to work on descriptions of tasks. Dick will research resurfacing of parking area.
Statistics: Judy continues to work on notifying overdue. 88 books overdue right now.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Submitted by Trish Norton
Minutes for 5/9/17
Attendance - Joan, Dirk, Lisa, Dick, Donna, Gail, Debbie, Trish, Jessica
Minutes- corrections: cross out might not happen regarding Penelope. Misspelling of Hungary. Dirk moved to accept with revision. Seconded by Jess.
Calendar - Gail this month in front of Jessica then Pam then alphabetical skipping Gail.
Treasurer not much going on - filed 990 postcard to IRS & filed listers Cr-100' form.
Income in past couple of months from letter. Insurance for board? Let's look into this to see if we need it with what we already have. Do we need to put more into capital fund? We can move at end of year or anytime the board can vote. Newsbank is due. $435. Due 6/17 until 5/18. They haven't listed how many user we have. Can we find it out. Lisa will see if she can get this. Motion to accept treasurers report by Dirk; second by Trish
Passes- Shelburne museum has gone up to 100$. Granite pass is a new idea. Only $50. State pass - let's order second one like we did last year. Motion made to buy second state pass and Shelburne museum pass by Debbie and second by Trish. All in favor. Last year someone asked about Wonderfeet museum pass and Billings Farm in Woodstock. Donna and Lisa will look into this.
Nominating committee- Dirk presented that all officers and trustees (Dirk, Joan, Dick, Pam) whose terms were up have agreed to continue with another term. Debbie moved that the slate, as presented by Dirk, be accepted; Trish seconded. All in favor.
Fundraising - no meeting yet. We will do our usual stuff. What's happening with town hall? Do we have to pay them? Conflicting info. Trish/Lisa/Joan (?) will look at info at town hall. The band for street dance will discuss date(s) available the next time they practice.
Children's anything planned? They had a meeting on Monday for restarting the Jr. Librarians program on Monday's from 330-5. Service projects for the library will be the main purpose of this program for 3-6 graders. Reading shelves; making labels for book spines. Labels for pg13 with c for children shelving. Legos - no meetings during the summer.
Building - all Windows will be able to be opened as there was only a $10 difference between them and stationary style. Old school bell? We'll put this to the side for now. Bob Reuter - who did the last energy audit thought maybe we hadn't used all credit(s) from first audit. Will look back at his records. we would have to we would have to pay him to do an additional audit. He is looking up old info. Trish will find out how much he charges. Maybe we should replace the two windows on the front ? Let's put that on the list for next time.
Program - brown girl dreaming book Sunday 21 this is the Humanities read book. science book - Gorillas in the mist. They will meet the following Sunday. Quilters going to start again. To work on quilt for raffle probably on Wednesdays. Nothing definite at this time. Spirit dolls speech was good. 17 in attendance she sold post cards and books that she made regarding these items. This Friday talk on Hungary. Now that weather is reasonable again, Suggested to put sign out on road. 19th is Mark Youngstroms - Vt. Eco studies. - bird migration program. Joan not available- can someone from library be here? Maybe Trish or Pam or Chryl (programming committee members?). Advanced directives. Ravna June 2. Judy has gotten both council on the aging and Norwich lady for Sunday afternoon in October 1 or 8 ? 1st was chosen. Charlie Paquin July or August? Emailed to find out which would work for him.
Five year plan update - reviewing what needs to be done. Job descriptions need to be done. Maybe a task listing instead of actual "job description". ID what gets done with each particular task. Shelves in shed? Look at plan - to see when scheduled. Driveway?
Tulips look beautiful!, thanks to Judy (next door).
Stats - see attached
Librarian report - nothing at this time. Carry on reading the shelves. When will tent go up? - when we can get it done depending on weather.
New Business?
Adjournment at 8:20 Moved by Dirk second by Debbie.
April 2017
Attendance- Joan, Trish, Pam, Marge, Lisa, Dick, Judy, Gail, Donna via Skype,
Minutes review/correction- capitals"t" for times. Dick moved to accept with corrections; Trish 2nd. All in favor.
Judy- calendar
Treas. Report- no report. Nothing unusual. Lisa wrote the check to the Times today.
Fundraising nothing to report.
Children's- Lego on Saturday. Jess explained that she hasn't been at the meetings because she had a class on Tuesday evenings. Will be able to return next month.
Building - estimate from Woody. See attachment. ... After discussion about not doing all windows downstairs as the estimate states - Motion made to modify previous vote to replace all windows (9) by Marge. Judy 2nd. All in favor. We will ask Woody about replacing only 2 downstairs as double hung and others as in place Windows as a way to save money. Pam made a motion to talk with Woody and obtain the cost differences(if any) about the previously mention idea with the acknowledgement that to save time, the executive committee will make the final decision. Trish second. Marge voted no. All else in favor.
Program committee- famous book club- walden meeting on the 23rd. Before the dawn for science book club also meeting on 23rd. Quilters & writers suspended. Malcolm Bell a wonderful talk on a nasty night. Small group attended. He didn't want to change. Weather didn't bother him. This small group allowed for a great discussion. Gardeners round table on April 9th at Russellville school house was also a small group(it was the first beautiful day) Try for earlier next year with focal point. I.e. Choosing seeds, perennial planting. Penelope talking about spirit dolls on April 21. Might not happen. We'll see what happens as time gets closer. Barry Griffith suggested exchange student from hungry. She is coming may 12. Question about Mark youngstroms request to use library this same night for a VCES program. It was decided that since the library is already booked for that night we will ask them if they can do a different night. Advanced directives is scheduled for June 2. Aging in place- Judy called SWDA person Heather Baker. Also Judy Pond from aging in place in Norwich was called. Will ask Betsy to use her data base to help put word out. Rita lane from church very interested in this topic. Programming - ideas -change winter programs to Sunday afternoon during Jan February march - around 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Five year plan- anything new done? work on flower garden happening!
Stats- see attached
Librarian report- nothing new.
New business- Marge suggesting to change winter hours because hard to get staff.
Discussion happened. Will put word out about looking for more volunteers..Early fall retraining of staff and volunteers.
Moved to adjourn by Lisa; 2nd by Judy
Adjourned at 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Hartigan
March 2017
Attendance: Joan, Chryl, dirk, Lisa, Gail, Donna via Skype, cedelle, Pam, Marge, Judy,
Review/changes to January minutes: none made. Approved by Dirk;second by Marge. No February meeting - no minutes.
Marge has calendar this month.
Debbie sent treasurer report via email. Nothing unusual just normal bills. Capt fund has $27,924. Dirk moved to approve treas report. Cedelle seconded. All in favor. Lisa needs to write check to times. What we did last year? We will do again this year. Pam moved this donation. Dirk second. All in favor.
Fundraising nothing really to report.
Children's report- review of January report. Legos has been going on latest one was this past weekend. Maybe we can get Doris and Linda to explain their shelving ways or make a chart for the children's area.
Building comm. - woody sent email which was forwarded to committee and Debbie. Email is outline of project for south wall. Chryl would like to get another estimate. However, last time we did not get any other bidders because no one wanted to handle it. After discussing options, Trish Made a motion to do the project without replacing the downstairs Windows; just upstairs, siding and insulation. Second by Dirk. All in favor. Oppose? No one. Separately we will need to hire a window cleaner ( Michael luzader was suggested) for the downstairs windows.
Program committee- science meeting this weekend. Next month double booking on last Sunday of month due to Easter. Famous -23rd. Science will email to find out what works. Famous = walden and civil disobedience next month. Science next is before the dawn. Gary Salmon's tree program was great. This Friday, Malcolm bell book about Attica uprising. He was the prosecutor and then wrote a book. Penelope is coming in April. She will send a description and photo to Lisa for her to send out as an announcement.
Gardeners round table April 9 at 3 at Russellville school house. The advanced directives in June? Or maybe not at all because the hospital is doing one on April 18. After discussion it was proposed to go ahead with advanced directives in June. Hungarian exchange student on May 12. Charlie paquin for July. Mettawee is doing the same show as last year but revised some- what do you think? After discussion - we'll take a break from Mettawee this year. Rumors: Meeting house committee wants to charge groups that are using the town hall for fundraising events a flat fee. When are they meeting? So we can find out what is going to happen? Joan and others will look into this. Wood turning with Gerry in sept - Dirk is going to ask. Hard cider in nov. aging in place in oct?
Five year plan update- just to keep on track. Parking light is up. Shed step is done. Let's Take a look at the plan for next time.
Stats - see attached
Suspending library privileges - discussion occurred -most trustees against suspending- not enforceable in general.
Librarian report - Donna nothing to say.
New business- online resource thru state this is on our website now- vt online library. Add a zero at the end of your library card number.
Adjourned 8:30 Dirk second by Marge.
Respectfully submitted
By Gail Hartigan
No February Meeting
Library minutes 1/10/17
Attendance: Joan, Dirk, Debbie, Trish, Dick, Judy, Gail, Marge
Review/changes: Ann Buffum not 'am'; Debbie moved to accept dirk second.
Calendar: dirk
Treasurer report: review of building related expenses for last 5 years. No plowing cost per Lisa per Paul Stewart. Big elevator inspection needed every 5 years. Maybe put something aside every year to cover this? Do we need to change our request from the town? We will ask town for level funding 7500. Dirk moved Judy second. All in favor. 2017 budget review. Adult program/books staying the same. Music? Thomas Hartigan has stated he does not wish to do this anymore so if anyone wants to take it over that would be great. Conversation about how people are now accessing music ensued. Suggestion: move kids music to kids section. Trish will do this next time she staffs. Check if people are using newsbank? Put in times as reminder of its availability. Take periodicals out of budget. Other items reviewed and moved. Expense budget is 21,860. Marge moves to accept budget as worked on. Dirk 2nd. All in favor. Capital fund down to 7924.! Woody has only this summer coming up to do additional work. Needs to know about Windows by end of February to order and get items for summer work. Trish will call woody to get est. about south side of building with new Windows /siding/ insulation. Check with bob Reuter about blow test results from past. Shall we move a designate 20 k from regular carryover to capital fund? Trish moved Marge second. All in favor. All other forms will be filed and forwarded to appropriate places. Joan will send to select board what we are requesting for funding. Can we get a new vacuum? Deb moved to allow Judy to purchase a new vacuum. Dirk second. All in favor.
Fundraising - Marge got gift certificate from shaws ($25) which arrived to late to be used for silent auction. she will hold onto for next need. Will give to Donna when Donna returns.
Children's report- no one in attendance to give report. Following is Copied and pasted from email received from Jessica - Lego Club is this Saturday. And we are researching the Junior Librarian program and will start planning in the spring when everyone is back in town. Rachelle from the Shrewsbury After school program is thrilled about the program and wants to partner with us to make this a fun program for the students. They would take care of background checks for all library staff that will be present with the program. Hopefully the program can either begin late spring or in the fall at the latest.
Polar Express update:
We had 29 kids and 18 adults (unless I missed anyone). Overall I would say it was a very successful and fun evening. We did have one hiccup at least. Even though I had triple checked the sound system for the movie, the port on my computer decided to stop working the second it was time to start the movie. With the help of some lovely fathers, we switched from my laptop to a DVD player that was in the storage room and all was good. So movie started about 30 minutes later than we had planned. I was a mess (internally) when the technical problems started but Amy was a rockstar and kept the children entertained. They took turns sharing silly jokes and then Amy led them in singing some Christmas carols from the kids winter concert. Technical problems solved and the movie finally began. In the end the speakers I had could have been better. We did have several parents offer their sound systems for future use, one parent even said if he can find his amazing speaker system that he would donate it to the library for permanent use. Some kids were a little roudy at times but overall it was a fun night. I've already received a few messages from parents saying how much fun their kids had. Every kid came up to Amy and I and thanked us for a fun evening. The parents all had wonderful things to say at the end of the night. And in true Shrewsbury community spirit, we had multiple parents stay and help get the room cleaned up in record time. Parents vacuumed, stacked chairs, washed dishes, etc. All without us even asking. It was a fun evening, with the perfect amount of families.
All the refreshments were a hit as well!
Building- woody's check has been written, outside light working
Program- this Sunday Underground Railroad then science book club has genome on 1/22/17. quilters working on individual projects. Feb 17 big tree survey Gary salmon. Joan will look for poster for this event
March- Malcolm bell- published The Turkey Shoot which is being reissued. Will hold a talk. Spoke with him no date yet. Penelope spirit doll phones how why exhibit. May regional ambulance service changes coming someone will come talk about it. June- Advanced directives. How to register Pam to investigate. Hungarian exchange student in area try to get her to talk in may or June. Charlie paquin in July. Mettawee August. Gerty Martin wood turning. Sept. Neighborowrks & .efficiencey vt. Nov. hard cider.
Other ideas: climate change/ species. Trillium singers: centers for independent living. Aaron korzun vt adaptive sports. Council on the aging. Aging in place programs.
Maybe we should combine two. I.e. Ambulance and advanced directives.? Any other ideas let Johan know.
Stats. Not available. Overdue update down to 74 over dues by this afternoon. 15-18 overdue that go back to 2014/2015? What should we do? From February 2016 back to 2014 letters will be sent regarding overdue books and suspended privileges.? Not much about suspending privileges. Marge will help Judy get prices for books
Librarian report- 2015's moved out of new non and fiction into collection.
New business- no. When do we need estimate from woody? Soon for him only
Meeting on 7th vs. 14th.? Go with meeting on 7th dirk will do calendar thru regular time.
Adjourned moved by Dirk 2nd by Marge.
Library minutes 12/13/16
Attendance : Joan, Pam, Trish, Lisa, Gail, Debbie, Donna, Dick, Jessica, marge
Minutes review: any questions comments? Librarian report 2nd paragraph add ill's.
Approved with changes: Debbie, Lisa 2nd.
Calendar: cedelle
Treasurer report. Got town check. Got over 7,000 in donation. Joan expenses not in this report. Any other expense request please send in now. Budget next month. Think about what is needed for next year; Capital projects? Computers? Windows? Consider doing siding when next Windows get done just like we did on north side. Insulation needed? Staining? Pricing? Bell tower? Furnace? Replacement line in budget? Maybe $100 to start. More $$ for books for budget. Just got Joyce Wilson money. Joan will talk with Ann buffam as to what they want to use this money for exactly. Discussion about what the Liz jeffords funds are for. The board put $3500 of this fund aside to use as needed. Will send out report of what building costs have been recently. Auction total: 2728. Will be around $3,000. When everything is in. Approved by Pam. second by marge
Fundraising: reviewed of auction. Everything went mostly smoothly. Pulling papers helped. Trish great helper. Donation were down.
Children's: movie coming up. Jessica needs to know how to work projector. Key is in drawer. Will look at it tonight to be sure. Legos: was last weekend. Not sure what else.
Building: Irving switch done. Outside light working well. Turn outside light off when you leave. Motion light still works. Woody done? What is thought on window grate? Just sitting there right now. Trish will Ask woody about grate. Put old one up on hinge. Most agree with this. Is he done? No bill submitted yet. Bell installation will wait till spring. Bales of hay over septic line. Dick will bring them over tomorrow. Check water in bathroom on a regular basis
Program: Famous book Underground Railroad 1/15: genome1/22: quilters meeting as needed.
Program meeting Jan 3. Big trees again in February. Penelope talk about spirit dolls in April. Advanced directives find someone from rrmc or ravna. To present. Hopefully barbara griffith will do this. Ann Buffam - Malcolm bell observer of Attica uprising. His Book coming out in spring. Would like to talk about it. Any ideas for other programs. Chryl idea = alternative medical remedies.
Stats: see attached. Change 4590 to 490.
Librarian report: people are reading shelves. Just do it regularly. Videos need to be done. Take 2015 out of new fiction and non. And put on shelves. Kids need to be weeded. Shelving in kids area is difficult to do.
New business: where to put donation if someone walks in with something? Put cash in "coupon" folder in center of desk.
Next meeting 1/10
Adjourned: 8:05. Deb moved; Pam second.
Library minutes 11/15, 2016
Attendance: Lisa, Joan, dirk, Jessica, Donna, Pam, Chryl, Dick, Debbie, Gail, Judy,
Trish, cedelle(downstairs to man desk), marge
Minutes reviewed and accepted by Pam second by dirk
Calendar : Chryl
Treasurers report: no check from town yet. Received check with restriction for books. We don't have a line for this. Where should we put it ? Marie Gerty fund? Is for current fiction. Unrestricted 1169 is 1119? $50 for state ills? Donna to look into? Museum of library sciences? Restricted fund first then operating in past. This year we have been using the operating budget mostly. Should we move this amount from budget to restricted. Lisa makes a motion to spend music out of book fund Marie second. For children. Spend money from Ben perry first. please submit reimbursement ASAP.
Think about what we need for next year budget
Dirk moved to accept treasure dick second. All in favor
Ann buffam friends meeting group want to give money to library about Quaker history' and .appropriate info in memory of Joyce Wilson. Any restrictions on funds? They have ideas/list
Fundraising : letter went out. Phone book money in fundraising amount. Auction items slowly coming in. Cookie swap staffing? Who will be here? Judy will handle. Thomas Hartigan will bartender. Marcos all set. Everybody bring crackers and wine. We will need help setting up. At twelve o'clock we will need to set up bar area move books. Move computers. Night of auction we will need more help at closing table times. 3-4 people.. Get sheets ASAP. We will call/email if we need things.
Children's - Halloween was successful. Mobbed! Similar to last year in size. Parents say kids talk about it all year long. Wide range of kids. Tent done by Amy Thomas - curtains used to make maze. Box maze upstairs. Looking forward for next year. Downstairs needs to be reworked. Holiday party? Yes going to do a polar express movie night 12/16 hot chocolate, cookies, popcorn. Pj's welcomed..Legos meeting on the 11/19th.
Building - Irving switch happening tomorrow. Supposedly during hours. Light on front of building Thursday Donna will open for Aaron. Price different between Americas to Irving is 1.346 a gallon is lock in price.
Program we have famous book Underground Railroad no meeting in November or December. 15 Jan. Genome Jan 22. quilters Wednesday moose deco from Donna
Writing group is suspending till spring? Cider making was a great day warm day. Anne vannemnen teaching cider making. Moose talk well attended and informative. Moose are suffering with warm weather suffering with ticks. Stacy harshmann did talk. About 17 attended. Good mix group of people. program committe needs to meet to plan programs for the coming year. Probably Jan. Before next regular meeting. 1/3/17 @ 7 is first option. Big trees Gary salmon. would like to do something in February. Barbara Griffith advanced directive program. Penelope wants to talk about dolls she makes then photographs. Ideas for programs are always welcomed.
Stats- things are rolling along. Circ up but not as good August. Fewer ranch members coming in. Patron count up from September. Overdues? Judy- calling or emailing people initially. Sending few letters if possible. Ranch has 34 items overdue. Not many really that overdue.
Librarian report- start moving 2015 onto shelves. Flowerbed has had revitalization. 60 bulbs planted. Ill's. Please put date when filled out. Put book on side of staffers computers. Leave paper on it. Mice have come again.
New business? Make sure when checking in, registering on computer. Holds. Visually check what the computer is beeping at you. :)
Koha book has copies of all form we use.
Dec 13 next meetidirk moved to adjourn at 8:20. Second by Trish.
Shrewsbury Library Minutes October 11, 2016
Librarian/Director: Donna Swartz Marge Benini, Trustee
President: Joan Aleshire Judy Emerick, Trustee
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow Jessica Giffin, Trustee
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich Pam Grace, Trustee
Corresponding/Recording Secretary:Gail Hartigan Richard Keane, Trustee
Chryl Martin, Trustee
Trish Norton, Trustee
Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Dirk Thomas
Present: Debbie, Dick, Dirk, Donna, Jessica, Joan, Judy, Lisa, Marge and Trish
Minutes: Dirk moved to accept, Dick seconded. All in favor.
Dirk is stepping down as recording secretary. Gail offered to step in after receiving an executive committee email and will also continue as corresponding secretary. Debbie moves to elect Gail to the position. Trish seconded. All in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: The rent from the Friends Wilderness group has not been received for this year, Joan will call to inquire. Some music has been purchased with no monies allocated in the budget. Trish motioned to allow for the purchases of music for up to $100 for the remainder of the year. Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Should we switch from Amerigas ($2.35) to Irving Oil ($1.394, lock in price $1.463)? Debbie will call Amerigas to see if they will match Irving’s price. She will also ask Irving about downward protection. Dirk moves to authorize Debbie to investigate and make the decision of which company to go with. Marge seconded. All in favor.
Trish moves to accept the treasures report, Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Fund-raising Com.: More pies needed for the bake sale next year. We do not have enough books for Discover Books to make the trip up to get them. The transfer station will take them but they will be destroyed. Lisa will ask BJ Stewart if he has room to store the Gaylord. $5000 still needed to be raised via fundraising for the year. Marge suggests a bake sale around Valentines Day. Marge is joining the fundraising committee.
The fundraising letter was presented. Dirk moves to accept the letter with a few changes. Jessica seconded.
All in favor.
Penelope Weiss offered some “sprit dolls” for a possible raffle. The board feels they would be a better silent auction item.
Children’s Com.: The Halloween program is coming together nicely. The tent will be scary. Gloria’s Pantry is donating 10 dozen cookies. Donna is making donuts. There may possibly be a Christmas Holiday Movie night for the children.
Building Com.: Aaron Korzun will be contacted about the 5 year plan lights for the entrance and possible electric to the tent.
Program Com.: Upcoming: Cider and Moose programs. Advanced Directives program in the future to be given by Barbara Griffith or someone from Visiting nurses. In early 2017, Big Trees program. Penelope Weiss to talk about spirit dolls in April.
Statistics: Some of the over dues will be replaced.
Debbie moved to adjourn at 8:40pm. Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Librarian/Director: Donna Swartz Marge Benini, Trustee
President: Joan Aleshire Judy Emerick, Trustee
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas Jessica Giffin, Trustee
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow Pam Grace, Trustee
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich Richard Keane, Trustee
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan Chryl Martin, Trustee
Trish Norton, Trustee
Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Shrewsbury Library Minutes, September 13, 2016
Present: Joan, Cheryl, Pam, Judy, Dick, Trish, Marge, Lisa
Minutes: Minutes were corrected to show that Marge was in attendance. Dick moved to accept, Pam seconded.
Treasurer’s Report: See attached report. Joan’s recent purchase of books and DVDs is not yet reflected in the report. We have paid Woody for the building repair work. No profit from the Mettawee performance this year.
Fund Raising Com: Haystack dinner/dance made $776 and was very successful. All trustees need to call people to solicit baked goods for Bake/Book Sale 9/25/16.
Children’s Com: The last SRP event was not well attended. Committee is organizing a Halloween party for 10/28/16 and will get the details to the Times.
Building Com: The new windows are done except for putting hinges on the guards. Judy (Dick’s partner) has been doing a great job cleaning and gardening for the library.
Program Com: Charlie Paquin had great program but not well attended. See agenda for future programs. We need to organize a celebration for the big trees project.
Statistics: Overdues have gone down thanks to Judy E.'s efforts. What to do about the 20 patrons who have books over 6 months overdue? Process of sending out letters was reaffirmed. When a child has an overdue, should we send a letter to parent? Yes, if child under 16 years old.
New Business: We need more volunteers because some months it is hard to find enough people to cover all shifts. Will put note in Times.
Adjourned at 8:30 PM. Trish Norton, filling in for Dirk Thomas
Shrewsbury Library minutes, 9 August 16
Present: Cedelle, Debbie, Dick, Donna, Gail, Jessica, Joan, Judy and Lisa
Minutes: Debbie moved to accept, Gail seconded. All in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: Mettawee proceeds less than usual. The program was well received by the audience. Gail moved to accept, Judy seconded. All in favor.
Fund-raising Com.: Haystack dinner- everyone to call people on list for donations while staffing. Book-Bake-Tag sale on September 24th.
Children’s Com.: 8 children were at the mid-summer event. Final event is on August 20th.
Building Com.: Things Woody has left to do: Second and final coat of stain. Transom window installation, trim and rework interior. The grids on the upstairs windows are needed for insurance and Labor and Industry. It was to decided to reuse the guards that were on the windows before, modifying them with a hinge. White stain will be used on the new trim. All in favor.
Program Com.: 21 people attended the Schoolhouse program. Upcoming: Moose program in October, Advanced Directives program possibly in January.
Statistics: The Over due’s policy letter will be in the September Times. Letters are going out to collect the overdue items.
New Business: The need to interview new volunteers was discussed. Donna has a sample form of questions that will be modified for the interviews. Jessica will look into the cost of doing background checks. Donna and Joan will be doing the interviews.
Either Donna or Lisa will do all new volunteer training.
Reading the shelves: is a process of making sure books are in alphabetical order, by author, then by title. Is the book in the correct section? Non-fiction books are shelved by their Dewey number. Biographies are filed alphabetically by whom the book is about. Books with the current year and year before are filed in the new section for the books category.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, 12 July 16
Present: Joan, Judy, Debbie, Pam, Gail, Trish, Dirk, Donna, Dick, Marge.
Minutes: Debbie moved to accept, Gail seconded, all in favor.
No Treasurer’s report.
Fund-raising: Street Dance/Haystack Dinner planning is underway.
Children’s Committee: Summer Reading kick-off well- attended. New DCF books have been processed and book series are being relocated.
Building Com.: Woody will start windows and wall next week. Judy Daley will clean. No news on bell installation.
Program Com.: Butterfly program good and well-attended. Modest attendance at skype class. Mettawee on 23 July—gingerbread from Trustees, please! Charlie Paquin on 13 Aug. One-room Schools program being assembled. Book Clubs ongoing. Science Book Club is meeting in evening during the summer. Quilters meeting on 20 July. Writing Group meets alternate Thursdays. Michael Platt would like to use Library for video lecture on 21 July, which use was approved.
5-Year Plan: Verified changes to incorporate into Plan. Goal 4, no. 2, Change “mentor” to “share knowledge,” as moved by Trish, seconded by Pam and approved. Trish moved to accept the Plan with changes, Gail seconded, all in favor. Donna will incorporate the changes.
Overdues: 104 overdue items currently, 38 from SLR, 22 from 2015 or 2014. Judy is drafting a letter for the Times.
Librarian’s Report: Shelburne Museum pass is in manila envelope in stand-up case on desk. Must be a registered Library patron and have identification to check it out. State Parks pass is circulating well. Trish moved and Marge seconded that we get a second Parks pass. All in favor. Dump card has disappeared. Trustees should sign up for section of shelves to read. Sign-up sheet will be on the desk.
Gail moved to adjourn at 8:27pm, Marge seconded. All in favor.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, June 14, 2016 meeting
Present: Joan, Lisa, Donna, Dirk, Judy, Dick, Marge, Cheryl, Pam, Trish, Deb, Gail
Minutes: Pam moved to accept. Dick seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: $26,480 in Capital Improvement funds available for Woody’s work on siding and windows. Full Treasurer’s Report attached. Gail moved to accept. Marge seconded. All in favor.
Fund Raising Com: Quilt raffle brought in $1625 plus $50 still outstanding. Will try to have 2017 quilt ready for drawing at Christmas Silent Auction. Haystack dinner (8/27) will be similar to last year, perhaps with more helpers scheduled for setting up and cleaning up.
Children’s Com: Summer Reading Program starts 6/18. Jessica has ordered DCF and YA books. Doris is ordering Red Clover books for younger readers, Shrewsbury Mountain School has a community committee that would like to coordinator more with the library.
Building Com: Committee met with Woody to decide details of contract for installation of new windows and residing north wall. Woody was the only bidder interested in the job. He will start work 2nd week of July. Deb moved that we do the project and authorize the building committee to sign contract. Gail seconded. All in favor. We still haven’t found someone to clean the library regularly.
There have been no proposals or decisions on the installation of the original school bell which was donated from George Richard’s collection.
Program Com: Reviewing recent programs, Aveloy Lanning and Poultry both had small attendance, the Braggs audience was 31. Upcoming programs are Butterflies w/ Jerry Schneider on 7/8, Mettawee on 7/23, Charlie Paquin on 8/13 about rocks, and One-Room Schools with the Shrewsbury Historical Society on 8/7 at the Russellville schoolhouse. Randall Barclay in offering a Skype class on 6/23 and 6/28. Penelope Weiss will be starting up the writer’s group in July.
5 Year Plan: Discussed Goal 7 and how the library is currently advertising our services to the public. At our next meeting we will review all the proposed changes to the plan to be sure of agreement.
New Business: Lisa and Judy presented sample letters to be used to encourage return of overdues. Dirk moved to accept the discussed procedure and the letters. Gail seconded. All in favor. Marge noted there is a quilt exhibit at Shelburne Museum, and for $75 the library could purchase a museum pass for 2 adults plus children that would be usable throughout the season. Lisa moved we purchase the pass and Marge seconded. All in favor.
Dirk moved to adjourn at 8:40. All in favor.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, Annual Meeting, 10 May 16
Present: Joan, Dirk, Lisa, Donna, Judy, Dick, Marge, Chryl, Jessica, Pam, Trish, Cedelle
Minutes: Lisa moved to accept, Dick seconded. All in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: $1600 from quilt raffle deposited. $50 in I.O.U’s still to be received. Bills paid. Trish moved to accept, Marge seconded. All in favor.
Nominating Com.: Trustees Gail, Lisa and Judy, plus Officers all willing to serve another term. Marge moved to appoint the slate, Trish seconded. All in favor.
Fund-raising Com.: See Treasurers’ report on Quilt Raffle. Street Dance 27 August.
Children’s Com.: Spring Celebration and Lego Club very successful. Meeting date to plan summer program tba.
Building Com.: Tabita did clean, but is leaving the area. Lisa has contacted another cleaner, but hasn’t gotten reply. The committee will discuss placement of bell.
Program Com.: Joan has developed a list of upcoming programs. Charlie Paquin on 13 August. One-room school program on Sun., 7 Aug. at 4:00pm at Meeting House. Cedelle suggested that the Library sponsor a showing of “Hearing Voices”—a movie that explores mental illness. She will find out about time limitations. Randell Barclay would like to do a Skype instruction class. We’ll ask him to select a time.
5-year Plan: Discussed Goal 5 (children’s programming). Discussed combining sub-goals 2 and 3. Trish moved to strike sub-goal 2 and add “pre-school” to sub-goal 3. Cedelle seconded. All in favor. Discussed Goal 6 (programming). Marge moved to change wording to “Continue presentation of at least 5 programs of local interest.” Pam seconded. All in favor.
Statistics: General increase in patrons and circulation.
New Business: Judy volunteered to track overdues.
Lisa moved to adjourn at 8:30pm. Dirk seconded. All in favor.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, 12 April 16
Present: Joan, Lisa, Gail, Jessica, Dirk, Pam, Dick, Donna(skype), Trish
Minutes: Lisa moved to accept, Dick seconded, all in favor
Treasurers’ Report: No report, but the septic tank has been pumped, thermostat in mechanical room has been repaired and elevator has been serviced.
Quilt Raffle: Discussed briefly whether to plan an event for the drawing, to no conclusion.
Children’s Com.: Special Story Hour/Celebration of Spring next Wed. Hope to restart Story Hours in May, 1 or 2 Fridays per month.
Building Com.: Trying to find a cleaner. Discussed options. Joan will check with Woody about work on back of building. Discussed the school bell: Do we want it back? Would we build a belfry? Committee will investigate.
Program Com.: Gardeners’ Round Table was good but poorly attended. Should it be in April? Snake Program good and well-attended. Book Clubs ongoing. Presented proposed event schedule for year. Gail moved to accept, Trish seconded. All in favor.
5 Year Plan: More discussion of process needed (how to incorporate changes to proposed plan) when more of the Committee is here. Discussed policy on weeding the collection: One item removed for each item acquired? E-books of classics or current best-sellers? Weeding at discretion of Librarian rather than according to circulation? Lisa noted that the current policy on weeding addresses our needs and moved to remove the proposed policy from the plan. Trish seconded. 7 in favor, 1 abstention. Discussed Goal 4 and decided to try to increase the number of volunteers instead of forming a committee, per motion by Trish and second by Gail. All in favor.
Statistics: Patrons and Circulation are up.
Adjourned at 8:40pm, Gail moved, Pam seconded, all in favor.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, 8 March 16
Present: Joan, Lisa, Pam, Gail, Dirk, Judy, Chryl, Dick, Donna(skype), Marge
Minutes: Lisa moved to accept, Pam seconded. All in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: $320.60 received for surplus auction books. Quilt raffle receipts approaching $1000. Waiting for bill for elevator inspection.
Children’s Program: Story hour on hiatus. Lego ongoing.
Building Comm.: Elevator service completed. Thermostat in mechanical room may be broken. Sink leak repaired.
Program Comm.: Gardeners’ Round Table Friday 18 March. Gary Salmon will start a local big tree locating project, community involvement anticipated, bulletin board will be located in entrance. Book clubs ongoing. Doug Blodgett’s snake program set for 8 April. Considering program on one-room schools. Joint program with the Historical Society? Should we consider a program on domestic violence?
Town Vote: Biggest margin of approval for Library budget request to date!
Five-Year Plan: Discussed possible revisions. Lisa moved and Gail seconded that the suggestion of an upstairs reading area be stricken from the draft, due to space limitations and conflict with purpose of meeting room. 8 in favor, 1 opposed. Discussed policies for book weeding, mentoring expectations, job descriptions.
New Business: Marge will look into Shelburne Museum pass.
Gail moved to adjourn at 8:35pm, Marge seconded. All in favor.
Library minutes. 2/9/16
Attendees: Jessica, Judy, Debbie, Lisa, Joan, Gail, Trish, Marge, Donna via Skype
Previous minutes: add- 25,120 in treas report after Pam approved....Trish moved to accept with addition; Deb 2nd; all in favor
Calendar- Joan
Treasurer’s report: not much happening. We did have additional donations of $915; deb has filed 1099; see attached report for details.
Trish moved to accept report; Judy 2nd; all in favor
Lisa- we need to send a check to the Shrewsbury times- how much? We have done $250.00 in the past. This was approved by everyone.
Fundraising - nothing going on at this moment. It was decided to do the quilt drawing on Mother's Day (5/8/16). Donna is working on getting the letter out. Can we get a copy of the letter with the picture to display on the desk by the ticket jar? It has been posted on the website. Town meeting day=we can sell tickets at the town hall. Joan will send an email seeing who could staff the table during the day.
Children's committee- Lego club is meeting this sat. Story hour- need to think about what to do during the winter moon the. Sometimes there is only 1 child or none. Jess and Amy are planning to visit other libraries to see what they do to keep attendance up. Maybe it needs to change to Friday where they could draw on preschoolers who don't have school that day. Once Pam has returned, Jess and Amy will check with her for any ideas. Marge suggested doing one a month to focus on what is happening in that month (i.e.: holiday). Also, it wasn't in the times for this past month. Joan asked If Grace or Galen have contacted Jess regarding the after school program? Not yet.
Building committee- did elevator inspection happen? No. There was a mix up with a form not being received. Lisa has resent this form via fax on 2/9. This should lead to scheduling happening soon. We have 90 days from December to get up to date. Septic seems to be OK. It has been warm in general and we have hay bales on top of the line for insulation. If you are staffing and know that the temp is going to drop to extremely cold temp, please turn on heater in bathroom.
Program - next Friday (2/19?) Gary Salmon will do a presentation on unusually large trees in the area. Cedelle will do a poster. It has been advertised in the Herald. The solar program was attended by about 14 people. There was a great story in the herald.
Science book club meets 2/28; regular book club meets 2/21; April 8 - snake program; March 11 - gardeners round table.
5 year plan - thanks to the committee for putting this together. We will need to go through each section piece by piece and discuss as we go. It was decided that as we go through this discussion, any changes that are to be made, will be made on deb's copy and she will send the changes to everyone via email. This will take several meetings as trustees are away and we are approaching Deb's busy season.
Pres. Report- 2/29 is the info meeting for town meeting day. Please come to show support for the library.
Stats- see attached
Lib. Report- VHS conversion is still going on.
New business- loft is messy. If you have time, please clean it up. Clarification- 2014 items should be on shelves not in "new" section.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37; Trish moved to adjourn; Marge 2nd.
Respectfully submitted by Gail Hartigan
Shrewsbury Library minutes, January 13, 2016
Present: Dirk, Debbie, Gail, Pam, Trish, Judy, Dick, Joan, Jessica, Chryl
Minutes: Debbie moved to accept, Pam seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Debbie presented the proposed 2016 operating budget. Projected capital expenditures need to be figured out. Discussed how much to request from Town. Trish moved to request level-funded $7500, Marge seconded. All in favor. Pam moved to accept the proposed budget, Trish seconded. All in favor.
Fundraising: Quilt drawing date discussed. Mother’s Day—8 May—was selected. Trish suggested displaying quilt and selling tickets at Town Meeting.
Children’s Program: Christmas party was successful and regular programs are well- received and attended.
Building Committee: Discussed elevator inspection and test. Discussed whether furnace needs service. Dick will investigate.
Program Committee: Discussed upcoming programs. Discussed disposition of Book Club books, and whether participants should be charged more for them. The book clubs—particularly Science Book Club, due to its more expensive books—will discuss.
5-year Plan: Copies distributed for perusal and comment.
Librarian’s Report: Revisited shelving of series dvds—it was noted by this scribe that some patrons want series and want to browse, which is more difficult when they are shelved among movies. Compromise was tenuously reached—series will be color-coded but left in general collection.
Adjourned: Marge moved, Gail seconded. 8:27p.m.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, December 8, 2015
Present: Joan, Dick, Chryl, Debbie, Lisa, Donna, Cedelle, Pam, Marge, Trish
Minutes: Trish moved to accept. Pam seconded.
Treasurer's Report: Suggestion to see budget breakdown for each fundraiser in the future. Also to acquire some videos that have more entertainment value and less message. Annual budget will be voted on in January. Cheryl moved to accept report. Marge seconded.
Fund-raising Committee: Fund-raising letter has gone out. Leftover books from book sale have been packed up and picked up by Discover Books. The Silent Auction went well. Suggestions for next year include more workers upstairs and a list of tasks that other trustees could do to help Lisa, Gail and Donna.
Children's Committee: Amy and Jessica will be doing Story Hour for the next few weeks. Linda, Doris and Carol are doing Lego program. Summer Reading Program in called "On Your Mark, Get Set, Read!" Donna will get materials for it.
Building Committee: New notice board is installed where magazine rack was. Magazines moved to end of biography shelves, Joan will post lists of best sellers and reviews on the new board.
Program Committee: Upcoming programs being planned, as listed on meeting agenda.
5 Year Plan: Proposed plan will be emailed to all trustees soon, and will be discussed at our February meeting.
Statistics were reviewed.
Librarian's Report: New state regulations may require us to have an elevator maintenance contract (about $350/year). Also an elevator inspection once every 5 years (about $1000 each time). We should budget for this for next year. Donna will research various maintenance companies, and see whether we could get a waiver from the state based on our minimal usage of the elevator. Debbie moved that we get prices and that the executive committee be authorized to approve this expenditure. Motion passed.
New business: Chryl presented literature describing a VT Dept. of Libraries program that provides access to audio books for free to the visually and physically handicapped.
Adjourned at 8:12 PM as moved by Marge, seconded by Cedelle and approved by all.
Submitted by Trish Norton, in Dirk's absence.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, 15 November 2015
Present: Lisa, Joan, Donna, Gail, Dirk, Pam, Dick, Chryl, Marge.
Minutes: Pam moved to accept, Marge seconded, all in favor.
Book disposal: Books left over from sale are all packed and ready for pick-up on Thursday.
Silent Auction: Donors must be contacted. Pronto.
Fund-raising letter: Will be ready for labels, stamps and stuffing into envelopes soon.
Children’s Committee: Haunted Library very successful—at least 113 attended, but probably more. Story Hour is ongoing, Lego this Saturday, school visits being planned.
Building Committee: Notice Board is up. Woody will install insulation and clapboards in May or June. Donna is working on adding shelves in Great Room.
Program Committee: Book discussions ongoing. Michael Wells talk was excellent, attended by 43 people. Upcoming programs were discussed.
5-Year Plan: Is done and being edited.
Statistics: Counts—patrons and circulation—are down for reasons currently inscrutable.
President’s Report: Systematic shelf-reading is needed. Donna has divided the collection into sections, and each Trustee will take responsibility for a section.
Adjourned at 7:50pm, as moved by Gail, seconded by Pam and approved by all.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, 13 Oct 2015
Present: Joan, Donna, Lisa, Trish, Debbie, Jessica, Pam, Dick, Judy, Marge, Chryl, Dirk.
Minutes: Lisa moved to accept, Trish seconded, all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Book/Bake Sale brought in $478 for books, $356 for baked goods. Public use computer cost $399. We received $50 from State Dept. of Libraries. Trish moved to accept, Pam seconded, all in favor.
Fund-Raising: Donna is looking into disposal of books left over from Book Sale. Discussed modifying or discontinuing the Book Sale. Discussed the fund-raising letter.
Children’s Committee: The Committee is considering reinstituting Story Hour: Wednesdays at 9a.m. Pam will write press release. Discussed ways of increasing children’s use of Library. Haunted Library and Lego Club are scheduled.
Building Committee: Woody has been contacted for update on clapboards and windows.
Program Committee: Book Clubs are ongoing. Discussed upcoming programs and ideas for future programs.
5-year Plan: The Committee met, will meet again. Nothing to report yet.
New Business: Penelope Weiss would like to have a program/exhibition of spirit dolls, probably this summer.
Adjourned: Trish moved, Marge seconded. All in favor. 8:25p.m.
Shrewsbury Library minutes, 8 Sep 2015
Present: Joan, Lisa, Donna, Pam, Dirk, Trish, Dick, Jessica, Marge
Minutes: Trish moved to accept, Pam seconded, all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Discussed Countryside Lock and Alarm bill. Street Dance attendance was down. Trish moved to accept, Dick seconded, all in favor.
Fund-Raising: Street Dance set-up and clean-up need more staffing. Discussed when to have it next year. Discussed Book/Bake sale. Tent set-up and book moving on 20 Sep.
Children’s Programs: Committee Meeting 21 Sep at 11:30 a.m.
Building Committee: Joan will ask Woody about clapboards. Shelves in Great Room need reading. Patron computer is defunct and needs to be replaced. Marge moved to appropriate up to $500 from the capital fund for this replacement and Trish seconded. All in favor.
Program Committee: Discussed upcoming programs. Sage talk will be at the Russellville School House instead of the Library. Discussed proposed slate of programs for 2016, to which the Board was favorably inclined.
5-year Plan: Meeting being planned, possible survey being discussed.
President’s Report: Boaz needs a dump card for Library trash. Trish moved that Lisa get card. Pam seconded. All in favor.
Stats: Overdues are up, patron and circulation counts down. Discussed strategy for overdues.
Librarian’s Report: State of the institution is sound.
New Business: Yucca plant formerly in Great Room needs a new home.
Calendar: Trish.
Adjourned: Trish moved to adjourn, Dirk seconded, at 8:32. All in favor.
Shrewsbury Library minutes - August 11, 2015
Librarian/Director: Donna Swartz Marge Benini, Trustee
President: Joan Aleshire Judy Emerick, Trustee
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas Jessica Giffin, Trustee
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow Pam Grace, Trustee
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich Richard Keane, Trustee
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan Chryl Martin, Trustee
Trish Norton, Trustee
Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Present: Joan, Donna, Lisa, Jessica, Gail, Pam, Dick, Debbie, Marge, Cedelle, and Judy.
Calendar: Dick
Minutes: Debbie moved to accept, Marge seconded, all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Maintenance is higher than normal because Woody's work on the trees has been charged there. Mettawee receipts totaled $721 ($635 from the door and $86 for food). The money we take in each year is inconsistent. Although we call it a fundraiser, it isn't something we make a lot of money from.
Fundraising: Some of the donated books from Joan Sibley were sold for $235. There is still a lot of food needed for the street dance (Aug 22nd). Donna asked for 3 people to call for donations. Judy will start on the list. Marge will ask the supermarkets for donations. Joan has volunteered to collect money at the door. Set up and prep of the food is from 2-4.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Doris Perry has been continuing to replace VHS tapes with DVD’s. There were 2 story hours held in July. Lisa requested that the attendant tally be placed separately from regular patron tally, so she can identify the number for stat purposes.
Building Committee: Woody is working on a quote for new double windows for the Mitch Spencer meeting room, and for replacing the two windows above the fiction just outside the Ben Perry room. It will be a transom window, which will make room for another shelf for books.
Program Committee: Mettawee had an average attendance. Joan was wondering if having Sandglass (Zac Grace), as a possible replacement for Mettawee. Pam was not sure but will ask. The program committee will meet on Tuesday the 25th of August.
5 Year Plan: Donna will contact the possible committee members. Debbie Blecich, Marge Benini, Turiya Levy, Amy de-Camp Thomas, Penelope Weiss and Phyllis Wells
New Business: Discussed and rejected Impact Survey. An online survey tool designed specifically for libraries that to want to better understand how their patrons use their public technology resources and services. Shelburne Museum- Marge inquired about a pass for library patrons. It would be $75 a year, admitting 2 adults and 4 children per visit. Pam moved we purchase a pass in the spring, Marge seconded, all in favor. It was suggested that we advertise the passes available to patrons in the spring.
Gail moved to adjourn at 8:40, Debbie seconded, all in favor.
Unofficial- Shrewsbury Library Board Meeting Minutes
Shrewsbury Library minutes for 14 July 2015.
Present: Joan, Donna, Lisa, Dirk, Gail, Pam, Dick, Debbie, Marge, Trish, Chryl, Cedelle.
Minutes: Trish moved to accept, Debbie seconded, all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Fundraising is up this year to date due to phonebook sales. Expenditures similar to last year’s. Discussed cleaning. Concluded that we need to develop specific expectations and increase cleanings to twice monthly.
Fund-Raising: $2895 in phonebook sales to date. Some of Joan Sibley’s books are being appraised for possible sale. Street Dance/Haystack Dinner discussed. Book Sale will include a tag sale, fee of $10 per site.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Story Hour was lightly attended. Another is scheduled for 15 July. Doris Perry is buying new books and replacing tapes with DVD’s. Joan and Grace Brigham may do an after-school poetry program this autumn.
Building Committee: Woody will build back-room shelves, assess eligibility for historic preservation grant. Estimate for insulating and painting is $5000-$7000. Outside light reportedly works. Letters on new sign must be popped in and out—no sliding.
Program Committee: Bat program was excellent but lightly attended. Mettawee this Saturday—gingerbread!-volunteers needed. Book Clubs and quilting are ongoing.
5 Year Plan: Nothing happening until mid -August. Trustees should formulate wish lists (Library goals, please, not the return of lost youth). Do we need detailed job descriptions? Quantification of who does what to keep the Library running? Good discussion, more to follow.
New Business: Tent to be up by August 1st, if possible.
New Policy Approval: Discussed proposed changes. Debbie move to approve, Marge seconded. All in favor.
Trish moved to adjourn at 8:40, Gail seconded. All in favor.
Shrewsbury Library Trustees’ Meeting, 16 June 2015
Present: Joan, Chryl, Donna, Lisa, Dirk, Debbie, Trish, Judy, Dick, Pam
Minutes: In future, names of candidates for trusteeships shouldn’t appear in the minutes. Debbie moved to accept the minutes, Trish seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Bills paid. Life goes on. Cordial discussion of septic issue. Trish moved to accept, Chryl seconded. All in favor.
Fund-raising: $2800 +/- profit on phone book sales to date. There will be a book sale on 26 Sep. Book Prospector is too picky to be a viable way for us to dispose of unwanted books.
Poetry Workshop: Penelope Weiss wishes to start a Poetry Workshop, since the Writers’ Workshop is defunct due to attrition. She would start it this summer to make it accessible to school-aged people, would perhaps combine it with illustrating and will discuss this with Grace Brigham. This plan was approved by general acclamation.
Nominating Committee: Jessica Giffin has indicated that she would like to serve as a Trustee. Debbie moved that we appoint her, Judy seconded. All in favor.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Not enough help to sustain a summer reading program. Story Hour was poorly attended, but the Lego Program was successful.
Building Committee: Thanks to Trish for shelf building. She will call Woody about downstairs shelves and clapboards. He electrician will fix the exterior light tomorrow. The notice board is here and awaits placement. Discussed an indoor notice board devoted to notices concerning new additions to our collection. Moving the magazine rack and placing it in the space thus created seems reasonable.
Program Committee: Bat Program coming soon. Both Book Clubs are doing well. Quilting is sporadically active. There is a possibility of a program on Saudi Arabia on 16 Oct. 5-year Plan: Donna will convene a committee (Penelope Weiss, Amy Thomas, Phyllis Wells, Marge Benini, Chryl Martin) to work on it.
Procedure Change: Delete antiquated check-in, check-out procedure and insert Koha procedure. Email notification of Library news will be polished and voted upon at a later date.
Librarian’s Report: Street Dance will be at the Meeting House. Helpers are needed. Sourcing food locally will be stressed.
Adjournment: Trish moved that the meeting be adjourned, Judy seconded. All in favor 8:25 p.m.
Shrewsbury Library Annual Meeting
12 May 2015
Present: Joan, Donna, Lisa, Debbie, Chryl, Pam, Gail, Dirk, Marge, Trish, Dick, Judy.
Minutes: Pam moved to accept the minutes, Trish seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Discussed budget, insurance, tax reporting, report to Listers. Debbie negotiated a lower insurance rate of $1542 for slightly reduced coverage. Marge moved to accept, Gail seconded. All in favor.
Nominating Committee: Chryl will be a full-time Trustee, no longer splitting the position with Gerry. All Trustees and officers agreed to continue in their current positions. Sara Greenspan, Amy Thomas and Jessica Giffen will be asked about interest in the vacancy on the Board created by Turiya’s retirement. Pam moved to accept the whole slate of nominees, Debbie seconded. All in favor.
Fund-Raising: Phone book sales are strong-$2600 profit to date. The Committee will consider the fate of the Book Sale. Book Prospector, due to need to submit each book individually, might be impractical alternative for disposal of surplus books.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Attendance is off for lego program and story hour. Nice weather likely a factor. Summer program being considered by Doris Perry and Donna.
Building Committee: Shelf design being considered. Trish is willing to build them. Dick called electricians, was told that the outdoor light can be fixed for $125-$150. Chryl moved to hire Jim’s Electric, Lisa seconded. All in favor. Lisa found several possibilities for outdoor notice board and will decide which to get, spending up to $200.
Program Committee: Need set-up and refreshments for 26 June Bat Program. Book clubs ongoing, quilting alternate Mondays. Writers’ Group on hiatus. Street Dance 22 Aug.
President’s Report: Survey being worked on. 5-year plan committee being formed.
Librarian’s Report: Holds Policy—items to be held for no more than 2 weeks. Staffers should search shelves for overdues (list of which are on computer under circulation). Newsbank webinar was useful and well-attended.
Dick moved to adjourn at 8:18 pm, Gail seconded. All in favor.
Shrewsbury Library Trustees’ Meeting, 14 April 15
Present: Joan, Lisa, Dirk, Chryl, Gail, Marge, Judy, Pam, Dick
Minutes: Pam moved to accept, Marge seconded, all in favor.
Nominating Committee: With Dianne’s resignation, we need one full term Trustee. Marge would like to assume that slot instead of her current split term. Chryl moved to appoint Marge to the full term position and all were in favor. Chryl suggested that we should convert the two part time positions to one full term position in the interest of increased continuity. Lisa moved to accept this suggestion, Gail seconded and all were in favor. The Nominating Committee will ask Turiya whether she is interested in resuming full term status.
Fund-Raising Committee: Phone book sales are strong, so far--$2580 (incl. advertising). Marge will take over sales at Library events. Pam will look into selling through the Mountain School. Joan was contacted by Book Prospector, an organization which would buy books surplus to Book Sale. Future of Book Sale to be decided upon Donna’s return.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Story Hour on 15 April. Pam suggested that we have a notice board outside to publicize programs. Lisa will investigate. Lego programs are very popular.
Building Committee: Woody will build new shelves for the Great Room. Dick will ask electricians for estimates on outdoor light.
Program Committee: Bear program on 8 May. Marge will help, Gail will bake. More help setting up is welcome.
Librarian’s Report: VTEL program was good. Book clubs and quilting are ongoing. Two volunteers are needed for the 5-year Plan Committee. Community Service Agreement was discussed. Chryl moved that it be adopted, Judy seconded and all were in favor.
New Business: Lisa is preparing information on Newsbank for the Times. Trustees will need to attend a webinar, tentatively scheduled for 12 May at 10a.m.
Adjourned at 8:00p.m.
March 11, 2015
Present: Joan Aleshire, Lisa Sharrow, Gail Hartigan, Pam Grace, Dianne Barclay, Judy Emerick, Cedelle Sirjane, Richard Keane, Trish Norton
Minutes: Trish moved to accept minutes from February 10, 2015 meeting. Dianne seconded. All in favor.
Calendar: Marge Benini is calendar coordinator for the next month.
Treasurer's Report: No report as Debbie Blecich is busy with tax season. Lisa reported that new staff computer has been purchased for $750.
Fund Raising Comm: $480 was deposited from phone book sales. We need to think more about whether to continue book sale. People continue to drop off donated books. Joan would like to have a space for a continuous sale.
Children's Programs: Legos program last week was successful, with 10 adults and 16 children participating. Pam will start story hour again in April.
Building Comm: Incoming water line is frozen. Not much we can do about it. Disposal line is okay so can continue to use facility if water is brought in. Trish presented a bid from Woody for $710 to build additional book shelves in great room. This includes $160 for materials, $450 for labor and about $100 for electrical work to move baseboard outlets. Pam moved we accept bid. Lisa seconded. Trish will contact Woody to go ahead. Will also ask him to recommend electrician to install new exterior entrance light, as the motion detector one has not been working properly. Lisa suggested shelves in 2nd floor closet would make more efficient use of space.
Programs: Cedelle will make poster and set up for Gardener's Roundtable 3/13/15. Last Science Club had good turnout with 8 or 9 people. Chryl has done much research on VTel's new fiber optics plan. Joan will contact Town Clerk to get word out about the library sponsored VTel presentation at the Town Hall on 4/10/15. Pam will put info about it on Front Porch Forum. Discussed possible program on energy, including info on various sources, and possibly involving Efficiency VT in a presentation.
President's Report: Very positive vote for library at Town Meeting. We need to start reading and tallying surveys. We're hoping some people will sign up to do 5 year plan (limited to 2 meetings).
Statistics: Patron count down a little, probably due to weather.
Librarian's Report: We need a set procedure for high school students doing community service at the library, including supervision and verification. Joan will draft a plan. Lengthy discussion on subscribing to Newsbank, which would allow library patrons to access database of hundreds of world newspapers with their library card, from the library or from home. Dianne moved that the library subscribe ($405/yr). Lisa seconded. All in favor. Judy has done much research on this and will bring a presentation to next meeting to show us how to access the Newsbank. Reminder that patrons can use their library card to access UVM Universal Classes, on-line learning for Vermonters. We could advertise this more.
Adjourned at 8:17 PM. Next meeting April 14, 2015.
Librarian: Donna Swartz Richard Keane, Trustee
President: Joan Aleshire Marge Benini, Trustee
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas Gerry and Chryl Martin, Trustee
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow Trish Norton, Trustee
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan Pam Grace, Trustee
Dianne Barclay, Trustee Judy Emerick, Trustee
Unofficial- Shrewsbury Library Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes of 10 Feb 15 meeting of Shrewsbury Library Trustees.
Present: Dianne, Dirk, Lisa, Judy, Joan, Trish, Gail, Dick, Marge, Chryl.
Minutes: Treasurer’s report should have included that an expenditures budget of $23660 was approved. Also approved: $2000 for the 5 year plan from carryover of budget surplus. Spelling of capital noted and hereby corrected. Trish moved to accept with changes, Judy seconded. All in favor.
Fund-raising: Not all phonebook ads have been paid for yet. Discussed cover details at some length. Discussed survey and its distribution. Lisa will put the survey on the web site in case some people care to figure out how to navigate it.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Lego program successful and well-attended.
Building Committee: No estimates for clapboard and insulation work yet. Trish presented sketches of proposed Great Room bookshelves. Much discussion of juxtaposition of computer and sitting area with said shelves. Chryl moved that we get an estimate for full 2 wall complement of shelves. Marge seconded. All in favor. Trish will ask Woody for the estimate. Exterior light still won’t stay on. Dick will contact the electrician. Lisa requests that during cold weather we remember to leave the bathroom door ajar and the heater on.
Program Committee: Gary Shattuck’s program this Sunday, 15 Feb. Book clubs and quilting are ongoing. Gardeners’ Roundtable will be well-staffed by local market gardeners. Discussed possible future program on alternative energy.
President’s Report: 5-year Plan is in the planning stage.
Librarian’s Report: Lisa suggested establishing entirely separate shelf for books checked in but in need of shelving. This in order to reduce probability of books being shelved before being checked in. Koha will soon be able to automatically notify patrons about overdues. SLR is replacing lost books.
New Business: Judy suggested offering digital information service, such as Newsbank that would allow patrons to access a large variety of news sources from home. She also suggested a genealogy discussion group, and will write this up for the Times. Grace Brigham requested that children from the Reinbow Riding Club be allowed to use the Library for Monday afternoon writers’ group, and this was approved by acclamation.
Adjourned: 8:45pm.
Unofficial- Shrewsbury Library Board Meeting Minutes
Librarian: Donna Swartz Richard Keane, Trustee
President: Joan Aleshire Marge Benini, Trustee
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas Gerry and Chryl Martin, Trustee
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow Trish Norton, Trustee
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan Pam Grace, Trustee
Dianne Barclay, Trustee Judy Emerick, Trustee
13 January 2015
Present: Joan, Marge, Gail, Debbie, Pam, Dirk, Trish, Dick, Donna(via skype), Chryl.
Minutes: Trish moved to accept, Gail seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: $2433 more in checking account this year than last. Discussed spending. Silent Auction grossed $3012. Phone book income (from ads sold) to date: $1800+-. Discussed proposed budget for 2015. Pam moved to increase spending for DVD conversion to $1500. Chryl seconded, all in favor. Chryl moved that we request $7500 from Town—level funding. Gail seconded. All in favor. Trish moved that Capitol Fund be increased to $30,000. Marge seconded. All in favor.
Fund-Raising Com.: Phone book is nearing completion.
Children’s Programs: Story hour attendance has been poor. Pam will wait for warmer weather to resume this program. DVD conversion is proceeding. 180 vhs tapes remain, but not all will be converted. Discussed adding shelves in the great room.
Building Com.: New door threshold needs molding. Joan will ask Woody to do this. Donna suggested great room shelving be added under windows on East wall. Sense of the meeting is add as many shelves as possible. Trish will investigate. Donna suggested vestibule light that stays on until switched off (to complement current motion-detector light). Dick will investigate.
Program Com.: Discussed upcoming programs. Book discussions are ongoing but quilting is probably on hiatus. Joan will ask Marcos about possibility of computer office hours by appointment.
President’s Report: Discussed potential new 5-year plan survey.
Statistics: Patron and circulation counts remain strong. Discussed problem of overdues: We need to get Koha to send automatic email reminders.
New Business: Discussed Library’s financial health in context of effective fund-raising. Considerable agreement among Trustees that the Book/Bake Sale is not worth the effort. Discussed getting rid of books on tape, since they rarely circulate. Debbie moved and Marge seconded that we put notice in Times that books on tape are available to the public at no charge on a first-come-first-served basis after March 1st. All in favor.
Adjourned at 8:45pm.
11 November 2014
Librarian: Donna Swartz
President: Joan Aleshire
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan
Pam Grace, Trustee
Dianne Barclay, Trustee
Richard Keane, Trustee
Turiya Levy, Trustee
Gerry and Chryl Martin, Trustee
Trish Norton, Trustee
Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Judy Emerick, Trustee
Present: Debbie, Chryl, Diane, Donna, Joan, Pam, Dick, Judy, Cedelle, Trish, Gail
Minutes: Pam moved to accept, Deb seconded, all in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: Deb advised last check was received from the Town, also that the library is in compliance with the State Department of Libraries requirements and lastly while the State prefers financial/budget reports in December after discussion the Trustee’s decided that the report should be sent in January when all the information is available. Dick moved to accept report, Chryl seconded. All in favor.
Building. Committee: Dick advised that we had received a new metal fire door at a very good price thanks to Woody.
Fund Raising: Donna reported that the phone book registration is up to 280. Gail reported on the donations for the silent auction and Chyrl mentioned the importance of having a printed list of the donations to make it easier for the bidder. Donna reported on the items needed for the silent auction most importantly that all Trustee’s should bring a large bottle of wine and crackers.
Program Committee: Will meet November 21st. Joan reviewed many of the upcoming presenter’s for next year.
Nominating Committee: Gail reported that Marge Benini is interested in the 9 month Trustee vacancy shared with Turiya 3 months. Motion by Trish seconded by Dick to nominate Marge for the 9 month Trustee position all in favor.
Statistics: patron count is up for adults and children last month.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Pam reported there was no attendance for the November Story Hour. Signs will be posted for December. Pre-School Children will be visiting the Library Thursday November 13th.
New Business: Joan reported that Rob Geiszler raised many new concerns at his presentation for the volunteers. A policy committee will be assembled to consider these issues in the near future.
A pass to visit “Hildenne” in addition to the Parks and Recreation Pass was also discussed.
Adjourned at 8:50pm
Unofficial Shrewsbury Library Board Meeting Minutes
14 October 2014
Librarian: Donna Swartz Richard Keane, Trustee
President: Joan Aleshire Turiya Levy, Trustee
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas Gerry and Chryl Martin, Trustee
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow Trish Norton, Trustee
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan Pam Grace, Trustee
Dianne Barclay, Trustee Judy Emerick, Trustee
Present: Joan, Donna, Lisa, Dirk, Debbie, Dianne, Pam, Trish, Judy, Dick, Gerry, Chryl
Special Meeting: Rob Geiszler, Library Development Consultant for the State of VT, started the meeting with a presentation/refresher on library issues, including the Open Meeting Law, confidentiality and Trustee responsibilities. Discussion followed, particularly concerning Open Meeting requirements, but to no conclusion.
Minutes: Chryl’s name was wrongly omitted from the attendance list. The omission is hereby corrected. Lisa moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Trish seconded. All in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: Chryl asked whether the monetary value of the Library is known. The insured replacement value, building and contents, is $438,000. $238.98 more than reported from Book Sale. Trish moved to accept, Dick seconded. All in favor.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: After school Lego program being investigated with Rachelle Patton. Pam is planning November Story Hours.
Building Com.: The contractor who was to give an estimate for clapboard work didn’t show up.
Fund-raising: Draft of fund-raising letter read and discussed. Minor alterations made. Chryl moved to accept, with changes. Debbie seconded. All in favor. Phone book is progressing well. Numbers to be assembled by 15 Nov., ads solicited.
Nominating Com.: Dirk will call Ed Hemmer concerning 9 month Trustee opening.
Program Com.: Will meet on Mon., 20 Oct., at 7pm.
Statistics: Overdues down, as is patron count.
New Business: Gerry expressed widely held concern about R. Geiszler’s assertion that there should always be two people staffing. Lisa notes that calls for Silent Auction should be made asap.
Adjourned: 8:45
Unofficial -Shrewsbury Library Board Meeting Minutes
9 September 2014
Librarian: Donna Swartz Richard Keane, Trustee
President: Joan Aleshire Turiya Levy, Trustee
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas Gerry and Chryl Martin, Trustee
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow Trish Norton, Trustee
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan Pam Grace, Trustee
Dianne Barclay, Trustee Judy Emerick, Trustee
Present: Joan, Lisa, Donna, Debbie, Pam, Dirk, Trish, Dick, Dianne
Minutes: Debbie moved to accept, Trish seconded, all in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: Finances as usual for the time of year. $949.50 from Mettawee, $925 from Street Dance. Dick moved to accept, Pam seconded, all in favor.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Doris Perry and Linda Olney discussed reorganization of Children’s section. Books are being color coded. As books without stickers come back, put them on lower shelf of cart for coding. Pam resigned as Children’s Librarian, will continue to do story hour. Replacement sought.
Building Com.: Plumbing is done, we await estimate for clapboards. Donna mentioned that excavation left hazardous discontinuities in lawn—will be fixed Monday. No food scraps should be left in the trash.
Fund-raising: Donna suggested that the Street Dance should be at the Meeting House in the future. We ran out of food due to large attendance. Sourcing more local food discussed. Discussed set up and staffing for Book/Bake Sale, need to sort as books are put out. Calls for baked goods need to be made. Discussed phone book issues.
Nominating Com.: We need a 9 month Trustee. No responses yet
Program Com.: Ongoing programs are ongoing. Discussed blues film presentation. Committee meeting in October?
Statistics: Overdues are down. Chryl will send admonishing letters to scofflaws.
Adults’ Librarian’s Report: Rob Geiszler will attend next mtg. to discuss confidentiality, and copyright law. He will talk to the volunteers on 21 Oct. Dianne will work on fund-raising letter for approval at Oct. meeting.
New Business: Chryl wants to get rid of audio tapes since they are available through
Listenup. She will investigate how much they circulate. Printer trouble will be resolved by moving computer from the back room. We will stop using pockets and cards for circulating materials except for Ill.
Adjourned: 8:30 pm, as moved by Chryl, seconded by Dick and approved by all.
Unofficial-12 Aug 14
Librarian: Donna Swartz
President: Joan Aleshire
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan
Children’s Librarian: Pam Grace
Dianne Barclay, Trustee
Richard Keane, Trustee
Turiya Levy, Trustee
Gerry and Chryl Martin, Trustee
Trish Norton, Trustee
Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Judy Emerick, Trustee
Present: Debbie, Chryl, Gerry, Dirk, Donna, Joan, Pam, Dick, Judy, Cedelle, Trish, Turiya.
Minutes: Debbie moved to accept, Dick seconded, all in favor.
Treasurers’ Report: Mettawee brought in $950, not included in the report due to timing. Consensus that in future we should charge fixed admission rather than ask for donations because some people declined to donate. Also suggested that we could charge $2 for gingerbread. Trish moved to accept report, Pam seconded. All in favor.
Bldg. Committee: A-1 Septic scoped the pipes and Woody discovered an uphill grade and no insulation in spite of contractor specs. Pipe has been reinstalled properly. Woody suggests insulating access hatch. Trees south of building need to be cut back to reduce encroachment. Fire extinguishers are in, need to be shaken monthly, which DICK will do. Detectors not installed yet.
Fund Raising: Decision on location of Street Dance will be made on Friday, based upon weather prediction. Donna identified the food items still needed. Donna is working on the phone book, and there will be a meeting on 25 Aug to plan procedure. Should leashed dogs be allowed at Mettawee? Consensus is no.
Program Comm.: Both book clubs are ongoing, as are quilting and writers’ group. Scott Garren will hold computer office hours by appointment. Gary Shattuck would like to do a program in Feb or March.
Stats: Circulation, patron count and overdues are up.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Good story hour, 9 children attended. Ben Perry Room is in midst of reorganization and labeling. Should shelves be installed in Great Room to replace the red cart? What about tables? A plan for the area is needed.
Unofficial-10 June 14
Librarian: Donna Swartz
President: Joan Aleshire
Recording Secretary Pro Tem: Dirk Thomas
Vice President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow
Treasurer: Debbie Blecich
Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan
Children’s Librarian: Pam Grace
Dianne Barclay, Trustee
Richard Keane, Trustee
Turiya Levy, Trustee
Gerry and Chryl Martin, Trustee
Trish Norton, Trustee
Cedelle Sirjane, Trustee
Larry Williams, Trustee
Present: Joan, Cedelle, Lisa, Debbie, Donna, Chryl, Pam, Dirk, Trish, Dianne, Richard, Larry, Turiya.
Minutes: Dianne requested that Trustees be listed by full name and office(s) held in the minutes. Trish moved to accept, with this change, and Dianne seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Additional $2000 has been received from various sources. Energy Works has been paid $3000 for efficiency retrofit. Times of Shrewsbury says that we could reduce our donation. Joan suggested donation of $250. Turiya moved to approve that amount and Pam seconded. All in favor. Cedelle moved to accept report and Turiya seconded. All in favor.
Building Comm.: The successful bidder for the card catalog was owed the same amount for services rendered as he owed for the catalog, and assumed, rationally, that the two items cancelled each other, thus the absence of payment for the catalog. Checks must be written, however, so that the accounts are accurate. They will be. Lights and plumbing projects are in progress, as well as smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. Trish wondered whether these will reduce our insurance cost. What is status of siding replacement and insulation? Woody will be interrogated.
Fund Raising: Committee will arrive at date for Book/Bake sale and consider Bingo.
Program Comm.: Charlie Paquin’s program set for 12 July, 10a.m.-3p.m. His fee will be split between adults’ and children’s program. Martha Izzi is moving—effect on Writers’ Group to be seen. JOAN will ask Scott Garren about computer office hours.
Nominating Comm.:A ½ year Trustee (Oct.-May) is needed. Judy Emerick is interested. LISA will contact her. Galen Miller and Gretchen Gould may also be possibilities.
President’s Report: Lisa emailed by-laws and policies to Trustees and is compiling revisions to Handbook. Joan suggested that the Policy Comm. convene to discuss updating policies and procedures. Discussed asking Rob Giezler to present on privacy procedures. Would this count as a course? Staffers should put date of call on reserved items. Discussed high rate of overdues. Other libraries find that sending notice 3 days before due date is productive. CHRYL is investigating alternatives and will write a proposal to deal with the problem.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Pre-school had a good visit and would like to return in the autumn. Ben Perry Room organization is going well. Shelving will be alphabetical within categories. A reception to introduce donated (Barron) books was discussed.
Adults’ Librarian’s Report: Staffers should read the shelves during unstressed moments and make sure that 2013 and 2014 books are shelved on new books shelves. Rita Lane has invited us to use the Church sanctuary for programs.
Adjourned at 8:33p.m., as moved by Chryl and seconded by Richard, with concurrence by all.
Unofficial-13 May 14
Present: Joan, Donna, Lisa, Debbie, Dirk, Cedelle, Pam, Gail, Larry, Peachy, Chryl
Minutes: Lisa moved to accept, Gail seconded. All in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Expenses are higher than anticipated due to septic problems. Countryside Lock and Alarm recommends 5 fire detectors—total price $1144, plus $250 per year for monitoring. LISA will get another estimate. No call back yet on extinguishers. Larry moved to accept, Gail seconded. All in favor.
Building Com:.Energy Works engaged in weatherization project. Woody is still trying to get an electrician for work on lights. LISA will call Steve Elias, the electrician. Plumbing work awaits warmer weather.
Nominating Committee: Joan, Peachy, Pam and Dirk are at end of two year terms. All agree to stand for reappointment, as does the Executive Committee. Larry moved to nominate the entire slate, and Pam seconded. All in favor.
Program Com.: Sri Lanka program on 16 May. No word yet from Charlie Paquin. JOAN will attempt to contact him. Quilting will resume on 14 May, weekly perhaps, regular day to be decided. Writers’ group is still meeting on alternate Thursdays.
Fund Raising: Metawee will be first Saturday in August. Bingo as fund raiser discussed. Check for card catalog is not in evidence. JOAN will investigate.
President’s : Lisa is nearly done with revisions to Trustees’ Handbook and will distribute it to new Trustees. Overdues were discussed. Chryl suggested that she and Tersh could call miscreants twice per month. Koha will generate a current list, and staffers should spend spare time looking for overdues on the shelves and record on clipboard if found. Should bills for replacement be sent when all else fails? Automatic email notification of overdues is pending.
Children’s Librarian’s Report: Pam met with Doris and Linda. They will be organizing the Ben Perry room and scheduling a school visit. Pam needs a request box on the desk.
Librarian’s Report: Courses for Trustees are being investigated.
New Business: Books donated by Mr. Barron could be the basis for a reception. Volunteer Appreciation night should be pleasant with little or no hectoring.
Adjourned at 8:17pm: moved adjourn and Larry seconded. All in favor.